

Jennie's recipes

Saturday 29 April 2023

Nearly face-planted myself today . . .

 I seem to have an infection which is  involving my balance - leaning forward is NOT a good idea today and several times I just caught myself from falling forward - not a good idea going face-first on concrete.  Turning sharply not a good idea either.  

Despite people telling me I had lovely things, most of them are still with me!  The blue bowl just to the right of the Green Man sold though and I have a lady who took my phone number reference the John Calver plate behind it.

I  have Tam AND boyfriend J helping me tomorrow, and also my good friend Pam.  Hope I am feeling better but have the feeling I will crash on Monday .. .

Here is Pippi showing you what paper bags are really for . . .

I am about to demonstrate what a bed is for! Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.


  1. Being dizzy/unbalanced sounds like an inner ear infection--which could, of course, be part of a bout with allergies. Not something you need at any time! It must have been hard to carry on through the day away from home.

  2. Well, it has come with a bit of a sore throat on and off, slight need to blow nose (now starting to recede into synuses), and noisy cough. Perhaps I caught it off Danny's little girl.

    I did a good bit of sitting, but still clocked up 20,000+ steps around the Fair. I read some of a book called The Cottage which is a tad scary and best read during the hours of daylight, although I think I have twigged what the "wild animal in the garden is" . . . We have lovely "neighbours" - the Fair communities are such lovely folk and we treasure these friendships.

  3. I love your stand and we share a similar taste I think. I am sure I would not come away empty handed! We crashed through £6,000 for April yesterday, a new record for the shop. I am definitely target-driven when I’m working. My favourite thing to do is to choose a dozen books that I would love to buy and display them on the oval table and usually at least half of them have sold by the end of my shift. I guess you do something similar in that you only buy to sell what you love. Hope you are feeling more balanced this morning and have a chance to walk around the fair. Don’t forget to drink plenty and sit quietly away from the crowds to eat your lunch. Have a great day. Sarah x

  4. Hope you feel better soon. Dizziness is a bit scary but I think once the warm weather eventually arrives we should all be better.

  5. You do have lovely things! I'm curious though. What is the long wooden box with lid just in front of the ship candle holder?
