

Jennie's recipes

Sunday 30 April 2023


 But now my head cold is coming out in earnest and I am getting through tissues like an express train.  Tam has gone out for food - curry house not answering phone though . . .  A very quiet day at the Fair today, but Bargain Hunt were doing some filming right in front of my stall and one of their group asked if he could stand in my spot so he could give directions to the Expert Tim Weeks, who was hiding behind a very tall bookcase and had to leap out to surprise his blue team.

Ooh, a different angle as they have my stall in the background.

Moving along my stall - the Ukrainian saddle is now a piece of Folk Art and is staying with me for the moment, as is the old grain scoop to the right.  The two goat yokes sold (gone to Ireland), and the two German studio pottery chickens - the cockerel had a fabulous soft pastel glaze.  The Jack-in-the-Pulpit Bavarian glass vase also sold, thank heavens, as I worried about breaking the top off the spire every time I packed it!

Tea here.  A lovely spicy chicken kebab and salad instead.


  1. Good to hear you survived your days!
    Will have to look out for that episode of Bargain Hunt - much later in the year I expect

  2. A rhinovirus..feels like one has had a rhino walking over one.....

  3. How fun to watch the filming! If someday you get a link pls let us know, maybe YouTube? I'd have wanted those chickens, and the blue bowl, maybe the redware bird plate and blue striped rolling pin. Any quilts?
    I am so glad you are a bit better. My ex husband had very similar vertigo and ear infection as part of undiagnosed Long Covid [tests do not work on some new version of Covid, he had tested at home, negative.] He was hospitalized for two months, had to relearn walking etc. Very frightening, tho he is home and better now.

    love and healing wishes


  4. Glad to hear that you survived! I hope the sales were worth the effort and time. I'm sorry you now have a cold. Do hope it clears soon.

  5. Glad to hear that you survived the weekend, and your stall looks lovely. Just the right amount of items for sale, I was always guilty of putting too much on my tables.

  6. Your stall is lovely, and I am glad that you sold some of your items. Hope your cold gets better very soon.

    God bless.

  7. Prop your feet up for a well deserved rest today.
