

Jennie's recipes

Thursday 4 May 2023

Legs like chewed string today

 Well, that was a restful night, NOT!  I woke three times, drenched in sweat and my legs feel like chewed string this morning.  For heavens sake - I knelt for 30 mins max to do that bit of weeding!  My Bluebell walk with friend Pam is starting to take shape as: I guide her there and sit in the car with a good book sort of Bluebell Walk - she will find her way round the wood without me by her side.  Yeesh.  I get so few days out too and still haven't had my Birthday Day Out because the weather was inclement and then I have been busy decorating/getting ready for and doing the Fair. Ah well, another sofa day I guess, and I can see the garden starting to get away from me already. 

Anyway, the rest of the Fair photos.  I did treat myself too, and will put a photo of that up tomorrow.



Rather Drew Pritchard . . .  For overseas followers, he has a tv programme (well, several spin-offs of it too) and specializes in what I call grunge antiques.  The sort of thing most of us would take to the Tip! Old chairs with the stuffing hanging out, rusty old this and that, anatomical posters like this and many many old industrial lights, factory chairs etc.

 A good cross-section of stuff here.

Slightly out of focus teddies - my fault, setting had got altered for distance and I forgot to change it.

A home-made Log Cabin quilt, reasonably recent I think.

I think this had a price tag of around £950 . . .

The wonderful treen stand from Bideford, N. Devon.   A long journey but obviously worthwhile for him as he's always here and has such beautiful things.  Keith splashed out on an unusual costrel (for me) from him a few years back.

On our friend Paul's stand, a really rare plaster (with animal hair in it) face of a seal I think it was though looking at it now I think it looks rather like a terrier.

He had a wonderful selection of carvings.

Aren't these wonderful (sorry for not totally in focus).

Great skill was used on this lovely 17th C carving.

A nice Windsor chair here.

A lovely selection of things here.

I liked the green Deco jug just to the right of the red and blue plate.

Hmmm.  Nothing to take my fancy here!

Right, thank you for all your comments.  I will try and reply to them later.  Meanwhile I have to keep awake and upright long enough for the boiler man to come.

Some more scenes from my stand.  We have LOTS of room, so spread everything out.  All very well until it's going home time and lots to pack!

Right, time to try and force some breakfast down . . .


  1. Oh dear BB. I’m sorry you’re still feeling rough. T was in Wales this past weekend and has been quite poorly since coming home on Monday and he is never ill. At first he thought it was food poisoning from a motor way service station but now it seems it’s from drinking contaminated water at the eco campsite they were staying on. Love the treen, have never seen any of DP’s programmes and your stand is definitely my favourite. Our nearby bluebell woods are absolutely beautiful right now and I’m walking in them every day. Feel better soon. Sarah x

    1. Sorry to hear about T drinking contaminated water. Hope he has complained as that will spoil anyone's holiday. Drew Pritchard does buy some country house antiques too but he is responsible for the trend for all the rusty falling-apart stuff you see at antique centres and fairs! I saw a few Bluebells peeping through the long verge-side grass on my way back from town this morning but of course, I am a social pariah whilst I still have any cold symptoms and Pam will go to the Bluebell Woods without me.

  2. Glad you are getting over the cold but sorry about the poor night's sleep. Hope you recover fully soon. Some interesting things for sale at the Fair. Take care.

    1. Thanks RR. I'm fed up with this and having to work AND be Keith's carer has taken its toll. You never know what will be at a Fair. I shot around outside like a scolded cat but not much of interest to me out there.

  3. Get well soon. I am quite disappointed in you. That peacock! Can you imagine how that tail would have delighted Pippi and Lulu?

  4. Oh my goodness - it would have been bald after the first day here!!! Resting up today and really enjoying my family history. I really feel a part of the areas I'm researching deeply.

  5. Oh dear. I'm afraid that makes two of us. I wasn't doing too badly. Then I had to take the bins out yesterday. Lifting my leg over the step several times. And I've been in agony all night and I can hardly move my right leg. Today. We don't learn, do we?
    On a more cheerful note, I have really enjoyed seeing all the pictures of the fair. Naturally, I like seeing the teddies and quilts. But there are so many other interesting bits and bobs. And some obviously substantially more than just being bits and bobs. Deb in Wales.

  6. Alan likes watching the Drew Pritchard series on television and marvel at the tat he finds. It is all displayed very extravagantly in his Conwy shop. His original warehouse was just up the road from our Welsh house next to the garden centre, but that was before he became famous, did the dirty on his wife and lost the plot totally.

    There were some unique looking items for sale, I have to admit to my eyes being drawn to all the gorgeous wooden things, and those Windsor chairs are beautiful. You need to have a relaxing day , are you sitting down to watch the Coronation on Saturday? A day of television and cream teas could be the perfect day off for you.

  7. I really hope you start feeling better very soon. Love the pictures, such interesting things for sale.

    God bless.
