

Jennie's recipes

Wednesday 3 May 2023

On the mend

 But as it was a fluey cold, you daren't do anything too soon.  I was actually able to stay awake during the day today - felt better late afternoon and thought I would kneel down and do some weeding.  Bad move.  Came back in, temperature returned and I was so cold, then everything I'd just moved began to ache.

Another photo from the Fair.

Off to bed now - still in the yellow bedroom as when I cough it's very loud!  Chap is coming to replace the broken heating controller tomorrow - at present we can either have hot water OR central heating, not both at the same time!


  1. Oh dear, sorry you are feeling bad again. Rest and don't do too much.

    God bless.

    1. Resting today Jackie, and doing well with sidesteps in family history, having found some good links to parish records so I can have more background about my families in Devon.

  2. Take another day resting........ please.
    Hope you get your heating/water thing fixed. Very cold here last night - so stay warm if it's the same your way.
    (don't know what those chickens are on the table but they look fun)

    1. Absolutely have to. At least I haven't needed to lie down on the sofa today, so that is progress. I think the chickens are china teapots and they do look like fun. I sold both the German chickens I had to the same lady.

    2. P.S. Water heating fixed now with a new control panel.

  3. Hope you feel fine in time for the Coronation. I am so looking forward to watching it all on TV. I cannot wait to see the flowers (I’m sure there will be lots of wild flowers) and hear the music. Weeds are now must have garden plants (I am always ahead of the curve!) and I have been making posies from dead nettle (lovely white flowers, freshest green leaves), Real English bluebells which grow abundantly in my woodland, red campion (grows everywhere!), golden yellow buttercups from meadow and lacy cow parsley which also grows everywhere. From the garden I am adding white lightly scented Elka daffodils, blue centaurea Montana, cowslips for their delicious honey floral scent which I grew from seed in 2020, a few snips of Lily of the valley again for scent, pink honesty and the final flourish is Tulip Black Hero with its small double flowers which in my experience is one of the best tulips for naturalising in the garden. Loved the quilts from your previous post. You have reminded me to get out my whole cloth quilt which I am slowly quilting freehand using my grandma’s embroidery threads. It is slow stitching as my gardening hands can’t cope with more than 15 minutes a day! Sarah x

    1. At least I can sit down and watch it and not feel guilty. Gosh, if grass was a garden plant I'd be well-covered! Like my garden at Ynyswen, this one can't forget it used to be a meadow! Oh your posies sound SUCH a delight. My red campion in the garden (a planted one) has just come into flower. I will look out for the Black Hero tulips as that would look lovely naturalized.

      Enjoy your whole cloth quilt - little and regular quilting will get there in the end.
