

Jennie's recipes

Sunday 9 July 2023

A Middle of the Night Post - oh, and that "bonus hole" . . .

(The new header is the view of the Carmarthen Fans from the top of the hill above our old house, Ynyswen.)

 I can't sleep.  I read for a bit, turned the light out, still couldn't sleep.  So I am down with a cup of tea and the cats have of course demanded an early breakfast . . . and got it.  

Yesterday we went to see Danny, Emma and little I.  D&E had just come back from Paris, celebrating Emma's birthday.  We took down Emma's presents and something I'd found (brand new) in a charity shop for I to unwrap so she didn't feel left out.  It was a little build a beetle game and she soon got the hang of it.  Keith had a long massage (Emma has her own holistic healing business and massage is one of her most popular treatments).  She was brilliant and really helped Keith's neck and upper back, as well as helping clear the lymphatic build up in his calves, and even  massaging his feet which have suffered from living in slippers. . .  We will see how he is today. We've also got the number of a mobile masseur who comes recommended, so will try and book in every fortnight, as Emma suggested.

From my local walk on Friday.

I had a very quick gallop around Matalan, as I wanted some "daps" to wear in the garden etc, and ended up with several things as they were having a half price sale (good timing on my part).  So I came out with 5 pairs of new socks, a lovely long skirt and a strappy top which I can wear on the hottest days.  The latter is not the most flattering garment as I didn't have time to try anything on, with a tired Keith in the car, but hey-ho, I shan't parade around in it just wear it about the house.

We drove past the old house, at Keith's request.  Had it been possible, we would have stayed there forever as he loved it so much.  We called very briefly at friends Pam and Dunc's before heading home. Hopefully they are coming to see us here at home soon.  

Fortunately there had been some very heavy showers so I didn't need to water round.  It chucked it down a couple of times on the way to Carmarthen, much needed here where it is so much drier.

Gosh, you can tell I'm tired.  Straightforward reporting and hardly worth writing!  Back to bed I think.

Oh, just one thing before I go.  I got good and mad reading in the paper yesterday that a Womens' Cancer charity (a Cervical cancer trust) has issued guidance for "language to use when supporting trans men and/or non-binary people" - for them a woman's vagina will now be called a "bonus hole".  That is so mysogynistic and demeaning that it defys belief!  And no, for the record, I don't believe that women have penises either or that men can breast feed.  Your comments on a postcard please.


  1. Holy Smoke! If that Women's Cancer charity is going to speak like that to trans or Non-b people, fine - they can call their bits whatever they like, and I guess they're not that important to them, ... but... surely they're not going to speak to all their clients like that? And, surely, there will be some/many? trans-etc people who wouldn't appreciate that kind of language? The world is very complicated at the moment, isn't it. I fully appreciate that there are some people whose understanding of themselves does't 'fit' with the physical shape they see when they look at themselves naked, which must be very difficult, and I certainly don't want to make it worse for them, ...but I doubt I'd be comfortable speaking to them like that!

  2. It is so insulting, even if it is language used just for their trans community. The whole state of affairs reminds me of the playground, when the child with the personality to charm or the school bully gets in charge and the other kids follow blindly like sheep. I don't now how such a small percentage of the population (0.5% at the last count in the UK) can wield such power. I have nothing against the LGBTQIA+ community, but strong views on the people who jump on the wagon (NHS this means you). Or in schools - "This child identifies as a cat" - for heaven's sake, it's not even a GENDER - give her some Whiskas and a litter tray if you must indulge her, but I always thought teachers were there to give moral guidance not castigation.

  3. Sir Gaerfyrddin is a beautiful county. I went to art school in Carmarthen and I would happily move there. Sometimes without depleting facilities further west, I think it would be a wise move. But then again, I couldn't face the upheaval. Glad to hear the massage helped Keith. It is something I have been considering. For me, how the game you bought is Beetle Drive. That's all I'm hearing about these days. It must. be regaining in popularity I still have my original one. Must now be 60 years old. And it's all intact. And in the original box must be worth a fortune. Lol.

  4. Yes, I suspect it is - there is a numbered wheel with a spinning pointer. (Bet that's soon lost!) Fancy you still having your original one. I hope you didn't play with it and devalue it!!

    Carmarthen certainly has all the amenities these days. When we first moved there at the end of the 1980s it was very much a one horse town. We were glad to move here though, despite fewer facilities on the doorstep. We could, if necessary, sort most of our needs in Builth and Llandod, and although the Hospital is 40 miles away at Hereford, it's a very good one. Were we to move closer to Tam, Aberystwyth Hospital has a very poor reputation. Not ideal as we are getting older.

  5. Omg, that is so insulting! Bonus hole? Why is society so keen on placating a noisy few and insulting and demeaning everyone else.
    Don't get me started about how 'transitioning men' are using womens changing rooms and sexually assaulting them. I am not one to follow the narrative.

    Take care Sharie xxx

    1. Indeed, like the ones who are transitioning on the verge of going to jail so they go to women's prisons and can assault and rape at will. Same applies to the changing rooms. And don't get me started on "sex" education at schools.

  6. If my vagina was referred to as a "bonus hole" when I had cervical cancer 31 years ago I would have been very insulted and I still would be in 2023. Gillian.

    1. Indeed. I am glad that the treatment for you was successful. I would say that's one charity for whom support by women everywhere has just gone down the drain.

    2. This is sinister. Another charity for women has been prompted/ pressured to use language which alienates women. Another trans victory, another loss for women.

    3. I agree Nelliegrace. I've never been a feminist but the thin end of the wedge has been shoved a fair way into what women are and stand for. "Chest feeding" for heaven's sake, and "those with a cervix" - terms used by the NHS who - let's face it - can usually tell the difference between the sexes. Abusing the use of the word "mother" so they don't offend the miniscule number of transgender people. Some pregnant women have been termed "service users". The use of the F-word has been mightily sat on by me as believe me - I wanted to use it!

  7. You are very brave to drive past the house you loved so much. Did it look different I wonder. We were talking about massage at yoga yesterday. Everyone seems to have regular massages apart from me so perhaps I should remedy that. I am enjoying yoga and learning all the time. Yesterday we were focussing on the psoas muscles (no, never heard of them either) which run down the side of the abdomen and connect the upper and lower body. Having strong psoas muscles protects the lower back so that is my takeaway from this week. Last week it was all about the upper back. It is a good class because I then practise at home and try and involve S in my practise. He is so stiff and skinny I have to be careful not to break him but he can now move smoothly from Dog to Plank and back again and his posture is improving all the time. How is your back BB? I imagine you have good posture and a strong back from riding. Last year for book group we read a novel called “Detransition, Baby”. I cannot remember the name of the American author but it was an interesting read if only for learning the correct terminology and no it did not include the term ‘bonus hole’ which sounds degrading to everyone. Yesterday we did a favourite walk up North which always reminds me of the Surrey Hills and our old stomping ground as it is very hilly and densely wooded with lots of little streams. We had our picnic sitting on the grass close to Pallingham Quay which was an important hub for the now disused Wey and Arun canal. It it so pretty there now, ancient stone bridges crossing the water which was full of white water lilies in flower and magenta pink loose strife growing on the edges and the handsome farmhouse and barns overlooking all. Up on the high ground you have the most amazing 360 degree views of both the North and South Downs - quite spectacular. Today we are forecast rain for most of the day but none so far and it doesn’t look likely either. Never mind, we will go swimming anyway as we are now in a good routine with our weekly swims. 1500m in 35 minutes last week, can I crack the 30 minutes this week - I like a challenge! Have a great day BB. I keep sane by not reading a newspaper or watching any TV news, Radio 3 has two-minute bulletins at 8, 1 and 6 which tell me all I need to know - when I even listen to them. I think newspaper circulations are so low nowadays that they print anything, especially controversial rubbish, just to provoke, and the online news feeds are just as bad. Sarah x

  8. I was more than ready to leave - we had poured our heart and soul (and huge amounts of money) into that property. I just walked away without a backward glance. Keith's heart is still there though. The new owners have done what we suggested and put in for planning consent to reroute the entrance across the paddock and blocking off the gate at the front. The cows now cross the lane where they used to half a century ago, in front of the house where a quarry waste track has been laid. You can't see the house very much from the front now.

    The yoga sounds like is it doing you good, and S too. Keith sadly is just getting worse, almost day by day, as he is so frightened of falling where his BP is so low still.

    My back is holding up to the gardening. Goo strong muscles still there from riding but I need to try and get out to walk more - weather - be it too hot, too humid and this last day or two, too wet has been against me. Unless I walk for a couple of hours, the choice of walks locally is limited - at Ynyswen I could do any permutation of about 15, and walk along the flat of the valley bottom. I have to go into town for flat walks. Your walks sound amazing.

    Hard to avoid the news in this house as Keith takes a daily paper and has the news on a good bit of the day it seems (his mother was the same).

  9. I totally agree with you. More people are at last, standing up and saying the same thing. Well done! You have my support. X
