

Jennie's recipes

Saturday 8 July 2023

Waiting for the vet to phone back . . . and update

 Not the afternoon I was planning as half an hour ago Pippi came in from outside panting very VERY fast and I'm worried that she has been stung by something - though I can't see any swelling on paws or face.  She and Lulu are terrors for catching flies . . .  I have spoken to the duty vet now, and now what to look for if she needs to be taken down to be examined.  Her gums are a good colour which is a positive.  It is possible she just met up with the stray tom out there in the long grass and Rosebay Willowherb - gosh, you could hide a Tiger in there!  Anyway, she's taken herself off to the washing basket in the Utility and although she's still hyper-ventilating, is washing herself and hopefully will calm down soon.  I'll do an update later.

Here she is in the paper recycling box . . .  She has eaten a meal and calmed right down again now, but doesn't like to be outside unless I am there.

Update: Well, it took her an hour to calm down - her breathing was SO incredibly fast I worried she would collapse.   I do think perhaps she met the tom and he chased her. Perhaps she won't wander through the hedge onto the track behind, which is where I saw her appearing from this past week.  There has been a new black and white (tom?) about - one who is used to cat flaps as I found him in the hall the other evening when I was going to lock up.  He exited but then sat on the step so is obviously someone's wandering cat.

The girls are both so small - never grew much beyond 6 mths really - they're now 9 mths.  Mother was starved when pregnant with them (feral) and Pippi was the runt of the litter.  Very relieve she seems ok again now.

These are the Flapjacks Keith had been asking for recently.  Just goes to show that a) I am not perfect (!) and b) this is what happens when you make a cake whilst something is in the oven.  In my defence, I'd not used this recipe before and forgot that the temperature for a fan oven wasn't given, therefore I should have adjusted it accordingly. I didn't. I shall try again tomorrow.

Fortunately the Chocolate Blackberry Brownies turned out well.

Anyway, back to the Quilts on display at Minerva Arts.  There were lots of framed "strippy" scenes too, like this lovely one, but the glass stopped them being suitable for photographing.

Below, to the right of the quilt:

A close-up of the damage down the years (stored badly one assumes), but perhaps just worn out before it got shoved in the bac of a cupboard.

I'm sorry, I didn't get an attribution for this, but isn't this rendering of Klimpt's painting of Adele Bloch-Bauer wonderful?

Nothing going on in the garden today.  I am allergic to something to the point that it is making my nose react, despite anti-histamines.  Then when I went around the corner of the house to look at my new plantings, I promptly got pounced on by a clegg and bitten (horse fly).  I have done a little bit of dead-heading and tidying, but I think I'll watch the racing and catch up on my reading.

The town had a noisy start as a leg of a car rally was set to start by the Strand.  The Groe was covered in support vehicles and caravans.  We could hear them doing roary gear changes up the snakey hills of the Eppynts.

Have a good weekend all.


  1. So sorry to hear about Pippi and I hope she is ok now and you find a way to keep the other cat at a distance. I love the Klimt quilt I really do.

    1. Well, she's not at the door to go out yet, so I am hoping she will stay closer to home in future. She is so brave and adventurous. The Klimt quilt/wallhanging is amazing.

  2. Beautiful quilts..and hope you and Pippi feel better soon

    1. It was a good selection from the quilts that they have acquired over the years, plus the displays they hold in the summer. Pippi happy to be indoors at the moment . . .

  3. Glad Pippi has calmed down and regained her composure. Probably is the Tom that scared her. Hope everything stays okay. Bless her and you xx

    1. It was very worrying at the time, poor little girl.

  4. So relieved this post contained an update on Pippi. What a calamity. hyperventilation is a horrible thing to see and the poor little mite couldn't tell you what the problem was. So now I guess we'll never know
    Super exhibition of quilts so I am going to come. back and enlarge the photos to take an even better look later on today after the groceries have been delivered

    1. I think it must have been the tom, as she is sticking close to home now. Hope you enjoy the enlarged quilts later.

  5. Goodness me, poor Pippi and you. I don’t think I would like a Tom cat prowling around the house in the evening. The quilts are so interesting and the colours remind me of the very old Welsh farmhouses we used to stay in during the 1980s and early 1990s, before the National Trust interior designers got their hands on them. Please make or buy a lemony something to spritz on before you go outside - anything to deter those cleggs We woke up to a little bit of rain this morning and enjoyed a five-minute downpour yesterday morning. It’s not really enough but at least we’re getting little bits of rain here and there which is preferable to six weeks of drought. I must just tell you that I bought Edward Thomas’ “Heart of England” collection of essays published by Dent in 1932 from my bookshop yesterday. A small green cloth-covered edition with a couple of woodcuts by Eric Fitch Daglish - a very nice copy for my nature writer’s library which is housed on the shelf of the little arts and crafts oak cabinet in the patchwork bedroom. When life gets too much I retire here to lie on the bed and read. Wishing you a peaceful Sunday BB. Sarah x

    1. We had this at Ynyswen, with a HUGE black tom who had been someone's pet. He terrorized all the other cats, even once neutered, and we were very glad to leave him behind when we moved. New people happy to keep him, along with Miffy and Squeaker.

      I will put some Avon SSS on next time I do battle out there (tomorrow I suspect). Heavy showers here today - we drove through two on the way to Carmarthen today.

      Enjoy ET's Heart of England. His prose writing is as sublime as his poetry. Just the use and choice of words. Your little arts and crafts cabinet sounds divine. Especially with its contents.

  6. I do hope the little puss cat got over whatever was wrong x
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Well, she's not going far from me or the yard, so whatever it was scared her thoroughly, poor little girl.
