

Jennie's recipes

Monday 21 August 2023

Round Crickhowell

 I had a message from Dan last night, could I pick him and Emma up from the Green Man Festival please, as their lift had fallen through.  No problems, though I am tired now from all the driving.  A few photos around Crickhowell.  Too tired for many words, sorry . . .

A lot of work went into the Green Man and the yarnbombing of the postbox for the Duck Race.

The floral displays in the town are something else.  Aren't these spectacular?

You get the idea.  

I need to do some hanging baskets like these here next year.

Off to bed now.  Utterly exhausted.  I've just had to stop Pippi trying to kill a bat (managed to get it picked up in a hanky and out of the window) and then she decided she would climb up the white kitchen dresser and managed to break a glass jar with fairy lights in into a hundred pieces . . .


  1. The Pippi stories seem a lot funnier when you're reading them as opposed to sweeping up a million pieces of shattered glass. The little stinker!

    That town and it's flowers are just breathtaking.

    1. Yes, on the receiving end I had a distinct sense of humour failure last night I can tell you!

      We did try to find a property we liked (and could afford) in Crickhowell, but it's Very Desirable and so we ended up near Builth instead.

  2. Hope you got a good nights sleep. Pippi is being very mischievous.

    Love all the flowers and the hanging baskets are extraordinarily lovely.

    God bless.

    1. Only till 5.45a.m.when I heard Keith moving about.

      The flowers in Crickhowell were balm for the soul.

  3. How can the flower boxes and planters look so fresh at the end of summer? I'd love to know the secret.
    That dear Pippi--a bombastic personality in a small package! Breakables haven't much of a chance around adventurous felines.

    1. It's much cooler here. Though we had two months of constant sunshine May/June, it's rained just about every day from 1 July onwards. I have to say, these do look spectacular. I think BIG hanging baskets are the answer.

      Oh yes, Pippi's bombastic, that's for sure! She had been removed from the 2nd shelf up only a minute before, but she was determined, and my back was turned . . . I have to confess, I shouted at her.

  4. Now that's what I call a flower display. Here they are quite embarrassing. Our local council used to give a pair of beautifully planted hanging baskets to every. to every business to. put outside their doors. Most of them didn't last a month. People don't realise when you have plants in containers, they need to be watered. When the Queen came to bestow city. status on us they brought in dreadful concrete. horse troughs. They were planted up and didn't look too bad because with HM coming they pulled out all the stops. However, since then, let's just say it's all gone downhill. Huge horse drops everywhere with half a dozen pansies in them. No those ones you've got there are absolutely stunning packed jam. packed jam crammed full of flowers is how they should be. Otherwise you don't get a decent display.

  5. I’m guessing a lot of feeding to produce that amount of flowers - they do look cheery though especially against the white walls. Oh dear Pippi, do you think the shock of smashing glass might deter her from future high rise adventures? We had a great visit to High Beeches garden in the High Weald on Sunday where a pair of Comtois (from Comte in the French Alps) heavy horses were harrowing the four acre wildflower meadow. So relaxing to watch and I loved finding out about the horses and the other work they have been doing. The pair were so pretty too, caramel coloured with long flaxen manes and tails - absolutely gorgeous. Meanwhile I have been mowing our half acre wildflower meadow. S made a start on Saturday while I was at work and I finished the long cut yesterday and today or tomorrow depending on how I am feeling I will mow over it all again on a half height cut which shouldn’t take too long. We’re going to Dartmoor in September, staying at Sanders in Lettaford two miles from Chagford which is a favourite Landmark Trust property. The drive will be 180 miles, with a convenient stop halfway at Stourhead for a picnic and a good stretch of the legs. After driving 270 miles down to Cornwall last year this will be a cinch - I hope! In other news we need a new roof, but I am on it and the job is scheduled for the end of September. We had been toying with the idea of moving to a smaller house with much less garden (I do all the cleaning and gardening and am very happy to do so but I could easily find help when I start to slow down) but we know that nothing will offer us what this house does which is adaptable and wheelchair friendly ground floor living with easy flat access to the garden and lovely countryside to walk or scooter to from the house, plus the village shop and cafe, village hall activities, a pub and vibrant churches all within 10 minutes walk. I think even if we lived in the suburbs we wouldn’t have what we have here. Hope you are doing ok BB. I do love reading your blog. Sarah x

  6. Isn't it wonderful? Here in Builth we have some nice hanging baskets and a chap comes round to water them daily with a long hooked "water pole" and a big water container on wheels. I imagine he gets paid for this service.

    How can people not realize plants need watering to survive? I get upset at the ones at supermarkets, never being watered and becoming more and more dessicated. I have bought some out of pity for them before, to give them a chance.

  7. I share rustic pumpkins pain. Last year was the year of the garden in Canada. I rallied the troops and started a programme to support store owners putting flower baskets and tubs outside their businesses. The council blocked us left, right and centre basically saying flowers on the high street was a union job. We got round it by making sure any displays were on private property and did the council have any flower displays-no!
    Regarding drug issues. I know the frustration. After a year of being a zombie and complaining about the drugs I was on, the doctor finally admitted they had been poisoning me. Can you get a second oinion for Keith? I also find hospital pharmacists really know their stuff and if you can get a review from them it can work wonders. Doctors however can be quite prickly about it. The best places are where they have a team based aproach with all the disciplines weighing in.

  8. The flowers are amazing, a real lift for the spirits. I made "your Pineapple Fruit Cake" last week, it is so yummy, I have to limit OH to 3/4 of a slice and me the other 1/4 - having just lost the excess weight I have to resist having more.
