

Jennie's recipes

Wednesday 23 August 2023

Panic stricken when Lulu goes missing


Butter wouldn't melt would it?  This was madam this morning, happy to be an Indoor Kitten and Play with her Sister.  I was in a bit of a state - stress was rearing its ugly head and my BP was a damn sight higher than it is meant to be.  I spent the morning doing the jobs which had to be done (including stripping and making Keith's bed - with a little help from the kittens of course!

This could be her giving me a kitten V-sign!

As you can see, they were being Very Helpful and having a real battle.

It had been going on through several bed-making stages . . .

    Anyway, I took myself off for a couple of hours, to have a good brisk walk (on the flat) beside the reservoir in the Elan Valley, then went back to the car and got my box and went blackberrying.  Just enough to stew up with apples this week and probably make Chocolate Blackberry Brownies too. I still have some in the freezer from last year, which will make jam now.

    When I got back, I let the kittens out - they had been in snoozing whilst I was out.  I was busy peeling potatoes, sorting out the evening meal etc, and then realized I hadn't seen Lulu for well over an hour - though Pippi was about. I called and rattled tins and a box with some cat biscuits in.  Everyone came running - but not Lulu. She never goes far - rarely out of sight even. I then spent half an hour in a blind panic, searching in the grounds of the big house (twice), the lane down past us to the farm, the house (every nook and cranny, getting more and more worried every minute.  Finally, having decided I would never see her again because a fox had got her or she had gone down a rabbit hole and couldn't turn round, I came back in the house and there was Lulu - who promptly had a poo in the litter box, blue eyes almost crossed with concentration.  She looked up at me sweetly - did you miss me?

    Now Pippi is out in the long grass somewhere or in the Rhododendron thicket, where I cannot ever find them if they disappear along their little cat trail.  She does come back though.  If Lulu hadn't been back when I went to bed, the front door would have had to have been left open as she hasn't discovered how to use the cat flap yet and when I tried showing her she panicked!  Mind you, I wouldn't have gotten a wink of sleep anyway . . .

    Keith has making very slow improvements.  He is now walking round with his stick - and when he gets tired, his walking frame on the other side of him.  That is MUCH better than having to use the wheelchair.  I am praying that the higher dose of Thyroxine may just be starting to make a slight difference. His blood pressure is still very low though, despite medication to raise it.

UPDATE:  I spoke too soon. Keith went up for a shower, but when I went to check on him, he could barely stand upright.  He wanted his BP taken whilst still standing - it was 81/61 with a pulse of 69.  Hopelessly low. We managed to get him to bed and he had a snack type tea (not the lamb leg steaks I had put in the slow cooker all afternoon).  Let's hope he's better tomorrow . . .

 A final photo of the miscreant . . .  Better not take my blood pressure for a while . . .


  1. How nice for Lulu to be completely oblivious to all the trouble she caused.

    1. Oblivious is definitely the right word Susan. I have to say Pippi got the brains and Lulu got the beauty! I know, wicked aren't I? She isn't the brightest, bless her, but they both bring me such happiness and laughter and I couldn't cope without them.

  2. And she looks so innocent, they must make you laugh with their antics. Sorry to read that Keith's health is so up and down. Our friends who came to stay at the weekend have their health problems. L has developed Type 2 diabetes and T (her OH) has AF, other heart problems and very dodgy knees - his Consultant's appointment is next March! Fingers crossed me and OH seem ok, apart from old age aches and pains.

    1. Pippi can't quite pull innocent off, but Lulu has it off pat! We have worked out he hadn't drunk enough today (my fault as I forgot to top his water up before I left). Tomorrow I shall be pouring water down his throat all day. Gosh, sorry for your friends - that's a long wait for an appointment. Not a good idea to get old is it?

  3. Naughty little minx she is!
    Hope Keith sees an improvement in the morning.
    I had to push myself to do a simple job today, a 30 minute job that took all day. It's now 11:30 p.m. and it seems I crashed after tea and have been asleep for four hours. It's not funny.

  4. Oh, those cats!!! Too bad that they can't raise KEITH's BP!

  5. Oh those kittens are full of spunk! I hope the water helps and tomorrow is a better day for Keith.

  6. Those photos of the kittens 'helping' with the bed were too funny! No wonder you love them to bits. But it's a pity you can't add your and Keith's BP together and divide by 2, isn't it - it'd be nearly right then. Getting old would be a lot less stressful if we could be sure of getting specialist help when we need it IMHO. Fortunately New Zealand's public health system isn't quite as dire as yours seems to be. I hope your Anonymous blogger's friends get help sooner than next March.

  7. Sorry to hear of Lulu going missing - must have been a huge relief when she turned up.
    I hope Keith seems a bit better today - such a shame to have a relapse when he seemed to be improving.

  8. It seems everyone is determined to keep you on your toes these days. Poor Keith with his health worries and the pesky little kittens with their antics. I hope you are managing some quiet time for yourself every day. xx

  9. I find it frustrating that a cat can totally disappear in the house until such time as he/she jolly well pleases to reappear! Frantic calling, getting down on creaky knees to peer underneath furniture, and finally when one is in a state of anxiety, 'cat' nonchalantly strolls into view and we are none the wiser regarding the hiding place. I would guess that Lulu is well on her way to perfecting the disappearing act!
    Of course we can't make beds, deal with laundry or make lunch without feline assistance. What would we do without their company.
    I'm sorry that Keith's health issues can't be stabilized to a point where you both know more or less what to deal with each day. The stairs must present a challenge, and as I'm remembering the layout of your house the one bathroom isn't on the main floor.[?]

  10. I am so glad Lulu came home. Mind you naughty Miss should not have made you panic. So sorry that Keith is once again having problems.

    God bless.
