

Jennie's recipes

Tuesday 29 August 2023

What came home with me


This little Art Deco jug just spoke to me, so I am hoping it will do to someone else at the weekend too.

And isn't this a cheerful blue?  Nice and clean inside too.  

Probably DERW wool Welsh blanket.  Nice cheerful colours.

This is magic - look at the pattern of wear where this had been handled and handled down the years.  Not quite sure if it's a chocolate mould, but from the detail inside, it probably is.

Fortnum and Mason Honey Pot.  Probably a 70s rerun of the earlier Crown Devon pattern as this has F&M PLC on it.

Pussy cat doorstop.

Piggywigs doorstop.

I also got a high chair for a teddy.

Today's souffle-ish Quiche Lorraine.  Gosh, it had risen when it came out of the oven.  (You stiff whip the whites then combine with the cheese and egg mixture.

Tam's here now, so we are going into town to chase up the other half of one of Keith's prescriptions.


  1. That is a stunning blue enamel!!

  2. The little jug is very pretty, I have a bit of a thing about jugs, useful for so many things. I hope you are feeling less tired and Keith is improving. Had a lovely chat with my granddaughter today over the Portal, so I could see her and the kitties. They are very energetic and Parkin was caught swinging from the roman blind today. Eccles the ginger boy was quieter only running along the keys of Iris's piano - very jangly. Take care. Gill Xx

    1. I collect jugs, though I've run out of display room now. I've caught up with my sleep which is a blessed relief. Those kitties made me smile - I read out what you wrote to Tam and we could just see Parkin in action! Eccles sounds musical!

  3. I love that blue pot. And the doorstops. Had I gotten there first, they'd have surely come home with me!

    1. Always nice to know that what catches my eye does the same for others too.

  4. That jug is adorable! Tam will be a good relief for you. Enjoy her visit.

    1. I'm glad you think so too. It's lovely having Tam here, and Jon will join us on Thursday or Friday, which has lifted the weight of worries over the Fair off my shoulders. I do struggle to do them with Keith like this but don't want to give up. It keeps us both going.

  5. I was scrolling through your treasures hoping that none are breakable! A crash in the lower level utility area this morning--Robert-cat wandering through the shelves of home-canned tomatoes and such. Several jars tipped on their sides, but thankfully nothing smashed.
    I remember a favorite blue and white jug knocked to pieces by the late lamented Nellie.
    Your quiche looks delectable!

    1. I'm glad your jars weren't smashed - one thinks of all that hard work wasted over the floor if knocked off. I have Victoria plums which I must bottle today, so I will get on with pricing stock immediately after breakfast.

      Ah, I remember darling Nellie with his liking for high places so cupboard tops weren't safe!

      The Quiche, though I say it myself, was show-quality eating! (Though I miss-laid the pastry base so had to tear a bit off one side to build up the other!)

  6. Some lovely finds, I do like the blue enamel pot. Hope you got the prescription, they're always such a worry these days. We no longer have a permanent pharmacist now, it's cause for concern.

  7. Isn't it cheerful? I can't believe you no longer have a permanent pharmacist now - and you so far over in Wales - not exactly handily placed for going to another one, especially as I think you no longer drive? Will Lloyds deliver to your area?

    1. We are all getting very concerned. our pharmacy was taken over by. a hopeless company called well. they don't deliver. Simon our regular pharmacist quit during the takeover and a new pharmacist was brought in He has since quit and now we have locum pharmacists 6 days a week. The pharmacy cannot open its doors until the pharmacist has arrived and very often because of the distances they're coming it's late, often not open by 9:30. The other morning, it was nearly 10:00 o'clock because the locum pharmacist was coming all the way from Wrexham. He had been on the road since. 6:00 a.m. Go figure.

    2. That beggars belief! How can staff be treated like that? Wrexham to deepest Pembrokeshire is hardly LOCAL is it? I hope they get their act together soon and actually provide a decent service.

    3. P.S. I shall never moon about our local Boots again!

    4. That's a pretty horrifying situation. Do you have mail order drug companies there? I use Mark Cuban here, and am pleased with the service.

  8. Some beautiful items to grace your stall at the Builth fair and you will have help for the lugging of stock - excellent. S could have his drugs delivered but for now he prefers to go in person as I think he enjoys chatting to the nice young women who work in the pharmacy. Our medical centre and adjacent pharmacy are only two miles away with a spacious car park so I leave him to it. Quiche looks mouth-wateringly delicious. I am so looking forward to Dartmoor (we’re going to stop at Lytes Cary on the way down) and I hardly dare say this but the weather forecast looks good! Have a great fair. Sarah x

  9. Thank you Sarah. At least if I'm stuck with them, I can enjoy them a while. The Swedish hames I bought are staying with me for the moment . . .

    Glad that S gets some pleasure from getting his own medications.

    Quiche was as good as it looked.

    Enjoy Lytes Cary (a friend visited recently, and then it has appeared in different postings on Facebook, I wish we'd gone there when we lived in Dorset. Have a wonderful holiday. I will be thinking of you and the bits of Dartmoor I love best.

  10. I missed this post and always love seeing your finds and views at markets and shows. Love the jug and the piggy, especially. No quilts? lizzy x
