

Jennie's recipes

Monday 28 August 2023

Beyond exhausted

 I woke at 1 a.m. for a call of nature.  I was still awake an hour later when I was aware of Keith heading to the bathroom.  I couldn't relax until I knew he was safely back in bed again.  Of course, I was on edge all night then and turned my alarm off before it even jangled at 4.30 a.m.  I drove carefully to Malvern and arrived early to join the queue.

I have always had a soft spot for gorgeous copper jelly moulds like these.  I think I may even have a couple of "lesser" ones in stock still, from pre-Covid days.  I looked at a collection on one stall and the chap immediately said he wouldn't split them, and he wanted £250 the lot . . .  NOT the way to sell them.  On another stall I asked the price of two slipware bowls.  Once again, I had to buy the whole lot (10 or so pieces) for £150, he wouldn't split.  I would put money on it that both lots went back in the car at the end of the day.

One more photo for tonight - what pretty pieces these are.  Clarice Cliff before she went all Bizarre!

    Anyway, it will be an early night for both of us tonight.  Keith got up too early (for him) and how I drove home is beyond me, having just had 3 hours' sleep last night.  Automatic pilot must have kicked in.  

    I was frugal today and bought small bits and bobs at the cheap end of the market.  I did get a gorgeous - Georgian I think - metal mould.  The outside is so worn from constant use and the inside pattern is SO crisp and delightful.  My star buy was a set of Swedish painted hames which just seemed to jump into my hands!!  I shall enjoy those for a while I think . . .

    I will finally get around to replying to comments tomorrow (have guests in the afternoon so need to bake) and Tam is arriving too.  Meanwhile - Sarah, your comments always cheer me up.  Please give my love to Dartmoor, especially round Postbridge.  We used to wild camp up on the Dart before it was ever called wild camping!  Go to the Powdermills Pottery if you can, run by Joss.  We've had a couple of pieces from there, by Carole Glover.

Right, sit down for an hour an then a VERY early night.


  1. Ohh, I know only so well, those middle of the night trips to the bathroom. and worrying over my mother until she was safely tucked back up in bed. You must be utterly exhausted. Hope you have an undisturbed night of peaceful, restful and restorative sleep.

  2. I don't know how you do it! Three hours only of sleep would ''kill'' me. When you have time could we see the items you bought, pls? Enjoy your guests and Tam's visit.



  3. Those jelly molds sure are shiny. I can never understand why people won't break things up in order to sell them.

    God bless.

  4. Hope you had a good night BB. I don’t know how you managed that drive, but happy to see you got there and back safely. Will certainly give your love to Dartmoor. It is a very special place to me from years of my childhood family holidays and later with my own family, we first stayed at Sanders in 1994 with nine month old T and he was camping on Dartmoor again this summer. We had an interesting day yesterday visiting a Wealden Hall House surrounded by two acres of garden. The old gentleman owner had been widowed recently but was keeping busy working in his garden. Afterwards we went to the old church and windmill at Shipley. We were also on the edge of the Knepp Estate (Isabella Tree and the rewilding project) but there were so many people about we didn’t park and join them. There is now a massive car park and visitor centre just off the A24 to cope with the demand, I rather fear for the wildlife! We came home for tea in our garden and on a whim I tackled two overgrown strawberry patches. I was ruthless removing an entire patch of strawberries and cutting a row of 11 plants right back and making nine new plants. Strawberries in the ground don’t work here because of mice caching the crop so next year I’m going to experiment with potted strawberries standing on my galvanised staging. Meanwhile S picked another load of French beans, courgettes, raspberries, tomatoes and basil and then after our cold chicken collation supper it was a relaxing evening with the Proms and my knitting while S watched athletics and tennis. We both slept well last night, although we did have a glass of wine each so maybe that is the answer. Hope you have a relaxing day today (I will be in the bookshop for my final shift) and that Tam can relieve you of some of the load for a few days. Sarah x

  5. So sorry about the lack of sleep - as someone who these days is lucky if they get five hours I sympathise. I do like the early Clarice Cliff work. Hope you slept better last night and enjoy Tam's visit.

  6. I have never understood why dealers won't break up sets, after all you stand to make more money on the best of the set and then balance the books really well on the less desirable pieces. I hope you got a good nights sleep last night. xx
