

Jennie's recipes

Tuesday 5 September 2023

Back into a routine again - oh and update: Elephant hawkmoth caterpillars (at end).

 Wonderful sunshine here again today and not as oppressive as it's been the past couple of days as there is a good breeze blowing.  I stripped the beds first thing, and intend to do four lots of washing to get it out and dried before we are back to rain again.  I have a loaf in the breadmaker, have put the rubbish out, emptied the compost bin and been down to town for the paper.  I also got a walk in early, down on the Groe and fell into conversation with a lovely Irishmen who bred Section A ponies.  Now I must make the beds before I forget and it's bedtime and I'm staring at a bare mattress, which has happened before!

    On the Sunday at the Fair, I met some really lovely people, and had great conversations and of course, saw old friends.  THAT is what keeps me going - meeting like-minded people.  One lady bought both the Gwili bowls from me (her husband treated her to the 2nd) and told me she was SO happy to have them, and I was delighted for her. It also boosts my ego to be told by customers and especially by fellow dealers, that I have some lovely stock. I will see where we are in the spring, as Tam and Jon will happily come and help out, but it depends on the state of play with Keith's health.  Buying a few bits here and there keeps us both going, even though Keith finds it hard to get to the Fairs now, but we are hopeful he will be a bit perkier for Carmarthen Flea in a couple of weeks' time.

    A few photos from Builth Fair for you now.  Enjoy.

This chap had come all the way down from Scotland!

I had a lovely chat with the chap who had this gorgeous quilt for sale (£365 or so).  His stock in trade was beautiful old Persian rugs.  This was double-sided - imagine the work!

Neighbours, stand-wise, who bought a few pieces off me. We had similar tastes.

This stand always has hundreds of bits of china and glass. Oh my goodness, the setting up and putting away - it would drive me MAD! I filmed it through a net curtain they had up, hence the blurring.

As you can see, people have all sorts.

Right, I'd best go and make the beds now.  Keith is manouvering with a walking stick today but by 6 ish is really tired and it's still hard work getting him to bed a few hours later.

Here is Elephant Hawk Moth caterpillar - one which I found beside the front path the other day and rescued to the Rosebay Willowherb plantation.  This afternoon, as I was reading my book, Pippi bought another one in and laid it on the carpet!  I promptly rescued that, and as I was coming back down to the yard, she had found another.  Well, all rescued and hopefully as she seems to have a soft mouth like a Retriever, they are none the worse for their experience.  Shows that the Elephant Hawk Moths have been busy in our garden anyway.  The first year we had much less wildlife as the last owners used chemical sprays everywhere.  I only remember bees on the Lavender.


  1. I think my mind would go blank looking at all that lovely stuff Jennie, it would exhaust me. Glad you had a good day there and that Keith is getting slightly better.

    1. We're used to it. I can whip round Malvern and cast a glance at most stalls and know straight away that there's nothing for me there. If it looks a maybe, I'll take a closer look. Some things jump at me - like the Swedish hames did last week. The place that blew my wiring was when we went to Toys are Us for the first time! I had to come out . . . We were used to the gentle displays of the Early Learning Centre . . .

  2. There is nothing worse than going into the bedroom at bedtime and finding the bed still to be made up. Many a time I have debated just sleeping under the naked duvet and on the naked pillows ... but have never quite been able to bring myself to do so.

    Doesn't that brown hessian show off those gorgeous pieces well in the 9th and 10th photos, I love that look.

    1. I agree. It only ever comes to pass when you are tired too. I couldn't sleep in a "naked" bed either!

      The brown hessian does give a rustic look.

  3. It's lovely to see some of the other stands in the fair. I don't quite understand why your teacup and saucer neighbour has a net curtain up. Is she afraid you'll peek in and see something and gossip about her like a curtain twitcher?
    I spied a few things I would have liked to come home with this. a Murphy's bar sign. and also 4th photo from the bottom there's a super ladder that would make a gorgeous display piece
    Let's hope indeed that Keith is up to going to the Carmarthen Fair.

    1. Ah, that was because it was before opening time, so the lace netting was to keep people away from their stall till they arrived. Likewise, I cover my display stands with filmy lace curtains, and a tablecloth over the rest, and Keith's militaria comes home with me overnight.

      Glad you saw some things "up your street". Ladder is indeed a tidy one and would make a great display piece.

      Fingers x'd Keith will not be suffering too much with his neck/back.

  4. Glad I’m not the only one who forgets to make the bed up.. it happened just last night - again.

    1. Easily done when we are distracted with the 101 other jobs needing to be done.

  5. I love poring over your antiques fair photos. I prefer rustic coutry pieces usually and spotted a number of treasures. There's a lovely basket, some painted boxes/ small cupboards.

    The quilt is interesting. The fabrics look Indonesian? Perhaps is a modern piece?



    PS I hate when pets eat bugs--then they want to rub faces or give kisses! We are being invaded by lantern flies [like a moth] and Mo the pug thinks they are delish. I may have to resort to chem sprays, been using a special soap spray.

    1. Absolutely modern quilt Lizzy, but skilfully done. The juxtaposition of the colours and patterns was wonderful. Glad you saw some treasures you'd like. I could have said "pass" on most of it, but then I'd not been in the posh bit at the front. One of the dealers from there was chatting to another dealer nearby and joking that they had quinoa and cous-cous for lunch in there - and we were on chips or sarnies!

      Sorry you are inundated with bugs. I am glad Pippi let me rescue this one, but gosh, she thought she was clever!

    2. P.S. Would a salt water spray work?

    3. The homemade spray is dish soap, a bit of white vinegar and water. I also got an insecticidal spray/ hardware store from a friend. The moths seem to have gone now--laid eggs and died? The beach tideline was covered last week; now okay. In invasive insect from China, via I think New Jersey[port?]

    4. Gosh, if the tideline on the beach was covered with them, that's some infestation. Bet you're glad you don't live in China!!

  6. Typical its been a good drying day and I hadn't enough to make a load and it was too hot to do much gardening. Done the school run with granddaughter today, she is now in Year 3 so a junior and got to see the naughty kitties again. Eccles had managed to walk in her dirt tray and transferred it to herself, the floor and fortunately I managed to grab her before she jumped on the sofa! There were some beautiful items at the Fair, but I'm trying to declutter as we hope to downsize in the next couple of years. Take care of yourself (and Keith). Love and hugs Gill Xx

    1. Well, I shouldn't need to wash anything much for another week now! All is gathered in and the ironing pile now a little daunting but it's FAR TOO HOT to iron! No grandchildren here YET, but we have hopes. Hope that you find a new dream home to downsize to Gill. Love and hugs to you to - it's so nice to have good friends on here.

  7. In the past I've found a large antique mall or flea market a bit daunting. I start out well enough but after and hour or so the sight of so many displays becomes an overload. I was struck by the grandfather clock in one photo--have always coveted one.
    I've looked several times at the quilt. I'm intrigued, although its not my usual style. Interesting blending of fabrics. With many of the triangle corners 'blunted' I'm trying to decide if that is part of the pattern, or a failure to have 'points' meeting. Either way, its a stunning statement piece.
    You're much on my mind, but I'm balking at attempting much typing on this laptop. About time for my desktop PC to come home from the repair shop!
    I'm glad Pippi didn't try to eat the caterpillars!

    1. Oh gosh, you would find the Ban Holiday Malvern Flea a challenge then! Keith and I always used to go round twice, at the end of which you almost give up the will to live and one year I never wanted to see another "antique" again!! I think first time back after the Pandemic lockdowns that was - you saw junk with fresh eyes. There is a LOT of junk around now - stuff that used to go to the tip and tbh, it is still the best place for some of it.

      When I looked at the close-up of that quilt, I too could see the cut-off points and miss-piecing (the close up was of the back, but I dare say the front is the same.) She chose the fabrics well to hide the errors.

      I will write to you later.

      Pippi clearly thought it didn't feel good in her mouth, hence the spitting it out!!

  8. Lovely to see some of the stalls at the Fair. OH found an Elephant Hawkmoth Caterpillar on our patio the other day. Put it on a fuschia plant! Never seen one before so was somewhat thrilled :)

    1. They're real bruisers aren't they? Quite off putting to birds when they rear up and flash those "eyes" around.

  9. That quilt is lovely. I'm sure if I made it none of the corners would have points or align. Actually, it would be a mess. I'm glad the fair went well for you, and Keith was able to visit it for a while.

    1. I steer clear of anything with very pointy bits (Mariner's Compass NOT for me!) though I can just about manage hand-sewn hexies, half-square triangles and the like. Sometimes, when I am careful, I surprise myself though!

  10. I would love to have a wander through all of that. I saw a couple old bird cages that I would have been interested in. And the grandfather clock...although I need more clocks like I need a kick in the pants. I'm glad you met some kindred souls during your day.

    1. The price of grandfather clocks here has been on the ground for the last few years. Not something we know anything about, but a good time to invest in a decent one I would have thought.
