

Jennie's recipes

Thursday 7 September 2023

How exciting - sorting through cupboards

 It has to be done.  In fact, you can tell it has never been done since we arrived, as I've just found an unpacked box of small pictures at the back hall cupboard.  So those have been there since 2020!  Several of them are Dorset scene x-stitches so will go up with the other sewn pictures half way up the stairs wall.

Self-explanatory titles.  Many happy hours sewing Corfe Castle.  Gold Hill was done by my Dorset friend Gay if I remember rightly.

    I have already managed to lose the little box with a roll of tape in it for fixing on the dressing on my wrist. How is this possible? I only bought it a matter of hours ago. I have found the two boxes of dressings, neatly put away.  Now to look for the tape, which could be anywhere from the fridge to the bathroom!

Sturminster Mill was one of mine.  Thomas Hardy's Cottage was one I bought to remind me of one of my favourite authors.  It had a companion when I bought it, Ann Hathaway's cottage, but I sold that.

    I have to go to Brecon with Pam again today. Update: In the event, the company wanting her loan car back didn't phone to arrange the pick-up so it's tomorrow now.  I had mistakenly thought she had to go and drop it back but couldn't remember the way so wanted me to guide her in!

    Keith, having finally been badgered (e.g. nagged) into drinking a bit more, is more mobile and did two lengths of the top hall this morning without even a walking stick.  His speech is SO much better too - in recent weeks I could barely understand anything he said.  Frustrating for us both.

    Nearly the weekend - enjoy it. I have Danny visiting, with his girlfriend's little girl here.  He will do some jobs for me and "I" and I will bake, and I found her a lovely dinosaur colouring chart this morning at Penelope Primrose in town (lovely shop).  I even tracked down a set of colouring pencils. I'm sure I can keep her amused.


  1. Wow, was it really back in 2020 that you moved, it's gone so fast.

    1. It has indeed. This is our final home and happy to stay here.

  2. Dressing? Wrist? Have I missed an injury sustained at the fair? I am so happy your children are rallying around. My T is the same telling me not last night not to do any grass cutting as he will do it next Friday when he comes down to collect the car for a wedding he is going to on Saturday followed by needing to get to Dover on Sunday with his bike and camping gear for a week of cycling through France. The young lead such complicated lives! We had a wonderful five nights away. Our longhouse in the hamlet of Lettaford (if you google Rightmove Lettaford you will see the neighbouring longhouse is for sale at £1.75m including about 10 acres. They currently drive children to school in Exeter every day so it is a forced move - they said they really didn’t want to leave) was so peaceful and apart from food shopping in Chagford, lovely walks from the house everyday and a drive over Dartmoor to Powdermill we just relaxed and read and soaked up the atmosphere. We had great weather so the deckchairs were placed by the babbling stream. On the way home we walked a short section of coastal path near Sidmouth before the heat got too much and then I drove us all the way home in three and a half hours - about 150 miles. I stopped once for the loo and cold drinks and we were planning to swop drivers but I carried on as I was in the zone! It’s so hot here, too hot to do anything so having got two loads of washing on the line including our bed linen we went for a gentle lunchtime swim and have just eaten corn on the cob from the garden - absolutely delicious! The veg garden is producing so abundantly and we brought home sourdough bread and cheese and eggs from Chagford that all I have needed to buy is milk. Now I am in the meadow room with the blinds down, doors to the garden wide open feeling relaxed and so happy to be home. It was tough at times for S and I think this is the last time I will make him endure a long car journey. He is currently asleep on the sofa in the cool sitting room and I will let him be. Good to hear K is feeling better, hopefully that will continue. Take care BB and enjoy your day with little I. Sometimes going at a toddler’s pace has much to recommend it. Sarah x

    1. Haha - no, something much more mundane! I was carrying a pile of clean washing from the Utility, knocked against one of a pair of stilts (out of my view) which then tripped me up. In trying to stop going flat, I put my arm out and scraped all the skin off the back of my wrist against the door frame. Door frame 1, Jennie nil points . . . It's sore and I can't leave it open to knocks until it grows a layer of skin back. Gardening is out of the question.

      Glad you had a lovely break. I know Chagford quite well - we were hoping to move there or Moretonhampstead (my rellies lived in the latter town), but I wasn't destined to return to my homeland. We had to stay in Wales, so Danny would meet Emma, and Tam would meet Jon etc. . . Glad you got to Powdermills. Did you visit the Pottery?

      Sorry that S found the journey arduous, and perhaps the heat was a bit much too. Glad he is resting up now. Keith is watching more of his horrible terrorist series so I am lurking in the kitchen.

      Toddler-pace with I is fairly rapid at times! but she loves coming here and follows me everywhere, bless her.

      I am STILL waiting for the phone to ring so may suggest to Pam we head for Brecon anyway, and at least once she's there, I can buy the bits I need and get home. Fortunately tea tonight is heating up last night's chicken pie. I can cope with that!

  3. Glad to read Keith is feeling better and I bet you had to resist telling him I told you so! Its very hot here, been and done a small supermarket shop for stuff to take away with us. We are off to Southwold for a week and hoping to nip over into Norfolk to see my Stepmum who has moved into an annexe in my stepsister's garden. Granddaughter is a joy - 7 going on 27! She was a very much wanted IVF baby and daughter was so poorly during her pregnancy and she was not a good sleeper so there will be no more. We shall be relying on the sat nav as I can't read a map to save my life. Take care of yourselves. Love and hugs Gill Xx

    1. Well, long may it last. It made SUCH a difference to his speech. Just looked up Southwold and it is 5 hrs 24 mins away from here! Enjoy that beach. Your stepmum will enjoy your visit I'm sure. Sounds like a good set-up for her. Your granddaughter sounds a delight too. I am still getting to know I. She gets very excited around the kittens:)

  4. Such fun unpacking things long forgotten!
    It's no good arguing otherwise, hydration is of ultimate importance, but try getting any patient who is dehydrated to see otherwise. Glad to hear Keith has finally been badgered into drinking a little more, and that it has improved his well being.

    1. I shall make an attempt on the other side of the cupboard today. Hopefully without losing any kittens inside it! I am going to get Danny to help me put the x-stitch pictures up this weekend, amongst other things.

  5. Hooray for Keith drinking more - keep up the nagging!
    and be careful - A Pair of Stilts??

    1. Children's stilts, home-made by dad or grandad, probably 1930s. Stock.

  6. I was wondering what I missed as well. Sounds painful. Doesn't Keith get encouraged when he improves?

  7. Of course Keith gets lots of praise when he is able to do a bit more. He finally believes that drinking more does make a difference in all sorts of ways. About time!
