

Jennie's recipes

Sunday 17 September 2023

Living History at Tretower Court


I'm sorry, I'm feeling a bit sorry for myself tonight.  Keith was up two hours too early today, and lack of sleep is the worst thing for him - and we've had a few nights of that.  It has taken well over an hour to get him to the bathroom and then bed. Worry-wise, I am back to where I was in January, with knobs on . . . I am hoping tomorrow will be more positive but I will have to write a note to the PD nurse and get help.  Not sure if I will be able to get him to her appointment on Thursday for starters.

Yesterday's calming and pleasant day out is but a memory.  The pretend chicken in the photo below is how hens were sometimes kept - for eggs or for the table!

Close up of a match lock musket, and below, tools for the manufacture of musket balls, plus a pouch for keeping them in.

Sword in scabbard, and powder horn.

Swords, lobster pot helmet and breastplate (hefty!)

The Look!  The dangling leather pouches each hold a single shot of gunpowder.  Great talking to someone with such a good knowledge of the Civil War period, and some brilliant ghost stories too - made shivers run down my spine!

The Apothocary's table.  I had a lovely and very interesting chat with him.

The spinning and weaving tables.  I had a lovely long chat with the girls here and they encouraged me to come and volunteer - how I wish I could.  Perhaps I could manage an afternoon if I had cover to look after Keith.

Prepare guns, take aim, FIRE!  Oh my goodness, it was deafening!


  1. I had a thought this morning. Could you have one of your children stay with Keith for a weekend and take yourself off to a friend's place or BnB? It wouldn't do anything for the worries but at least you could catch up on your sleep.

    1. I think when he is better that would be a good idea. I'd love to go and stay with my friend Pam in Carms. We'll have to see how things pan out.

  2. Fascinating. The live reenactments certainly bring history to life, don't they.


    1. Yes, when they were shooting their muskets, we thought of the Civil War battles and how horrendously noisy (and smokey) they must have been.

  3. A fascinating and exhilarating visit!!
    Lack of sleep is not good...and it is the same here, when he doesn't sleep, neither do make sure you look after yourself as well.

    1. Sounds like we are in the same boat gz. I find it very hard to be totally patient when I am tired out.

  4. You photos have brought back memories of the years our whole family were members of the Sealed Knot. My husband's armour, breastplate and morion, were passed on to our eldest who eventually exchanged them for lighter and better fitting versions which he still uses as a pike man on the Royalist side (Rivers regt). I was happy to go on the field as a water carrier in women's clothing since we didn't get ordered around by the officers.

    1. Glad to have done that. Glad you were on the "right" side! I would have loved to have been involved in something like that. Keith would have chosen a Viking version I'm sure.

  5. I hate to say this and I've no idea how it works in your country, but it sounds as if you need night time assistance. You really can't go on like this. It seems as if you could get a full quota of sleep, you'd be better able to the with the difficulties of the day, but you really cannot continue on doing both.

    All that being said, I know how difficult it must be to think of having people you don't know in your house at night.

    1. Keith normally sleeps pretty well right through, so I am hoping this is just a hiccup. I agree it is so difficult to have do do the rigours of both. We will have to see how it works out.

  6. I'm sorry things are so bad for Keith, and therefore for you. I am awful if I lack sleep so I really feel for you. Volunteering at Treetower Court would be a lovely break for you - but would also add to your stress wondering of you would be able to go. A conundrum ... Seeing those soldiers and their rifles... if the crazy Yanks had to make their shot, and fire rifles like that I'll bet there's be no further massacres !! Oh for a magic wand, I'd sort the problems! I hope you get an appointment for Keith quickly. And an improvement for him.

    1. Virginia - I spoke to the Council department dealing with Carers today, and they mentioned respite and I said if I could have just one day every three weeks, that would be magic. They didn't seem to think that would be too difficult, so watch this space! Those muskets would certainly be a better alternative to the sort of repeat firing rifles used in these massacres.

      Have an appt. for special Physio in a couple of weeks now, so give that magic wand a shake for us please. He's on antibiotics now for a likely UTI.

  7. What an interesting place to visit. Sorry that Keith is having such a bad time and that you are as well. Hopefully the nurse can do something to help with the sleep problem.

    God bless.

    1. We've always loved it there. I am happy to visit it again and again. It's only 1/2hr away. Keith slept better last night - I woke worrying, but read some of my new book.

  8. Beg, borrow or steal Jen to get some help to watch K whilst you go to this. It would do you the WORLD of good. If I lived nearer I would come alas Dorset is a long way away.
    Advertise for some one to come in for a few hours, whatever you pay them would be worth triple back to you for the lift and respite and put enjoyment you would get from being involved with these lovely looking folk xx Danette

    1. I think there MAY be a chance I can get to do this, which would be absolute MAGIC. I know you would come if you could but as you say, you're not exactly on the doorstep these days. The Council dept are going to see what they can do for respite cover for me, so the wheels have started grinding :) I, meanwhile, am looking at 14th and 16th C peasant dress patterns!!

  9. Love the blog, and I'm glad you got out, but I'm very worried about you all the same. Apply for help now. I know asking for help is absolutely the hardest thing you can do, but you need help. I hope you can get it a lot more quickly than we can here where the waiting list here is about six to eight months before they even come to interview you. Please get in touch with your Parkinson's nurse and ask for an urgent priority referral as soon as you can. With Keith's sleeping patterns as you describe them. I'm wondering if he is suffering from Sundowners Syndrome.? {{{healing light}}

    1. I girded my loins today and phoned Powys Council, so some help may now be in the pipeline. We are seeing the Parkinsons Nurse on Thursday (as long as I can get Keith in the car). I'm sorry the waiting lists are so long where you are. Keith normally sleeps until he needs to answer a call of nature (about 4 a.m.) but his sleep pattern was right out last week due to the upset tum.

  10. Oh no. What a b...... Not good for Keith or for you. Don't know about these things, but I know that some areas used to offer respite care (even if it is only someone to sit with him whilst you have a break). It cannot be much fun for either of you. It maybe that the Nurse might be able to point you in the right direction on how to access such things. Fingers crossed that this is just a hiccup. Hugs sweetie, hugs. Can I do anything Tricia xx

    1. Oh Tricia, bless you. My friends on here and locally have been absolutely priceless over this. Getting Respite sorted now, but the cogs are inclined to grind a little slowly. A stair lift was mentioned today too. So, we will have to see how this pans out. Hoping it IS just a hiccup. Will keep you posted. So good to have you AND GTM posting replies on here.

    2. Jennie, am going to PM you on Facebook as there is something I want to discuss with you. Too personal for on here. Tricia x
