

Jennie's recipes

Saturday 16 September 2023

Just waving still


Just waving as still very tired where we've been having disturbed nights all this week.  Keith's not mended yet, unfortunately.  I managed to get a few hours off today and went to Tretower Court (and Castle) where every three weeks they have a Living History group in.  Today it was the Marcher Stuart Living History Group and very good they were too.  I'll write my visit up tomorrow and then finally finish Llanarchaeron.


  1. Sorry you are having a tough time. Sleep is so vital.

    1. Absolutely. I can't function after a couple of bad nights and I had 3 this week. Last night I only woke once (phew!) and it made all the difference.

  2. Oh poor you, at least you got some time off. Can you/do you get carers allowance and a blue badge, you might get some one to come in for a few hours, if I was nearer I would volunteer. Have been catching up on the washing and ironing and the garden is never ending, at least the lawns got cut as its now raining. Love and hugs Gill Xx

    1. Bless you Gill. Wish all my followers were close enough to meet up with. Wouldn't we have a chin-wag!! I am just about coping at present, but the lack of sleep has made a big impact on both of us. Keith is asleep in the living room now as he was up at 6 ish this morning.

      I get a carer's allowance, and we have a blue badge, but as Keith can only make it to the car in the wheelchair now, we can't really go anywhere, sadly.

  3. But not drowning. That at least is good. ((0))

    1. No not drowning, but in the middle of the night it was difficult to cope with HAVING to stay awake.

  4. Having been on both ends, first the sleepless nights filled with confusion with Mum who had Alzheimer's, and now my own story with Parkinson's, I can only empathise and say rest when you can. Easy to say, I know, but who looks after the carer? No one.

    1. Oh Debbie, my heart goes out to you . Nursing your mum with such an awful disease, and now you need looking after too. The carer, sadly, has to look after themselves. Thank heavens I'm 10 years younger than Keith.

  5. So sorry about Keith - nothing worse than disturbed nights says someone with experience. In end recently in desperation I rang GP and got myself two weeks supply of sleeping tablets. But they are addictive so she won't give me any more. Bu t I appreciate in your case such tablets probably not the answer. So glad you managed to get out yesterday and look forward to the photos. The Marcher lords such a fascinating subject.

  6. I daren't have sleeping tablets as I need to be on call for Keith. Fortunately I am a light sleeper. Yesterday made a HUGE difference to me and cheered me up no end. A real "me" day.

  7. Dear BB, please look at for respite care. Just imagine the difference it would make to your quality of life and your ability to continue caring for K if you knew you had four hours a week to yourself. Also please ask your children for help. I am sure they would be more than happy to come up with a plan that supports both you and K. I need to get S out of the house doing things independently from me, but he is impossibly reluctant and I am dreading the time when he cannot leave the house. I am eight years younger than S but I must stay positive and not worry about the future. We visited three Heritage events this weekend: Shoreham Fort for WWI and WWII history, Graylingwell Asylum in Chichester where from the late Victorian era onwards patients were treated with dignity and kindness and yesterday Fishbourne Roman Palace where we were handling objects from the collection. Sarah x

    1. I did - £25 an hour is a bit steep I'm afraid. At the moment I can get away for an afternoon - once Keith's had his lunch and settled down for the afternoon. We will see what the Assist folk come back with. If it's a similar price, then an entire day at Tretower would be a non-starter. I wish we were nearer to our children, but they are all 1 1/2 hrs away in different directions! If given advance warning, they are happy to help out. Your outings sound great.
