

Jennie's recipes

Monday 11 September 2023

The greenhouse is getting nearer . . .


I'd be suffering from delusions of grandeur to aim at one like this! BUT I am off to a local company tomorrow (having checked out the display greenhouses on site today) to place my order for the greenhouse I saw on line and which they are stockists for, having checked reviews etc. I've spoken to them on the phone and I'm dealing with a chap I know already, and I'd rather a local company had my money - believe it or not they are cheaper than the actual retailers (perhaps old stock?)

    Saturday was busy with Danny and little "I" here.  Danny did some work in the orchard for me, whilst "I" and myself did some baking.  We made pizza for lunch, and then she wanted to bake mummy a cake, so we made an Apple Gingerbread cake.  It was lovely to see them both again.

    Yesterday I rested! We had the most amazing display of lightning just as it was getting dark.  I did take some photos but for some reason I can't load them.  It was the new camera so I will have to go and check what I've pressed in error. Even so, wonderful to see the lightening from up here.

    I did have another Caterpillar Rescue job yesterday as I opened the door when it was chucking it down and there was another Elephant Hawk-moth caterpillar there, writhing with the rain beating on it and probably half drowned.  I scooped it up with an envelope and got soaked taking it out to put it gently under a big Dock leaf by the Willowherb.  It wasn't around when I checked later.

  P.S.  Just had to rescue next door's completely free range hens from Pippi, who was stalking them!  Yesterday, one was just outside the French windows, clucking away to herself.  I thought the noise was on the tv, until Keith said otherwise.  Just as I went through the French window, Lulu was crouching, about to hurtle at it.  Goodness, I shall have to warn him that he may have one less chicken soon!


  1. You've done two good deeds for the animal kingdom, not to mention the cake.

    1. Queen of the caterpillars, me! Gosh, all that standing up to bake was wearying on Saturday though. I usually have a break between events :)

  2. How exciting! I wonder what size you have chosen. I will never forget Anne Swithinbank on Gardener’s Question Time on the radio years ago saying always choose the biggest greenhouse you can afford/have room for. Mine is 14 x 8 feet (here when we bought our house) and it is a Hartley Botanic circa 1970 and I love it. It hasn’t got anything fancy about it just a deep border along one length, a brick path laid by me on top of membrane down the middle and along the other length I have a large wooden potting table with a shelf underneath and my mum’s very old galvanised staging which can hold up to nine seed trays. Since the inherited old wooden shed blew away during Storm Eunice my greenhouse also doubles as tool store, pot store and everything else a gardener needs store but because everything is now always on show I am forced to keep it tidy and I try very hard to keep all my less attractive gubbins like the green scaffolding netting in my mum’s large picnic hamper (circa 1950). I cut our garden grass this afternoon and did all the edging while S went out for a cycle. We’re both relaxing now with a glass of wine and crisps before our supper of courgette frittata. Have a lovely evening BB. Sarah x

  3. Well, they have 8 x 6 in stock, BUT I had planned on an 8 x 10 and have room for an 8 x 12. Of course, all the other bits soon add up, so I will have to see what the exchequer runs to as I have to allow X amount for it to be put up. You have a wonderful size greenhouse, but a shame it has to double as a storage area too.

    Well done on cutting all the edging and mowing all in an afternoon. My neck soon lets me know who's boss if I try too much mowing these days. I had my first ever massage this morning (Keith didn't feel up to his) and now feel whacked! A soak in the bath and I will settle down with a good book.

  4. Now I have greenhouse envy. Thx for being kind to the caterpillars. It is so important to respect the living things with which we share the earth.

    1. Apologies for the greenhouse envy. I have waited a LONG time (all my married life in fact) for one, so I am delighted. We have a LOT of red ants here - everywhere I want to dig in fact - but I can't quite bring myself to bring out the boiling water . . .

  5. How wonderful that you are getting your greenhouse! It will be a lovely addition to your garden. I don't know much about chickens, but I'd guess one could inflict some injuries on a cat, though the cat would surely win the battle. It does sound like you had a good time with Danny and little "I". Children have souch energy. I wish I had some of that energy!

    1. I shall be hugging myself later, when the order's in and paid for. Hens are a bit brainless and tend to run when chased rather than stand their ground - cockerels quite another matter, but haven't seen a cockerel next door yet. You're right about children having energy - ditto wish I had it too! I knew she was tired though - in the time it took to drive from here to the Co-op in town (5 mins) she had fallen asleep and since there was a long train journey ahead, Dan had to get her the promised ice-cream and then she had a sugar hit and was a real live wire again.

  6. Ooooooh....greenhouse! I love mine, but am not using it even close to its potential. I cannot wait to be moved there full time!

    1. Gosh, I do wish I'd had one in the days I grew stuff from seed to sell at car boot sales. A plastic seed stack was the best I could do, stuffed to the gunnels. When do you hope to have the house finished?

  7. A greenhouse would be wonderful. Would you grow veg and flowers year round?

    1. Some things in pots I can over-winter. I will be able to start veg off early. Without a greenhouse heater, too cold to grow all year round as we have some hefty winter frosts up here and we're above the snow line too.

  8. Mine is only 8x10 and it's amazing how much will fit in. As far as extras go, safety glass and roof gutters are well worth it. Mine is a fair way away from the house and a tap, so having two water butts helps for much of the year. And find a little chair so you can sit inside - that's almost the best bit!

  9. You will have to train your kitties to not kill hens. My little feral cat, loved the hens and would follow them around.
