

Jennie's recipes

Tuesday 12 September 2023



I've just been to order and pay for my greenhouse - a Vitavia Venus, 6ft x 10ft.  Big enough for what I need, and unless I wanted to go out on a financial limb, able to afford.  I paid cash.  Have ordered extras such as shading, automatic ventilation control for roof and louvre windows, downpipe kit, and two lots of stageing.  This is a great local company, Caerfagu, and they are always a pleasure to do business with, and so helpful.  Only downside was I managed to fall over when stepping off the roadway onto the decking so I could go and measure up the greenhouse to make sure that the one on display was the 6' x 8'.   There had been steady overnight rain and when I trod on a wet beam edging, my foot went out from under me and I fell on the chippings.   Ouch.   Not too much damage done but I limped for a bit.  This on top of nearly being taken out by a big white car which took the bend on my side of the road, as I had changed down to 3rd and indicated I was turning.  I was nearly in the hedge, braking hard, and waiting for the crunch, but fortunately he just missed me.  I felt in need of a stiff gin then!

    As you can see by the top photo, I came home via the Nursery at Crossgates.  I bought a lovely dwarf Michaelmas Daisy "Little Pink Beauty" which is going to go in the Lavender bed as that has very little in flower there now. I may get it a couple of friends . . .

    A big Heuchera to go in the new bank plantings, and two smaller ones to go in winter pot plantings (one was only £2.99 in Aldi).  The other is called Carnival Coffee Bean.  A tray and a pot of winter Pansies/Violas (pansies came from Tesco yesterday - they were wilting and I rescued them) and a tray of half a dozen Wallflowers. 

    I will put the M. Daisy in then go for a walk.  Enjoy your Tuesday.


  1. So excited for you BB, especially after waiting so long. You do find some pretty plants on your travels, I have a pale lavender Michaelmas daisy which has just come into flower and makes great ground cover and a very pretty white one called appropriately Summer’s Farewell which is yet to flower this year. My 50p Manager’s Discount Geum is flowering now for the first time. It really did look half dead in June! I like your marmalade heuchera too and you will find next summer after it has finished flowering you will be able to lift it and divide it into several new baby plants. I think heuchera make great edging plants and nowadays I prefer them to alchemilla mollis which can be thuggish and promiscuous - although I would never be without it! We’re just back from an afternoon swim (did my back need a swim after yesterday’s mowing marathon - I was so stiff this morning I could barely dress myself) and we’ve booked a short course of one to one swimming lessons for S. He can swim in his own fashion and is confident in the water but has never learnt or been taught to swim properly so this is his time. Have a lovely evening. We’re having the second half of last night’s courgette frittata and I’m going to quickly stir fry some French beans and chard stalks with garlic and chilli before wilting in the chard leaves as an accompaniment. Sarah x

  2. How wonderful re your greenhouse! I don’t know if you’ve had a greenhouse in the past but I remember when I had my first greenhouse, I was so over the moon! Apart from my first house with the postage stamp sized garden, I’ve had five gardens all with a greenhouse and I’ve really loved greenhouse gardening. I hope that you love it too! I also hope that you don’t have any more accidents! My other half is recovering from tripping over a rubbish box…he dislocated his shoulder! So, you’ve been lucky! I look forward to seeing your greenhouse! 😁

  3. Great news about the green house and I hope its not long before its installed :) We only have a small one but its very useful.

  4. Oooooh. I can't wait to see your green house. Mine is 8 x 8, and it's the right size for me.
