

Jennie's recipes

Saturday 7 October 2023

A family weekend again


The lovely old market building at Pembridge (with the pub behind it).  Apparently this was probably had an upper floor in the past.

    Thank you for all your kind comments, which have really helped me.  I have had lovely chats with friends (thanks for phoning, Little Lin) and am happy for life just to be a normal routine at the moment.  In the last week all our kids have been visiting/staying and that's been lovely too, plus good news for two of them about new-to-them jobs.  

    Tam and J are here for the weekend and planning to go to the Autumn Festival on the showground.  I'm not sure if I'm going with them, or whether Keith will be physically up to going to the little Antiques Fair at Llandeilo.  He wants to, but is brewing another bout of that UTI . . .

    Yesterday was a busy day as I went grocery shopping in Llandod in the morning.  I had a wander round the charity shops and got a floor puzzle of counting and numbers for "I" to play with when she comes here and a beautiful green cellular blanket for £5. Dunelm sell them for £32! It's been in the wash and is on my bed already.  It reminds me of the colour of Silver Birch leaves just as they unfurl in early spring.

    Then it was local massage lass time, and she went away with apple baking recipes as she has run out of ideas - in return I get some of the overload of apples she is given!  As she is also a beautician I am going to get my eyebrows (almost non-existent in colour) tinted next time.  I am useless with the eyebrow pencil and can guarantee that I don't have matching eyebrows very often!!

    Then I made a chilli for tea for T&J and baked a Chocolate Apple Cake and used up 3 VERY ripe bananas in a Banana Cake.  Today I'm going to make Apple Dappy for pudding.

    I went to Hay (market day) on Thursday as I wanted some Heritage apples for the fruit bowl (Ribston Pippins came home with me - another tree on the Wanted List for the orchard).  I treated Keith and I to open Danish apple type tarts, laced with icing and got one of the excellent deep Steak and Kidney pies from the butcher which will do us two meals.  I saw our good friend Rob, who knows us well, and he gave very wise advice and said to look on Tuesday's scare as having given us some positives - I know how to cope with a choking episode in future and I didn't panic, and I know to cook bacon to destruction in future too :)  He also said I had to carry on as normal as it would help no-one if I never left the house because of being frightened it could happen when I was away.  There were more words along those lines and he made good sense.  Someone (family or me) will have to be there at meal times but I need to carry on having a few hours off each week for my sanity.

    I resisted temptation to buy books but did buy some felt squares for a project I've been wanting to do for a while (I MUST take myself to task with craftwork I'd like to do/need to finish).  They had the nice blended mix of muted colours I wanted. 

Just look at that chimney stack (on the pub).  Inglenook inside for sure.

Enjoy your weekend all.


  1. What beautiful buildings, although the upkeep of them must be horrendous and time consuming. I used to suffer a lot from UTI's when young and found cranberry juice drunk by the gallon really helped, but any liquid is helps. I've had a lovely gardening day as the weather has been beautiful, although it hasn't helped my back and I've managed to paint a fence panel that you can now see as a hedge has been cut back. Have a great weekend, hope you manage to get Keith to the antiques fair. Love and hugs Gill Xx

    1. It's regular maintenance with old houses. We were glad to leave Ynyswen because we had had a quote of £20,000 just to limewash it again (scaffolding included). That's something that needed doing every few years too . . . Glad you got out in the garden - I hope to do the same today. We DID get to the Antiques Fair and had a lovely time.

  2. Well the weekend is nearly over now, so I hope it went well. All those home made cakes sound so yummy.
    I hope the uti did not develop, but it seems some are prone to reoccurring bouts. Do
    be careful if giving Keith cranberry juice, the regular supermarket one is a juice drink not a pure juice and is loaded with sugar which can feed a uti. Cranberry juice concentrate can be found in most reputable health food stores.

  3. UTI still at bay. NOT drinking enough never helps of course. Caakes are yummy but will be mostly going back with T&J, though I'll keep some Choc. Apple Cake back for Keith. I've had my mandatory one piece of each. Keith has Pomegrate juice daily, and I will get some proper Cranberry juice for him. I read the labels, like you, so know which to avoid. Thank you.

  4. Great to see family.(.one of our planned visits has had to be cancelled as they all have colds..we can't risk that unfortunately) and have days out!
