

Jennie's recipes

Sunday 8 October 2023

Naughty kitten cats playing games!


In a butter-wouldn't-melt moment (fast forward 3 seconds!!). . .  Last time T and J were here they led us a right dance at bed-time, hiding under beds, changing bedrooms, disappearing and they kept this up for half an hour at bed-time.

    Yesterday they upped the ante, and did the hide-and-seek OUTSIDE, waiting until it was getting dark - normally they're not allowed out after 5.30 ish, but both happened to be still out as it had been a nice warm day.  Pippi would NOT come when called.  Lulu hid under our car but being gullible about food, was finally tempted out.  Phew, One down, One to go . . .  At 6.30 ish I went out (in desperation - my anxiety levels are still very high and kittens are like children - they make you vulnerable) to do some paddock gardening, in the hope that Pippi would come out of hiding.  Indeed she did, leaping over the brambles and long grass and yelling, "here I am, have you missed me?" but when I tried to lure her inside, she was gone again.  Tam found her on the fence out of reach behind some Rhododendrons.  Obviously she wanted to be the Centre of Attention Top Cat and succeeded - imagine my dismay when Lulu, who has only been brave enough to do the cat flap in the past week, suddenly noticed an open door and shot through the cat flap and under the car again.

    We tried bits of food, the schooling whip "lure" (Lulu loves it), but no joy.  Then Pippi came down into the yard and I went inside hoping they would give up, and finally they did.  Oh my goodness, is it any wonder I have blood pressure which isn't as low as it should be? In the evening Pippi came and sat on my lap (something she rarely does) and was very loving and attentive.  Little ratbag!

    We are shortly going for a walk near Erwood, to make the most of this beautiful autumn sunshine.  I am tired as several nights this week I have slept very badly and been awake about 3 hours in the wee small hours.  Hopefully I will unwind tonight.

Here is a happy kitten tonight, doing her upside-down routine!

I hope everyone's been enjoying this sunshine, and if you live in Scotland, haven't floated away.


  1. Naughty little bundles of mischief and joy! I wish we could both shake off this perpetual tiredness. I have to push myself out of the door shortly, just to get to the post box. Enjoy your afternoon walk. Looking at the weather forecast, we need to make the most of the next day or so.

    1. I love them too much, that's the trouble. It would destroy me if anything happened to them. Keith is exhausted because he has reduced his Thyroxine, thinking it was too high (he is inclined to be The Expert when really he isn't). He can barely move tonight so it's back up to 100 again now. I aim to make the most of tomorrow. T&J still here, so gardening in the morning and a walk after lunch.

  2. Those kittens will keep you active! I live with insomnia so I sympathize with your sleep problems and tiredness. I'm hopeful you will get a good night's sleep soon, and Keith will take his meds as dosed and feel better.

    1. Oh they do that alright! I slept much better last night and woke refreshed AND before Keith did. All this past week he has woken me up when he's been taking his shower, which means I have to leap out of bed before I'm really awake to help him dry and dress.

  3. They are teases, aren't they. Have you thought about putting the food away until evening, and calling them with a rattle of cat biscuits? It worked for our baby, many years ago. You don't need anything more to raise your BP, and if it makes them cross, that's just too bad!!

    1. They get fed when I get up, and usually about 3 p.m. in the afternoon (don't ask me why it's that time, but it always has been). Yesterday we went for a walk, came back at 4, rattled the biscuits as always and then SHUT the door! Later in the day when they've been out, we rattle biscuits (have a few in a little container) or tap an empty tin. If they are obliging, they'll come BUT they can be determined to play me up!!

  4. They definitely keep you on your feet and provide you with the worry normally given to children. Hope Keith improves today.

    1. Well, they are like my children, having such characters. Keith seems brighter, but a year ago I can't help thinking he was able to get up the steps and walk around the garden. Now he can barely get from room to room.

  5. I’m reminded of Mary and her little lamb - leave them alone and they’ll come home wagging their tails behind them. I used to worry about my cat (no cat flap in those days) but she would always come in when I shook the GoGo biscuit box - hence her name of GoGo, although S rechristened her Goalie as she was so good at stopping balls. Luckily we are both sleeping well - gentle exercise, eating well, drinking lots of water, keeping calm and not overdoing it - all seems to help. The worst times are when I worry (and flap and stress over things I have no control over) so I don’t as worrying doesn’t change anything. Keep calm and carry on is a very good motto! It’s another lovely day here so off to the beach now for a final swim and picnic. Sarah x

  6. Cats will be cats - but ALWAYS come home for food. We once had a 'night' cat. She would never come in at night, no matter what we did. Eventually we gave up and left her out overnight - she was at the door in the morning waiting for breakfast - always - and never apologetic about her night roaming. She stayed out in all weather until the snow came (I live in Canada). She lived to a ripe old age and stayed out most nights until she got old and arthritic.

  7. The little stinkers! I'm of a mind that they know where they live and they know who feeds them. That last picture is hilarious. Even while they are on your last nerve, they can make you laugh. Just like children, I suppose.

  8. Oh Drat. My comments come up gone. Lulu's pose is hysterical. They can get on your last nerve, can't they? And then they do something to make you laugh out loud. Stinkers. Both of them!
