

Jennie's recipes

Wednesday 25 October 2023

A minor miracle

 I woke this morning to hear Keith making his way to the bathroom - on foot. The anti-virals had kicked in and kicked Covid into the long grass.  P.H.E.W.  You cannot begin to imagine my relief (his too!) as there was a date with a hospital bed being arranged, as no way could I deal with him unable to walk and so poorly, once Danny went home.  Now we can both sit quietly and begin to heal and Danny can have an easy day especially as tea tonight is the 2nd half of last night's mini cottage pies for D&I, and cottage pie puff pastries for Keith, plus two in the freezer.  

Today we can relax and start to heal.

Update: I dozed on the sofa half the morning - it felt miraculous to just lie there, and not be worrying myself witless all day long or have to try and arrange things as I have been doing for hours each day.  I managed to get down the town to post off very important documents, go to the butchers for bacon and some garlic and butter chicken kebabs for Danny and I to have for tomorrow night's meal.  Keith will have fish, his favourite.  I confess I am absolutely exhausted, having hung on to so much tension for so long.  Even in my sleep I was sleeping-aware and leaping out of bed the moment I heard Keith's breathing change.  

This afternoon we watched Escape to the Country, which was an interesting one as they had four totally different properties on offer and then caught up with Celebrity Race Across the World, which was very good.  Now Keith is on the antiques programmes and I've come out to do the Popty-Ping (Microwave) tea of last night's tasty offerings.

Thank you all for keeping in touch and I will hopefully be able to catch up on answering comments in the morning.


  1. Replies
    1. Still a long path back up that slippery slope though.

  2. Good news about Keith's recovery. i hadn't realised there were anti viral drugs that could help against Covid.

    1. Well, they are effective. They have stopped the Covid in its tracks but his chest infection is still bad and needs a change of Antibiotics - these are broad-spectrum and not effective.

  3. Glad the anti virals begin to work so quickly. What a relief, now you both can sit back and recover. Take it easy, sending hugs.

    1. It'll be awhile yet but at least Keith's not getting worse.

  4. Oh what good news! The picture of you both sitting quietly together, healing, is a nice one.

    1. Imagine antiques and archaeology programmes in the background on tv too.

  5. Thank goodness for antivirals! Let's hope everything slots into place quickly now with the hospital bed.

    1. They're visiting about the hospital bed next week now.

  6. Great news x
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Thanks Alison. Recovery will be protracted though.

  7. That's really good news. X

  8. Great news and such a relief for you.

  9. Wonderful news! Be kind to yourself as the healing continues.

    1. Can't put myself first, but at least I can rest a bit now.

  10. This is such great news! Keep resting up to regain your strength.

    1. The resting is mostly flat out on the sofa, bereft of energy!

  11. Great news. Now rest and finish healing, the two of you.

    God bless.

  12. As gz says 'relief' that somehow things are beginning to pick up.

  13. It’s good to hear this x sending lots of love to you both. With all things, fear is a major factor and if that can be reined in, we are able to stand firmer and cope with what life throws at us. Much love Danette x

    1. Exhaustion doesn't help the fear factor Danette. I could cope better if I was in full health.

  14. I don't know you but came here from Debby's blog. She mentioned that you and your husband had covid. I'm so thankful the antivirals worked for him. I've been sick with covid for eleven days and only feel human again this morning. It's a horrible virus. Take care.

    1. Hello and welcome Pixie. Sorry you have been poorly with it and for a long time too. It's a nasty thing to have. Worse when you have to work through with it.

  15. I hope you all have continued to improve! Were you not eligible for the anti viral meds?sending good wishes and prayers.

    1. It's a slow old business. No, I'm not eligible for the anti-virals. Not in the vulnerable category as Keith is.

  16. What a relief for you. You need a few more good sleeps to set you right. But a hospital bed setup for Keith will also help with everyday care, and spare your back. I've been on holiday and unable to comment via my mobile, but I followed (with great concern) Keith's Covid. May the weeks to come bring much better health for you both.

    1. I need a holiday! Fat chance - can't even have a day off. It's just a case of resting when I can.

  17. Keep positive Jennie. You will adapt and once you are organised with a hospital bed and all the bathroom and getting safely about aids you will start to feel better and more in control. At the moment you are fire-fighting which is bound to feel stressful and scary. Once you are both recovered from Covid you can organise respite care to give you a break. Remember stress is your enemy so try and keep that at bay. Relax and enjoy your lovely home and garden and beautiful countryside. Pick up some patchwork, knit a pair of socks, bake a cake and breathe. … you’ve got this and as you can see all your friends in Blogland are rooting for you. Sarah x

    1. Fire-fighting - yup, that sounds about right. Have absolutely no energy or inclination to sew or knit, but pick up a book for a few pages now and again. Thank you Sarah - thanks to EVERYONE for their support.
