

Jennie's recipes

Monday 23 October 2023

. . . and THEN there was a cat fight!

 Gosh, we've been put to the test here this past couple of days, dealing with Keith having Covid, being barely mobile and his poor body rigid because the PD drugs don't work well in these situations.  His breathing has been awful and you can hear the gunk in his lungs.  I spent three hours solid on the phone yesterday making back to back calls to all the relevant authorities, trying to set everything in motion to cover for when Danny goes back to Emma and "I" at the weekend.  Well, I got it all accomplished, but was nearly witless and gibbering at the end of it and had to go and lie on the sofa for a bit.  O.M.G. - the bliss of just stretching out and letting go of some of that tension. . . .  It seems my organizational skills haven't totally left me - I was once in charge of organizing a Royal Visit for a company to receive the Queen's Award for Industry, everything from marquees, tables, food, booze, glasses, Royal Towels and Loo Rolls upwards.  It was a very grand occasion . . .

I had to deal with a most unhelpful receptionist at the surgery in the morning - fortunately the capable lass was there in the afternoon when I went in for K's prescription - we're pals because she loves hearing about my kittens and a little waif and stray came her way, so we compare notes!  She is SO helpful.  Then Dan and I had to drive to Llandod to collect the anti-virals for Keith, and I sent Danny into Aldi with a short shopping list.  Keith's had his first lot of anti-virals and I think they will be a game-changer as his breathing was certainly better overnight.

Having slept almost right through the previous night - unheard of - from exhaustion, last night I was tossing and turning again, as I had a stressful evening even after getting Keith up to bed - which Danny mostly dealt with.  When I came down, Danny soon followed me and ran to the front door, telling me there was a hundinger of a cat fight out there.  L. Whale shot in but Alfie was in the fray.  Dan went into the orchard with a torch, and said that Alfie was out there with a dark cat with a big white face, but to his surprise they were sat beside one another!  What was THAT all about?  They had had a heck of a fight - a heavy ceramic planter knocked over, a small empty one smashed.  Then half an hour later I couldn't find Lulu anywhere and my nerves were already totally overwrought and I got my knickers in a twist thinking she had escaped when we went after Alfie.  Fortunately she turned up under Danny's bed.  No wonder I couldn't sleep well as my nerves were tight as piano strings.  

I clocked up nearly 10K steps on Sunday and over 12K yesterday - so much for ANY rest at all.  I am truly bone weary and just want to do nothing, but I dare say there will be phone calls here today from ASSIST and the Physio dept (latter deal with hospital beds etc) and perhaps a visit, so I will have to do housework.

Thank God for my absolute Hero of a son, caring daughter-in-law to be, and the rest of the family.  Gabby is coming up this weekend.  

A positive from yesterday, as my beautiful new Bourbon rose, Gypsy Boy, arrived from Trevor White Roses (a cat flap delivery!!)  I have got it standing in a bucket of water for the moment but will get Danny to help me plant it before he goes home.  Being a Bourbon rose, this will have a terrific perfume.

Photo courtesy of Trevor White Roses (which I can highly recommend).  Prices are good and very efficient with orders.  I have used them several times.

Right, I was up early.  I've had a bath, and will wash my hair later and perhaps feel a bit brighter then.  Thank you all for your kind comments, which really help. Onwards and upwards.


  1. Not surprised you are worn out after all the phoning and all those steps! Lets hope today the help starts to appear and thank goodness for family.
    Don't forget to sit down.

    1. I normally average 14 or 15K a day - usually that is about the house - up and downstairs and so on. I'm not one for sitting still long. Legs a bit wobbly at the moment though and I've been awake since 3.30 again, so today will be another marathon.

  2. I would imagine organising a royal visit was a doddle compared to what you're going through right now. Why is it that the people on the other end of the phone are almost always difficult and abrasive when we really need is efficiency with maybe some tea and sympathy from them. I hope you get everything Sorted as quickly as possible and that the antivirals start working with Keith.

    1. Too blardy true Debbie! The receptionist had a real attitude and didn't seem to understand that someone with Covid didn't have the energy to drive for a 3 hour round trip to collect a prescription! She would not have offered tea and sympathy!!

      Things falling into place but no-one will come and visit us in the Pestilential Palace yet!

  3. Wow Jennie life is putting you through it. I can only wish you the best outcome from all this. I think the cat fighting must have been the last straw. But that rose is beautiful and you can look forward to it blooming. X

    1. I know - I don't know what on earth I did to upset the fates! You're right, the cat fight was the final straw as I love my puddy tats and don't want them hurt.

  4. Cats! I don't understand the social order either. I know that Houdi enjoys being an inny-outy cat. We have two other strays that I tend to, providing a safe warm place for them to sleep and food for them. The alliances seem to change regularly.

    You certainly are having a tough time right now, but you're doing amazingly well. The fact that your children have jumped right in to take care of things is wonderful.

    Ironically, I just watched an Antiques Roadtrip yesterday that featured David Hanson and David Barber. One of the places they went was Llandod. It was a surprise to see the reference here!

  5. OMG I feel I have nothing to say to make anything better. At least the rose has come when you needed it. Hugs.

  6. What a gorgeous rose - I love the name too. Hope things are gradually falling into place for K’s care and you are feeling better and calmer. Take care BB and look after yourself, we cannot have you poorly and burnt out! Sarah x
