

Jennie's recipes

Sunday 15 October 2023

Malvern and First Frost!

 I couldn't believe my eyes when I went out to the car to leave at 6 a.m. for Malvern Flea this morning and found out we'd had a sharp frost overnight and the windscreen needed the heater on it and a good scraping off, so I was late leaving.

    I'd put a soft breakfast out for Keith, plus a big thermal travel mug of tea, and everything he might need whilst I was away.  This was necessary as Danny had to stay back at home as he'd been out for a drink with a mate the night before, and found out his mate's friend had Covid . . . We didn't want to risk having him stay after that.

    I have uploaded photos BUT since I have started putting them in folders, I cannot find them.  Or rather, I can find some of last month's I put in folders but not since.  Will have to get an offspring to help me . . .

    However, I had a brilliant time at Malvern today - found some lovely things at sensible prices.  I will put up photos when I have discovered where I'm going wrong in saving them.  I never had any problem until Cloud came along . . .

    I got Keith a special African knife of a design I had a hunch about and he is delighted, as we have done research since my return and attributed it to a specific tribe and discovered it's value.  Ditto the antique saddle of foreign extraction which turns out to be mid 1800s Moghul warrior's, embellished with decorated brass panels.  It had apparently been sold in auction as a saddle for a Goat!!

    The 1921 print of the story of Widdicombe Fair which I couldn't resist, is also fairly rare and desirable.  I shall enjoy it in my Widdicombe corner until next year.  Various kitchenalia bits also came my way, and a lovely little nightlight in the form of a hand-crafted ceramic caravan - SO pretty.  Oh, and a painted Indian side table/storage box which I shall have to hide from the kittens, lest they use it to strop their claws on.  

    My gardener has been busy - cutting the front hedge yesterday (just the sides, as the farm cut the top for me) and today he turned up and cut the lawn, as it was a dry day.  I am borrowing a heavy duty brush strimmer from a neighbour of Pam's and he's bringing it round tomorrow for G to then do the orchard and the front triangle for me - both get very overgrown in the summer months.

    I left a note for the Parkinsons nurse on Friday - she is phoning on Thursday, but I had a couple of queries for her and suggested a medicine that the GP had named, for one of Keith's Parkinsons' problems.  Being on Antibiotics still seems to make him grind to a halt about 3 p.m. in the afternoon and walking becomes increasingly difficult after that.  We hope it is just temporary and not a worsening of the condition.

    Yesterday Keith told me to have a couple of hours off at Tretower - it was the Living History folk in the 14th C this time and he knew I wanted to go.  I enjoyed chatting to everyone and once again, it was suggested I made myself a suitable outfit and join them (a different member asked this time).  I explained it wasn't straight-forward but if I can get respite cover for Keith . . .

    I hope you have all had an enjoyable weekend - the sun has been out all day here. Long may it last.


  1. Our mornings haven't been as chilly as predicted, so no frost yet--almost 2 weeks later than last year. Several cloudy days and wind with a bite to it. So glad you had some time 'out'--and it sounds like you pounced on some pleasing treasures.
    That Pippi has grown! What a charming elfin face.

    1. We don't often get frost this early. There was another one this morning too. I've been happy leaving a kitchen window open for Pippi to come and go but not today! She is indeed a pretty girl with that elfin face. Lulu too, with her dark mask, bright blue eyes and white whiskers.

  2. It sounds like you had a very lovely weekend. Good for you on finding all those deals at the fair. I am looking forward to seeing the pictures.

    God bless.

    1. It was well worth going, though I didn't enjoy driving there in total blackness for the first half hour. It makes the road seem far longer when you can't see landmarks until you reach a village. I had some VERY good buys.

  3. Once more Covid seems to be everywhere. I'm wearing a mask and I'm starting to see a few more on the street on the occasions that I go out. The trouble is it's starting to look now as if we're going to have to treat it more as a annual winter flu bug except it's year round. Been biting the bullet here, no frost but living room down to 18C so heating is on!

  4. What good finds, they all sound special, hope you can get some respite care for Keith, so you can do some dressing up!
    Pictures are a pain to find sometimes - I have that problem too

  5. I am so glad you got out and Keith did okay home alone for a bit. The flea sounds fun. I'm looking forward to seeing the pics if you find them.

    My photos wouldn't load or transfer the other day and yesterday I woke up to find my phone all wonky and weird as it had rebooted itself. I do not know why these electronics force changes on us, esp unannounced and useless.
    Good luck.


  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. We have had frost warnings here, but we have not had our first frost, at least not as far as I know. Your Sunday morning would have been a shock to me. I can't wait to see your goodies from the sale.

  8. Cloud has much to answer for, and you are not alone. I seem to have photos stored now in three, possibly four different folders in. various locations The trouble is the laptop isn't telling me which folder it's loading things into. Some stuff has been missing for weeks, if not longer.

  9. It sounds like you had a good time. I'm looking forward to seeing the items you got! We've not had frost yet. I still have some flowers in my garden. Won't be long now until a frost hits them.
