

Jennie's recipes

Wednesday 18 October 2023


 I have a cold - hopefully not Covid, but will test later on.  Have been laid on the sofa all afternoon - once our gardener left after taking the brush strimmer to the paddock.  I had the still-warm electric lounging blanket draped over me and woke up to Pippi being a little radiator on my feet.  I didn't want to move at all.  I hope I don't pass this on to Keith.

Meanwhile - still no photos.  I can access the latest, but not download them anywhere . . .

Deep joy - it IS Covid.  Let's hope that I haven't passed it on to Keith already . . .


  1. I hope this passes soon. Nice that you cat is trying to help.

  2. Hope all goes well..we managed not to share it by keeping completely separate as much as possible. That isn't easy

  3. Oh NO! How can you avoid passing it on to Keith?

  4. Oh no. That's the last thing you need. Bless your heart. Fingers crossed that Keith doesn't get it bad enough you have. Major hugs, xxxxx Tricia xxx

  5. Covid everywhere in our area,particularly the schools as usual, in southern Victoria,Australia. My daughter in law caught it at a hens party, and my daughter said there are many staff and students away with it at the school she works at. Best wishes for a speedy recovery, most people around here are well vaccinated, and not getting dangerously I’ll.

  6. Oh my, I am so sorry that you have come down with Covid. Hoping that Keith does not come down as well.

    God bless.

  7. Sending healing thoughts. Feel better.

  8. Oh, I'm so sorry to hear you're stricken. And praying for a miracle for Keith - he doesn't need it, does he! I son and all his family have recently had it, and although the children were pretty unaffected, it hit the adults. I'll be hoping to hear in a few days that you've thrown it off.

  9. Oh no, What a pain. Hope it is short lived

  10. Oh dear, I hope you feel better soon. Keep warm and drink lots of hot lemon and honey. This latest Covid strain seems the most contagious so far as I know several people who’ve succumbed for the first time. We remain Covid free thankfully and need to maintain that clean sheet at least until S has his hernia operation on the 30th. Sarah x

  11. Sorry to hear you have covid. Everyone i know is coming down with it. Myself and my husband had it. Mine turned into double pneumonia with pleurasy. The pain was and still is horrendous.
    I have been taken to A&E three times in an ambulance.
    I think i made it worse by trying to carry on rather than resting and healing - we have animals, you know how it is.

    Anyway, please take care of yourself.
    Sharie xxxx

  12. Oh no! I do hope Keith doesn't catch it and you have a mild version and feel better soon. Take care and sending healing thoughts.

  13. Oh no, I hope you feel better soon and don’t pass it to Keith. We’ve had it just recently, it felt like a very, very bad cold but I don’t want it again! Unfortunately I passed it to P but fortunately he was not as bad as me. In England, not sure about Wales, Parkinson folk are on the high risk list and there is an antibiotic available if you notify your Dr. The antibiotic has to be taken by day 7 though so, of course, we rang the Dr who notified the hospital 28 miles away they rang the same day Friday and again on the Monday but by the time the antibiotic reached us it was too late to take it!! By this time it was day 8 and P felt much better. The trials of living in the countryside and getting ill at weekends and holiday times, which P always manages to do!. Sending hugs to you both.

  14. Sorry to hear this, get well soon x
    Alison in Wales.

  15. So sorry you've got Covid, maybe you are worn out and more susceptible to catching things. Nice the cat was warming your toes. I had my Covid and flu jabs yesterday and my arm really hurts and also my collarbone. Hope you soon feel better and that Keith doesn't get it from you. Hugs Gill Xx

  16. Not what you wanted to hear. Hope it passes soonest.

  17. Oh I'm so sorry it's COVID. I hope it passes soon, and skips over Keith on its way out the door.

  18. Aww, get better soon! Our own kitty cats seem to know when we're not feeling well, they are extra affectionate. I hope Keith doesn't get it!

  19. I think we all feel the same, perhaps mask wearing might help Keith but let us hope it passes through the household quickly.
