

Jennie's recipes

Saturday 21 October 2023

Your kind comments have made me cry . . . and UPDATE


Alfie, who has been a big cowardy custard!

Keith has just tested positive for Covid.  I am not surprised - difficult to avoid it when I am his carer - I can't do that from 6 feet away or in a different room.  Just phoned 111 and am waiting to hear what will happen next (Clinician will phone).  Saying prayers here, and so glad I have moral and practical support from Danny and Emma.

I've been sleeping so badly, this has settled on my stomach and I'm feeling so sick (and have been).  My legs are so wobbly and although the head cold bit was negligible it's all the extras!  I had to wake Danny in the night to come and help me with Keith as he was on the edge of the bed and slipping off and no way could I help him move.  Just trying had me in a muck sweat and I had to dash to the loo in case I was sick. We need to do something Heath Robinson about that pronto.  There's a beam over the bed so we need to attach a rope or something to that to haul himself up with.

The cats have done their usual "Stranger Danger" act (although the big boys grew up with Danny at home!) and Lulu has been hiding in the sofa.  Pippi is a lot more confident and walking about with Iarna here, so that's progress.  At one point they shot out the cat flap late afternoon so I was worried about them not coming in, but when it rained a bit harder, they did.  Big Boys didn't come in until 1.30 a.m. when I came down to see if they were about (still raining).  Where I had a dreadful earache in my left ear I'm still pretty deaf in it (my working ear that is!)  and I kept thinking I was hearing pitiful miouws outside (Alfie, who is the more anxious of the boys).  Needless to say, that stopped me sleeping. I didn't work out whether it was the ear playing up or Alfie actually saying let me in.

Just forcing down a handful of cornflakes but even those are making me feel nauseous.  Enjoy your weekend my friends.


  1. You really are having a rough time. Keep resting as much as possible. I reckon cats can usually find somewhere dry if it rains.

  2. Oh dear. Have you been advised to have a hospital bed for Keith? That might make life a bit easier for you all. I often think is best to get these things sorted sooner rather than later. Really hope you are starting to turn the corner. Perhaps you can to go to bed during the day today with a good book and hopefully make up on some sleep while Danny is there. We have Covid and flu jabs today, our medical centre have said I can have mine at the same as S which is thoughtful. S is back to his early morning wandering. Once he awakes he has to get up. We have bought him a head torch to keep by the bed so he can put that on to walk around safely in the dark mornings and now it’s cooler I make sure his dressing gown and slippers are positioned by a sturdy chair for ease of putting on. One always has to be one step ahead with this PD. On the bright side we had really lovely weather yesterday so I sent S on an off-road cycle (he has the most amazing muscle memory for cycling - cycling 20 off-road miles every day for work for 25 years and then six years of regular cycling since we’ve lived here and getting to know all the bridleways and byways like the back of his hand has certainly proved its worth) and in the afternoon we had the most delicious sunshiney walk along our sandy heathland ridge spotting so many different fungi. The rose hips are at their absolute best right now too. Gorgeous sunset last night but it’s raining now. Our T is up in north Wales this weekend so I hope he doesn’t get too wet. I think he prefers trekking in bad weather - less folk about and he certainly has all the right kit! Feel better soon. Sarah x

  3. So sorry. The version of covid i had caused intense pains in my stomach and chest. I was literally writhing in pain with that and headache that refused to go.
    It does ease up but the weaakness stays for longer so rest up!
    You do need a rope or something for Keith to hold on to.

    Do you have hand grips for him around the house ?Your nurse should be able to help obtain these.

  4. It sounds like you have a bad strain. The hospital bed suggestion was a good one.

    1. And how I missed that Keith has tested positive, I cannot tell you. You are on the receiving end of my very best thoughts.

  5. My friend, you need to get help for the night time and not Heath Robinson. You need a hospital bed and a proper hoist. A night time PA is costly, but you might have to consider it. You cannot keep trying to lift Keith yourself. I found out the hard way that I was lifting my mother incorrectly and could have resulted in dislocated joints or worse. Organise it now, while you have control of the situation, don't wait until you absolutely have no choice.

  6. I am recovering from Covid and have suffered from nausea throughout. Try sucking a piece of crystallised ginger as it can really help to ease that nausea. Now, 3 weeks after catching Covid, the symptoms are abating. Good luck and best wishes, Charmaine

  7. Do hope you pick up soon, it must be twice as hard looking after Keith if you are poorly too. Have you tried some ginger biscuits for your sickness or a piece of dry toast. When my Dad became more immobile (old age) we got him a bottle and also a commode chair for by the side of the bed. Also had a frame for fitting round the toilet and grab bars too. Hope you soon feel better. Sending you a virtual bunch of flowers and hugs. Gill Xx

  8. I do hope you start to feel better very soon. So sorry that Keith caught it, I know how hard it is to look after someone when you, yourself are ill. You can only do what you can do and I think a rope on the beam is a great idea.

    God bless.

  9. I am so worried about you and Keith. This strain of Covid seems very bad, even the booster vaccine makes people quite ill, I am hearing. There is an anti viral med now, hopefully both you and Keith can get that. A blessing is that your son and his partner can help out, perhaps, tho they too could become ill and they have a small child, right? Sending love and prayers.

  10. Im sorry you're having such a hard time. I hope you recover soon, and Keith doesn't get too bad a case even though he's already weak. I agree with others, a hospital bed could be such a help. Wishing you lots of good rest.

  11. Really hoping everything turns out well. Thinking of you. Haven't been able to comment due to travelling but have been following along with concern.

  12. Well even tears help at moments like this Jennie. Illness, stress and tension are not a good combination. It sounds a vicious strain of Covid you have, and one can only pray that it doesn't affect Keith too much. Rest, rely on your children for a while and watch the kittens grow up. xxx
