

Jennie's recipes

Sunday 22 October 2023

This morning's update and an extra one

 The Covid has of course gone straight to Keith's chest.  His peak flow is only 200 at the best of times and he struggles to blow his nose, let enough cough up gunk.  I am going to get out the anti-pneumonia pillow we bought earlier in the year to prop him up higher in bed.  He wouldn't have it when I got it -  "uncomfortable" - but he's blardy well going to use it now as he sleeps absolutely flat.

I have phoned 111 and am waiting to hear back from the OOH GP.  (Now spoken to a lovely GP from ShropDoc, who has put Keith on antibiotics - we had two leftover from his last UTI dose as we didn't take them as his urine test came back non-infection.  However, Tam was on her way here from Aber, and we had to phone her and say turn around, the prescription will be in Boots Aberyswyth.  So half an hour into the journey, she turned around.  Then we got another phone call - it wouldn't be ready until 1 p.m.!  Poor girl, I hated messing her around.

Once again, only about 4 hours sleep - still awake at midnight (worrying) and then every noise from his room woke me up.  I was up and down here in the night and then back down before 7.  Danny, bless him, is dealing with dad up there now.  I am going to try and get a bath this morning - first since I became ill though I have washed, honest!  I thought I was feeling better (in bed) but the moment I move around I am in a muck sweat again and not feeling at all chipper.

In the morning I shall be straight onto the Parkinsons nurse, as Daniel (Physio) mentioned a Hospital bed, so will try and expediate that.  She was talking about it last week so it's obviously it's noted. I will also mention the Hoist.  Keith wanted help to sit up in bed last night and that did my hip/Sciatic nerve again.  Dead pulls are not good at my age.

Sorry, no replies to personals.  But I love hearing from you all.

My gardener turned up this morning, so I had to say "COVID!" under cover of my teeshirt and I just told him to get on with it.  He's on the bottom triangle now with the brush strimmer.  Normally I send him home with a piece of cake but there's been no cake cooked THIS week!


  1. Will keep you all in my prayers. My hospital bed was delivered two days after ordering. So hopefully it's just a case of how quickly you can get your room organised. I know it's hard for you to do this, but you have got to look after yourself in all of this and let others take the strain now. Sending healing prayers and Reiki.

  2. I too hope you can get a hospital bed. It will make a huge difference for positioning and for assisting him in and out of bed. My best thoughts to you both. I am glad that your kids have jumped right in to help. Let them. You need a rest.

  3. So sorry to hear Keith now has it too and is so poorly. I really do hope you start to recover soon and as Debbie says look after yourself. Sending healing thoughts.

  4. Thinking of you all at this time. Love and hugs Gill Xx

  5. I had 6 pillows when i had pneumonia! He really needs his top half higher to help with breathing.
    Take care xxx Sharie

  6. I keep you in my thoughts and hope for a fast recovery for both you and Keith. Rest!
