

Jennie's recipes

Wednesday 1 November 2023

Battle with a giant bean bag

Malvern view

 It had to be done, I couldn't manoeuvre the wheelchair through the library properly because that blardy beanbag (imagine something the size of a dead buffalo and the same colour, in leatherette) was always "relaxing" and getting into the doorway.  I trust we have now gotten past the stage where Keith might have needed to sleep on it because he couldn't get upstairs.  I decided this morning was the morning to put it back in Tam's room.  Of course, all the filling went to one end and it was MOST unco-operative on the stairs, especially getting it round the half landing, due to its bulk, but I managed it.

My vacuum cleaner has been a stranger to me these past two and a half weeks but the carpets downstairs desperately need its attention.  A job for later.

The lovely OT lady came yesterday to discuss the hospital bed for Keith.  Of course, it is going where we already have a drop-leaf table, office chair and large box of Tam's stuff beneath it.  Further along that same back wall is a small chest of drawers belonging to Tam (with contents).  That is going to have to go - either on Marketplace or out in the shed, to make room for the big box of T's stuff. (She's said put it in her bedroom . . . a challenge right now as it's full of moving house stuff!) Contents into my big tin trunk.  So I have a lot of sorting out and moving to do over the next week.  Don't know where the table will go, let alone the big office chair.   Our old home was so huge and like a tardis - we could always move furniture around and put it in the junk room, or down in mum's flat.  Our only overspill here is the attic, accessed by a very steep staircase which doesn't lend itself to the easy movement of furniture! 

From a walk round Pant-y-llyn lake, the day before Covid struck

Storm Cieran is heading our way.  Keep safe everyone who is also in its path, especially those along the South Coast.  This one sounds a meany.  


  1. Love the description of your beanbag as a dead buffalo. Hope you found a home for it

  2. It was useful last Christmas - but has been here ever since (in Tam's bedroom). I so want LESS in the rooms here but it gets worse and worse with all the extras Keith needs. Two wheelchairs for starters . . .

  3. Its already very blowy and gusty here in the Midlands and the furniture cover has had to be rescued and put in the garage before it blew into next door's garden. Love your description of the bean bag, probably just as hard to move as a dead buffalo. I've done a food shop and intend to batten down the hatches. Stay safe. Hugs Gill Xx

    1. Fortunately so far not too windy, though some heavy rain around midnight. The bean bag wasn't very co-operative, I have to say. Keep safe.

  4. The bean bag bag sounds alive! Poor Keith if it'd been his bed. Can you not rent a hospital bed thru a surgical supply? Your national health system seems like lots of waiting and not there when you need it.

    My parents pitched out/ sold/ donated anything I left at home when I moved out for good after college. I went to NYC w one small suitcase and my sewing machine, never looked back. They were big on destashing. Some things I still regret, letters and photos from college years, books, a dollhouse all handmade by my dad, an antique rocking horse. I suppose I should declutter too, so sad.
    I loved poring over the flea market pics, previous post. Thanks for posting them.

    Please do not over do, it takes weeks to get over Covid. A set back is not worth it for clean carpets.

    lizzy x

    1. It's actually really comfortable to lie on, though getting him UP from it might have been a challenge. The Hospital bed is coming through Occupational Therapy, who came out for a visit to check where it would go.

      We still have furniture, clothing, Danny's collectable American comics etc here. I could do without it all but hopefully stuff will move out when they have their own homes (for Tam and Jon that is just 3 weeks now!) I will try and take some photos of the lovely stash I brought home from the last Malvern Flea today. Several things turned out to be a lot more valuable than I (or the sellers!) knew - went on gut feeling, as always.

      I am having to rest - only 4 hours sleep last night, so feeling absolutely shattered today.

  5. I hope you manage to declutter all the excess. Letting a lot go means less work for you in the long run.
    Don't do it yet though. Take it easy for a couple of weeks.

    1. I would love the energy to flow again, but it is all blocked up at the moment, and the extra things we have to have to help Keith get around, take up a lot of room too. Ah well, it will happen in time.

  6. I gather that you are having the hospital bed in along with the lighter weight wheelchair. It seems prudent since you don't know ahead when Keith may have a run of bad days. I'm sorry so many things have piled on you at once. You do need to regain your strength. I can recall fretting about things I didn't have stamina to do and being told, 'It'll be there when you're feeling better,' Not necessarily what one wants to hear.

    1. Oh goodness, life has been SUCH a challenge these past few weeks, and yet MORE challenges and worries thrown my way. Some good things too (will email you).

      Yup, all those jobs will still be waiting for me when I'm better! I am leaving the furniture moving in the yellow room until Danny and Emma are here.

  7. LOL at Morning Minion! True story.

    One should always ask for help when moving dead buffalo! I am glad that you are getting a hospital bed. I do think it will make your life so much easier. Does your home have an upstairs and downstairs bathroom?

    1. Well Debby, I don't think I shall ever ask for help again. Big jobs will just have to be broken down into little bits. I had a phone call yesterday - they wanted to deliver the bed today - without mattress! I had to tell them it needed the mattress and that I'd had Covid and had to do the furniture moving in there a bit at a time.

      We only have an upstairs bathroom/toilet and queries about putting one downstairs were met with horror by our plumber, who knows the set up here well! We will just have to manage with Keith perhaps staying in an upstairs bed-sitting room (the yellow bedroom)when he can't do the stairs any more.

  8. I'm glad you can still see the funny side of life Jennie, imagine if it had been a live buffalo. Cats and kittens are a rollover.

    1. A sense of humour is essential right now, but sometimes somewhat missing by bed-time when I am shattered and it might take an hour to get Keith to bed.

      Cats and kittens put a smile on our faces anyway.

  9. Morning BB, hope you are starting to feel more like yourself and are not overdoing it. And please leave the furniture shifting to Danny at the weekend. Our son is here at the moment, but he arrived yesterday with a London cold so we’re keeping our distance. S is recovering well from his hernia op on Monday. He had a General Anaesthetic and was in the hospital for 8 hours - such a relief to get him home. He had been given a raft of pills and potions but is managing the soreness with just paracetamol from our bathroom cabinet. Of course the weather here means that any outdoor jobs I had lined up for T cannot be done. Oh well, they will wait. I did manage on my own to move our outdoor table and chairs (good teak and a new house present from my parents in 1991) into the garage using the wheelbarrow on a sunny day when they were good and dry. We have had a lot of rain lately! The water meadows below us are flooded and I understand that the A29 over the river Arun is closed today due to flooding. We’re ok on the top of the hill so it’s just the strong wind to worry about. And remember (this was one of my mum’s best sayings) housework will always be there tomorrow. Sarah x

  10. Something strange going on here. This particular entry has only just now shown up in my reading list, and yet it says it was posted three days ago. And somehow your entry on Genghis going awol has bumped up over all the other posts in my reading list and now sits at the top. Who are we but mere mortals to judge the foibles of blogger?
