

Jennie's recipes

Thursday 2 November 2023

Ghengis goes missing . . .

 I didn't get much sleep last night.  There was a flurry of phone calls late afternoon/early evening, and I wasn't on the ball when it came to which of the old boys were in or out.  The forecast was not encouraging, and NOT a good night for cats to be out.  Then when I came to go to bed, I did a head count and found that Ghengis was nowhere to be seen.  I checked the entire house several times, but no sign of him.  I turned the outside light on and called him.  Nothing.  I put a jacket and outdoor shoes on and went to check under the car, in the middle stable (gardening shed now) as the door was left ajar and then in the end cart stable, which had been open all afternoon whilst I charged the mobility scooter.  No luck.

I went to bed and tried to sleep, but of course sleep eluded me.  My brain persuaded me it heard miowing around 1.30 a.m. so I put on my dressing gown and slippers and came downstairs.  No Ghengis.  I put outdoor shoes on, a thick jacket and my trusty torch and I went out to check the yard again.  I thought I would have one more look in the cart shed stable, just to make sure and when I shone the torch right to the back of the stable, a pair of gleaming eyes were revealed.  One little old stripey Bagpuss cat, snug and warm on some old curtains covering a chair.  Was I glad to see him!! I brought him in and he told me in no uncertain terms that he had Been Abandoned and Locked In, and needed feeding to recover from his ordeal.  Then of course everyone had to be fed!

I was still awake at 3 a.m., as other worries on my mind, and I am so shattered this morning I still can't face last night's washing up.  Ah well, it won't go away.  I'm getting quite fed up with being tested though - just want Keith and I to rest and mend.


  1. My 'bagpuss' (I don't know why that makes me giggle) decided to roam the house howling at O'dark-thirty. ( I have no idea what time it was.) I suspect he was angling for wet cat food. I did not want to positively reinforce the concept of midnight snacks, so he got shut up in the kitchen for his antics.

    1. Love "O-dark-thirty"!! When we used to get up at 3.30 a.m. to drive to Malvern Flea from Carmarthen, that became known as "Jennie-o'clock" :) I gave mine extra biccies in the night and Ghengis had some wet food, as he was clearly needing to get over his adventure :) I am clearly known as a soft touch for Midnight snacks !

  2. I agree with your last sentence

    1. Hoping that this will wind down into some positives happening. There are a couple of huge ones, but can't share them just yet.

  3. Is it possible that our darlings have better resources for Staying Out than we credit them? Like you, if one is absent when we lock up for the night I'm out there with a flashlight calling and cajoling. If its Robert who is 'out' he has a maddening way of showing himself before dashing off into the ravine. About one night in 10 he is out all night, appearing smugly on the doorstep in the morning to plead neglect and imminent starvation.
    Your need for rest and at least temporary resolution of stress has to be nearly over-whelming.

    1. I knew he would be somewhere under cover if he could get there. My worry was he had met with the nasty tom who comes around sometimes, or a fox, been injured and was out in the rain, dieing of hypothermia . . . This being, of course, the way ones mind works after darkness sets in.

      Robert must be very frustrating to deal with. Are there any night-time predators who could nab him? I remember a penpal in Alaska losing her cat to a big owl or similar.

      Legs feeling very feeble this morning. I try to rest but so many demands on me.

  4. Ghengis sounds like a typical cat, nothing is ever their fault and if you are up and about at silly o'clock of course they want a feed. Its been wet and windy here but not as bad as some places. Lots of indoor jobs done, changed our bed, ran the feather duster round the high corners and mopped the kitchen floor. Scampi and chips tonight with some salad to make it reasonably healthy. Have a good weekend. Hugs Gill Xx

    1. Hi Gill - oh yes, he took me to task for Locking him IN! I have to make up Danny & Emma's bed this morning - may need to do it a bit at a time. Snap - I had Scampi and chips last night. Keith doesn't eat prawns - his mother convinced them that they were foul because when dead bodies washed up on the Scarborough shore, they would have prawns feeding on them! I can remember her telling me off for eating half a pint of prawns at a pub (the Greyhound?) in Corfe Castle, with my friend Gay!

  5. My daughter had a cat that looked like bagpuss. I hope the flurry of phone calls means some help is coming your way. I think now would be a good time to get some respite to give you a chance to fully recover.

    1. The flurry of phone calls was friends and family. Much as I would like respite, it ain't gonna happen anytime soon, if ever. When I am better, I will try and get a couple of hours out somewhere - the remit is about 1/2 hr from home - SO exciting that is :( I would love to go up to Llangollen again, or have a couple of hours in Ludlow, but can't see it happening.

  6. The naughty little scamp! I know what it's like to not want to do the dishes if they have to wait until tomorrow. They have to wait. It's not the end of the world. I mean, how many dishes can you have dirtied just for you and Keith?

    1. Well, HE thought it was my fault. He'd gone in out of the rain for a catnap and I locked him in! Dishes got done last night. The number of them depends on what the meal is - when spuds need boiling then frying or mashing, veg (when I can force it down Keith), the other night it was a mucky pie dish too. I gave up the struggle and thought it could fester . . .

  7. I am glad that Ghengis was found, however I am so sorry that you couldn't rest like you should have. Hopefully you got some rest during the day.

    God bless.

    1. I couldn't settle till I knew he was safe. Your mind makes up all sorts of dreadful endings for them. I rest when I can but cannot stand for long, or bend much.

  8. Glad Ghengis is safe! Sorry dishes can wait, they don't mind being left unattended to.

  9. The dishes don't complain, which is something! The ironing mountain is pretty quiet too :)
