

Jennie's recipes

Friday 24 November 2023

Having a little break

 Sorry good friends.  Life is really being sh***y right now.  This hasn't been a good day on several different levels.  I will have a break from posting as there is nothing positive to write.  Oh tell a lie, I chased up his appt with the Consultant and managed to get a cancellation so we will see her 2nd week of December.  We'll stress the need for Botox injections for his neck as that is what is causing so many problems, including the eating.  I made Keith get on the scales this morning and he has lost over a stone in recent weeks - I knew he had as he's clearly getting so thin and he was never fat to start with.  9st 2lbs now.  Not been that slim since he was a teenager.  He says he is too tired to eat. I have tried my best to get him to eat more, but no . . . I forced a good piece of salmon down at lunchtime with some fried potatoes, and a banana, and some yoghurt.  That is a BIG meal for him.  

Just going shopping for high protein, easily eaten food.  And wine.  I need something to take the edge off my anxiety levels, but I promise, a glass won't be poured till nearly bed-time.


  1. I feel for you. I can relate to being too tired to eat, although I stuff myself with junk. This in itself got me in trouble with the consultant. Be mindful, I was told I eat too much protein. I will miss you, but I understand your reasoning. Sending healing light and love.

  2. Jenny, do they have high caloric drinks over there? Here two brands are Boost and Ensure. Those drinks are made for people in Keith's situation. They are support to be what is called a milkshake, but of course they don't taste like a milkshake which is why some folk just blend it with some ice cream.

    You need some help really. Right now, you are in charge of the dietary department, personal care aide, housekeeping, medical coordinator, and wife. No one can wear all those hats, not for long.

    1. I would second these, they kept my mother going until she was ready to eat food again.

  3. I used to lug home huge boxes of Ensure for my husband over the two year period that he was (literally) dying of cancer of the stomach. Surgery was wonderful and used to let me park outside and help load it into my car. BUT you must rest and get help and please take as long a break from blogging as you need to. Whenever you return you will be welcomed with open arms. In the meantime take care and please ask for help and support. It is there although you might (like I did) have to stamp your feet a bit to get it. Take care.

  4. You should be able to get those drinks on prescription.
    Big hugs xx

  5. You have an awful lot to deal with at the moment. X

  6. Please take care of you as well as hubby and come back when you feel able, we will be waiting. Sending you love and positive thoughts. Jan in Castle Gresley

  7. Oh Jennie, I’m so sorry to read this. I’ll be thinking of you. Look after yourself and always remember to put your oxygen mask on first. Sending lots of moral support - Sarah x

  8. I feel so bad for you and your husband. Will he drink the supplements like Ensure or Boodt? How about baby food.

    Certainly you need not post if you're not up for it, but I know I am here if you need someone to listen. And many readers no doubt feel the same. I wish I wasn't thousands of miles away.

    Thank you also for taking the time to wish me a Happy Thanksgiving!

    sending hope and prayers...


  9. So sorry to read this. Take a break and come back when you can. We will all miss you.

    I will be keeping you and Keith in my prayers. I will light a candle for you both every night. I agree about the Boost drinks and the Ensure if you have anything similar in the UK.

    God bless.

  10. You can look in the mirror each morning and say I am strong and I’m coping with dreadful circumstance BB and at the end of the day stand there and say I did my very best and I need to rest and tomorrow is another day.
    You are dealing with so much, with no let up . Sending much love and thoughts Danette xx

  11. Do take care. You're in my thoughts.

  12. Thank you all for your kind comments. 4.15 a.m. here and I can't sleep. I've been awake since 2. Looking forward to Tam visiting tomorrow. I phoned Parkinsons UK about LPA advice and they were very helpful and emailed me some useful links, and I will be contacting the Office of Public Guardian on Monday. I went to Llandod yesterday for Protein powder, and all sorts of high-protein foods for Keith. If only he would listen to me when I say he should sit upright in his chair (as per the OT) as slouching at a 45 degree angle in his chair and THEN looking down at his tablet is exactly what has made his neck so painful! I could write much more on him not listening to my observations, but hey-ho, why get upset. He knows best of course . . .

  13. Oh, I feel for you. Much too many balls in the air, or problems unsolved, no wonder you need to let things go. We will continue to think of you (or pray, if we're pray-ers) and hope things are soon better for you both. Hugs.

  14. I am so sorry to hear this and I will miss you but understand why you need a break. I will be thinking of you and I hope you can get Keith to take some of those drinks. You have so much to bear at the moment and I send love and best wishes to you. Caroline

  15. I recognize the header, that is one place I really want to visit again. Hopefully next year when we are back down at our caravan. Have a good rest and if you need to get some stress relief go and cuddle your friends Whippy

  16. Oh, poor things. Life must be hard for you right now and I hope things improve soon.

  17. A blogging break sounds like a good idea at the moment, sometimes typing out the trying and awful times you are living through is like it happening all over again. The wine sounds like a good idea, even a small afternoon glass is not to be sniffed at. Take care. xx

  18. Keeping a daily blog is the least of your worries. We will all be here when you return. Take care and look after yourselves,
