

Jennie's recipes

Thursday 23 November 2023

Another of those days - the Universe is sticking its oar in again

Perhaps positively this time.  We shall see.  A medical issue and we will be told in a week how permanent it is likely to be.  A possible emergency trip to A&E may have been on the cards, but difficult to tell.  I won't give details, but it was a bit of a shock, and the speed of it all happening too didn't give us time to take it in fully.

    Today I have had my first "walk" - i.e. one that didn't involve smooth flat supermarket floors! when I went up the lane to see our neighbour's new Whippet puppy, who is adorable but has needle-sharp teefs!  It was lovely to catch-up and have horsey cuddles with her two boys.  I came home laden with about 12 lbs of apples (cookers and eaters) which slowed me down up the last hill rather.  But I have proved I can do a few slopes and less challenging hills again so need to build up my stamina once more.

    This afternoon I will have to get back to making my Hedgerow Jelly, which had to be abandoned yesterday.  I may try bottling some of the apples I was given, but that will have to wait until the weekend.

    No rain so far today - yet!!

    Another g.g. gran death certificate and sadly she died from TB - as did her youngest son just a couple of years before.  The other certificate which appeared at the outside to be another g.g. gran was her 15 week old grand-daughter who died from Enteritis.  Whatever problems the NHS had, we should be glad that treatments are available for things which killed our ancestors not that long ago.


  1. Agree re: NHS and treatments, but what happens when the system is crumbling and the waiting lists are so long? What about that new life changing drug for Cystic Fibrosis that's too costly? We're slowly rolling back to the Dark Ages in many ways despite our progress.
    Well done on the walk. 12lbs apples is no mean load for lugging.

    1. Well, we cannot change it so have to endure the waits.

      I enjoyed the walk - it was good to be out, and just over half a mile was doable, apples and all!

  2. Hope the medical issue is resolved.
    Carrying all those apples would have been hard work on the flat, so you really are recovering well.

    1. Only time will tell. As for the apples, having lost 6 lb due to Covid, all Ican say is it was like the old me carrying 6 lbs!

  3. Sending hopes and best wishes for things medical..and congratulations on walks, friends and apples!!

  4. Thank you gz. You can never have too many apples . . .

  5. Hope the medical problem can be taken care of easily. Apples yum, and getting a nice walk in probably made you feel much better.

    God bless.

  6. All best wishes regarding the emergency thing. I love walking, do you sort out your problems as you go along?

  7. Still the old things make you happy Jennie,. Stewing those apples, making hedgerow jam and cuddling horses. Good and bad...

  8. Hope you can get this latest thing sorted. (Been reading all along, but am finding it very difficult to leave any sort of comment on many blogs, even as Anon.) All the best.

  9. You had a whippy cuddle, my wife would hate you for that, we lost our last one a few years ago and she still misses it. Griff our shelty does not quite make it as a whippy
