

Jennie's recipes

Wednesday 15 November 2023

Today I'm sitting down with . . .

 Well, a day of mixed parts.  Good news: the heating oil I ordered on Monday has been delivered and we got in at 70p/litre.  Bad news - no sign of handyman to start on the greenhouse (foundations first) and I had to leave a message on his answerphone at home.  I will call again tonight when he's home.  He seemed reliable, and I would have appreciated the heads up that he wouldn't be here today.

My monthly magazine was in when I went to get the paper in Conti's.  So I have sat down and enjoyed some of the Christmassy articles, although there is normally a proper Christmas mag at the end of November.  Some nice antiques in there and lovely room settings.

This lovely magazine was a "care package" sent by my lovely Dorset friend Gay - we go back 50 years, first as penpals, then lifelong friends.  She knows what is guaranteed to cheer me up. Some lovely baking recipes in here and when I am feeling up to standing in the kitchen for longer, I will try some out.  By the time I had changed Keith's bed this morning and put the linen on to wash, I had to have a rest.  Then I went to collect my prescription from the Surgery, and found out they had given me the wrong inhaler despite my saying it was the Fostair 200 I needed, which was taken in combination with the 100. So I have to go back again in the morning.

The view from the kitchen window of the beautiful beech trees changing colour.  They look fabulous with the sun on them.  I stood and looked at them whilst weighing ingredients for the first home-made loaf I've felt up to baking since getting Covid.   It will be a Wheatgerm and Honey loaf (with oatbran substituted for the wheatgerm.)  It's meant to be sprinkled with Sesame seeds, but having looked at the jar of Sesame seeds in the storecupboard, with no use by date on it, I am inclined to think it will have a sprinkling of oats instead and the Sesame seeds will be on the compost heap in the morning. Executive decision for my evening meal - it will be Cajun Dirty Rice - that will do me two meals at least.  Keith will be wanting fish again.

Keith's CBD oil arrived today and he had his first tiny dose.  It made him sleepy but he said his tremors feel better.  We shall see how we go on.

My brain feels like it needs to do battles with the documents on Ancestry again, for the first time since late summer, so I am going to indulge myself.  Hoping everyone is well and thank you for your comments, as ever.  I shall get Nicola White Tideline Art up on Keith's new Amazon Fire Tablet.  We both really enjoy her videos and would love to be mudlarks a) if we lived in London and b) if we were younger!!  I will find him some other interesting bits on Youtube - infact, just realized we have Youtube on our smart tv, so we can both enjoy them together.


  1. Pleased to hear you have had a sit down today and the CBD oil has arrived to trial.
    My small Beech tree in the garden is glorious too, the sun was on it for a while but long gone now.

    1. We have several beech trees around the paddocks, and Elms too! Including a big one just opposite the end of the bottom triangle paddock. They seemed to escape Dutch Elm Disease in these parts, which is wonderful. In England I never saw an Elm again after the disease struck badly in the 1960s.

      I sit down every day - sometimes I am still poleaxed after breakfast and have to sleep for an hour or so!

  2. Although I don't buy any magazines now, I always used to buy the Christmas magazines, even if I didn't buy them throughout the year. I might end up buying a dozen or more different ones in November and December. Country Living, Good Housekeeping, Homes and Antiques, Landscape, Simple Things, Good Food etc! How lovely to receive a care package like that? I have a lifelong friend too. We have known each other since we were 8 years old and met on holiday on a local beach. Hope the cbd oil works for Keith. I wanted to address CBD with my specialist yesterday, but due to. his error of. location. my appointment was cut short and I didn't get to ask half the questions I had.

    1. I used to get a Christmas magazine but then they got very samey year on year and I had a break. Apart from my best friend Trish, I still have several life-long friends I went to school with, and wish I could see them more often, especially Rosie, who is in NZ.

      Sorry that your consultation was so rushed that you didn't have time to ask more questions, including the CBD oil one. It made Keith drowsy this morning, but no ill effects.

  3. Your magazines couldn't be more timely for me. Living far from "home" as I do I always treat myself to some British magazines at Christmas time. I would love to have a subscription but the price is prohibitive. Therefore I tell my husband not to worry about about my gifts and take myself off to the one shop which stocks U.K. magazines and have a wonderful time deliberating on my purchases. Home and Antiques is a new one to me so I'm rather excited to see if I can find it over here.

    1. Your comment made me smile. When we still had the big Book/magazine shop Borders here (in Swansea) I would always go in and buy American magazines! Just X-Stitch and patchwork magazines, various baking magazines, etc. I hope you can get a great bundle of UK mags for your Christmas present. Fingers x'd that they will stock Homes and Antiques too - it's a lovely magazine.

  4. It is really nice to be able to watch YouTube on a tv. Hubby enjoys using the bigger screen. He still watches a few things on his laptop though.

    Those magazines look lovely. Enjoy.

    God bless.

    1. So far it's just been Chair Yoga and Chair Tai-Chi we've watched, but there's SO much we could view.

  5. I had Covid for the first time recently. It is 4 weeks since I tested negative and it is the first week where I haven't felt that I have to pace myself or sit down after tackling each small job. Take each and every small opportunity to rest - yes, easier said than done, I know! I hope the CBD oil helps Keith. X

    1. I never bothered to test myself negative, but it's over 4 weeks since I tested positive. Hoping that in a week or so I may be turning the corner going back to normal. Sorry you were poorly for a good while with it too . . .

  6. The magazine looks lovely. A cousin gets me a gift subscription to one called Southern Living, I've no idea why as I live in the north and we really are not that close! But she's a sweet woman and her thoughtfulness makes me smile. It sounds like you are doing better, if still needing lots of rest. I hope the CBD oil helps Keith.

  7. I really will be interested to see how the cbd works for Keith. I wonder if sorting out the timing of the dose to coincide with his sleep pattern would help.

    I am coming to the conclusion that we are longing for the happy distraction of the holidays.
