

Jennie's recipes

Thursday 16 November 2023

Today is going to be One of Those Days - and Update

 Started off just as exhausted as I went to bed and have been awake since 5 a.m.

Battery alarm is going off every minute on the smoke alarm at the top of the stairs - right outside the bedroom door.  Dangerous for me to be on a step ladder there but it will have to be done or I will get no sleep.

Still no answer from the Handyman about putting up the greenhouse.  Goes straight to answerphone.

The Receptionist at the surgery has just phoned to say that the GP said I can either have the Fostair 100 OR the Fostair 200 inhaler, and not both.  Oooh, that made my blood boil.  I told her I had been on that high dose for about 6 years, and that the Consultant at Glangwili Hospital put me on that.  That their Asthma Nurse had spoken to the Asthma Clinician at Abergwili about it when I first moved to the practice, and it was established that, high though it was, I needed it.  I have tried dropping back to the 200 alone, but really struggle with my breathing.  Why should I have my health compromised because some GP is trying to save money or comply with NICE guidelines?

8.40 and Keith has been in the bathroom this last hour, so I sense today is not going to be a good day.

Anything positive - NOPE!


The day has just got worse, as the letter we put in to Keith's GP asking her to confirm his mental capacity for his Lasting Power of Attorney is apparently not something GPs do at our surgery any more.  We have to get a private Psychiatric Assessment instead . . .  For heavens' sake!  Tam has shown me now the relevant page in the LPA advice and although I put down what I "thought" the solicitor had told me to write - it was very simple - I have clearly worded it wrongly.  Anyway, turns out that a friend who has known Keith for 2 years or more can sign it.  I will ask Carmarthenshire friends of long standing to do it for us.  

We definitely had chip shop fish and chips for tea tonight! 


  1. Ask a neighbour to sort out the battery - do not climb stepladders when you are not well. Make an appointment to see your GP so you can explain face to face why you need the combination of inhalers. Don’t worry about the greenhouse. It will get done, but I expect your handyman is working his socks off repairing storm damage. You are on his list - be patient! Go for a gentle walk and breathe slowly focussing on the out breath - try and let go of all the tension. I can sense you are extremely stressed which is hardly surprising. You need to lower your expectations of yourself, focus on the essentials (eating well, a gentle walk every day) and find those positives: 1) Your blog where you can let off steam - and where your readers can chip in with annoying advice and tell you what to do! 2) You have great support from all three of your children. 3) You live amongst beautiful countryside and have lots of interests and strategies to keep you sane - pick up some simple handwork, it helps to calm the mind and body. Wish I could spend an afternoon with you and the cats just knitting and chatting. Look after yourself BB, sorry if I’m sounding bossy but if you were my real-life friend I would be saying the same. Sarah x

  2. You need backup from the specialists to the doctor. Although the doctor should have evidence of that on your notes

    1. They seem to have read my notes now, as my favourite receptionist checked to see if my script had been made up and was awaiting signature, and it was.

    2. Relief.. box ticked positively

  3. Sending hugs. I don't know what's happened with my Fostair lately. They seem to have changed brands. They're telling me it contains the same drugs. but call me she of little faith. I don't know what our pharmacies are coming through, although yours isn't a pharmacy problem. I dropped off my prescription for my higher dosage of Parkinson's drugs only to be told they don't stock them. They'll be a few days. things certainly ain't what they used to be.
    As for going up a ladder, for God's sake, be careful. I have to stop going up one now I'm saying. all my lights to. table lamps so that when a bulb goes at least I'll be able to change it without having to call somebody in.

    1. Well, mine still says Fostair on the pack. Sorry you are getting a generic brand. Sorry you are having a problem with your higher dosage of Parkinson's drugs - our Boots in town is very small and doesn't have the storage I'm guessing, when I'm told they have to order something in.

      Don't worry, the going up a ladder idea was scotched by me before I blinked twice! Not THAT close to the top step of the stairs and it's a high ceiling too. As I said, I can beat it to death and then get someone to put another in a more reachable place.

    2. RE: Update. That's very interesting that you have to confirm mental capacity like that. the last time I do anything for an LPA, the solicitor just came along and asked simple questions like what is your name? What is your date of birth? What day is it today? What year is it? Who's the prime minister? A few simple questions that anybody compos mentis should be able to answer to ascertain their agreement to the LPA.

  4. But at least you have a place to speak about your frustrations. Soldier on regardless, tomorrow will be different. I do feel for your vicissitudes with the doctor's surgery. With a son who depends on insulin for his life I always fear the worst.

    1. I expect everyone is thoroughly fed up with me moaning about how shattered I am. If only I could rest but unless Danny comes up again, I shall just have to carry on regardless. No way would Keith agree to Respite care. If I had the energy for an afternoon off, I could have a bit of a break.

      Sorry your son is insulin-dependent - what a worry.

    2. Maybe Keith wouldn't agree to going to respite care...but wouldn't it be possible to have respite care come to you? Even just for an afternoon off...and I don't mean friends neighbours or family...ask your district nurse..if nothing else, she/he will know who to ask and what "buttons to press"

  5. I'm widowed, no relations or children living nearby and and live on my own. I dread the wretched smoke alarm going off. I have three in my house. Luckily neighbour recently came to my rescue and suggested that we renew all three at the same time from now on with - hopefully - no beeping in between. Do not go up on the ladder. I tripped on the lip of the floor some years ago, crashed down onto hard utility flooring and my legs took ages to heal. If you can, find a good handyman who will be able to help you out with all manner of inside and outside jobs. In the meantime be kind to yourself and be prepared to ask for help. Take care!

    1. Oh anon, that's not a good situation. Your neighbour got the right idea anyway, and I think (we also have 3) we will get Whoever Is Going to Do It to change the batteries at the same time. Smart thinking.

  6. Seems that anything to do with doctors and prescriptions has to be fought for nowadays and why do smoke alarm batteries always die in the night?
    Hope your day isn't being as bad as you feared.
    Just take care

    1. Boots an the Surgery, between them, seem to muck so many peoples' prescriptions up regularly. Every time I'm in there someone is complaining part of their prescription has been missed. Quite often it is me as well.

      Day not improving with keeping yet . . .

  7. Your specialist should contact the doctor, if he hasn't already. You definitely need to be able to breathe. If my posts come through more than once it is because I was told they failed to publish.

    God bless.

    1. It's a ridiculous statement to make - have one or the other. Believe me if I could manage on less medication, I would. I have never asked to go on a higher dose but have somehow got to this level with medical intervention.

      Don't worry if you have more than one post come up - if they're identical, I'll just knock one on the head.

  8. Why do Dr's think they are God and know what is best for us. If you've been using this inhaler for years surely you know that is what you need. It does make me mad. I've been to do the dreaded food shop today and although I had a trolley full it came to less than I thought. My hairdresser has just left, I'm so lucky she comes to the house. Have one thing left for granddaughter's Christmas present to buy, usually get her some toys, book and clothes. Try and get some rest, difficult probably and if I lived nearer could come and spell you for a bit. Hugs Gill Xx

  9. I am sorry you're having such a miserable time lately. The step ladder issue is tough, I can't change light bulbs, dust fans, or reach high cupboards when I need to. Maybe you can find someone in your village, a retired guy? to give hand. For pay, tho. Me too! Don't need a skilled carpenter or handyman, just a helper....Once I asked a dogwalker to give me some help w moving a big garden pot, I think, and she snippily said she is a dog walker not a laborer.

    The doctors w the meds is a big issue for me, they get you on the meds [that say do not stop] then refuse to refill as needed. Power trip?

    Maybe tomorrow will be better. Hugs!


  10. I can't add anything to the brilliant advice, you've already been given, just take care and I hope tomorrow's a better day for you CraftyNan Shropshire

  11. Ohhh lummy. Fire alarms figured here today too. I remember when we had battery ones it was always at the most in opportune time they’d start bipping. Gawd the surgery, how do these things happen? I wish I could send Farmer Judy from PC to you, I never met such a formidable force of a woman for sorting out infuriating red tape and those coming up against a brick wall to bang your head on situations. I hope something gives soon for you. It seems to be one thing after another and each time it drains you more leaving you less able to fend for the next tricky thing. Vent and release here because it needs an escape valve x I think you have the patience of a saint. Hopefully you can feel the strength and thoughts we all send on here xxx Danette ps I wonder if the greenhouse chap is unwell? Fingers crossed you hear from him

  12. I'm sorry it's been a hard day. Have someone change all batteries at the same time. I do it that way, first weekend after autumn equinox. That way I remember. I hope tomorrow is much better.

  13. Your life has far too many stresses without less medication than you need!! I get cross when the repeats aren't all included, and I have to contact them a second time ($$) when one ($) should have captured them all. The Power of Attorney papers are very important - do make sure you are covered for health and welfare as well as financial decisions. We have friends who didn't get it sorted properly and they're now scrambling to get it done before the mental deterioration is too great for the person to be able to sign themselves.
