

Jennie's recipes

Thursday 18 January 2024

Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr - and car update

 Will it snow?  I jolly well hope not.  Not until I've got my car back (with a fresh MoT and a huge bill for repairs to front brakes area. Not content with needing new brake shoes, it had also got a caliper jammed in place (that's what the noise was I went in about last week).  I desperately need to get a big shop in (particularly cat food, fresh veg, cheese and milk) just in case the weather worsens.  Update: "waiting for the brake shoes to be delivered.  It will be late today . . . the car will be ready in the morning."  Right, last time I use THAT garage.  They are always busy and I get mucked around and am left waiting.  The "waiting to be delivered" excuse has been used before, to buy her time. Thoroughly p'd off now.  It was always "same day" repairs in Carmarthen.

        Danny has bought a car now (Nissan Juke) but has got the help of a mate to bring it back from Bridgend, where he bought it, as the journey back involves motorway driving and Danny's not driven since passing his test a few years back.  He tried getting booked in for a refresher course but driving schools busy busy busy.

This was the scene in early March last year.  Pretty to look at but the older I get, best looked at rather than having to get out and about in.

        Yesterday I finally set to and baked a cake for my farmer neighbours up the hill - a Spicy Dorset Apple Cake.  When I delivered it, they asked me in to say hello to their mum (she's awaiting hip operations on both hips so can't get about much.  I ended up staying half an hour or so and we all had a good natter (all the boys were in, thawing out).  

        Whilst I was baking, I made a batch of Banana Chocolate Chip Cookies, and froze half.  They are soft and not too dry for Keith to eat.  I still have over-ripe bananas to use up (Keith doesn't eat so many these days) so will probably make a Banana Loaf today, for the freezer.  

        I've been going through Family History files, looking for the copious notes I took a few weeks back on the Adams family in Plymstock, but can I find them?  Nope. However, the sort-out was needed and I have a multi-pocket folder with sections for stray pages on various family branches now, which need to get checked against the tree and once I see I have all the details, can go to be recycled.

        I got the Fair tables moved this week, and various other bits stashed away.  I think I will move some boxes of stock up one end to leave a stall clear for Danny's white goods to go in.  He was asking if he could set a gym up in there?  Hollow laugh - not without chucking some of your dad's wood collection out first I told him - and that's not a subject I raise with him.  It's a job for the future. . .

            I desperately want to get to the Patchwork shop in Hereford.  Let's hope I can get there soon. I'll tell you why in another post.


  1. Hope you get to Hereford.
    Good luck with more sorting out

  2. Oooh, it does look cold there. We've had searing frosts but no snowfall. Good luck going to the patchwork shop, I'm looking forward to seeing your crafts.xx

  3. Yes, it's most definitely 'brrrrrr' over the border here in England too. We're backwards and forwards getting ready to sell our Welsh flat at the moment so we're finding it chilly at both ends.

  4. A fair bit of snow here today but don't think it'll hang around long.
    I'll look forward to hearing about the patchwork shop.
    Alison in Wales x

  5. I hope you get the car back soon, so you can do your shopping.

    God bless.

  6. I'll bet that Spicy Dorset Apple Cake went down a treat with your neighbours. Snow, ice and frost do paint a wonderful scene but these days I find myself worried about falling and breaking something even before I step outside. A broken ankle from a few years ago has turned me into a scaredy cat. I hope you get the car and your freedom back soon.

  7. Hope the garage repair your car soon and you get it back so you can do a 'big' shop. Its freezing here in the Midlands and the older I get the less I do the cold. Its been interesting having a kitty in the house again, open a cupboard or a drawer and she's in there, but has settled really well. Take care. Hugs Gill Xx

  8. Your baking must smell so wonderful!
    Is it time for a new car? Sometimes repairs are more than payments on new. As for long waits--supplies since Covid? My ex borrowed my Jeep in early November and had a ''fender bender" right away. It has taken two months for the ''parts to come'', finally repaired last week.

  9. I worked for a small body shop and auto sales business for years. Collision repair was the main income but also mechanical work: brake replacements, exhaust systems, changing spark plugs, doing regular service. All parts had to be ordered from 'auto parts stores'--quite a few of them in the area. One of my jobs was to source needed parts and drive out to fetch them if there wasn't a delivery person coming our way. We often had a vehicle in overnight. Sometimes if the vehicle was a less common or older model it could take several days to have the parts in question shipped from a more distant supplier.
    Most of our customers had been coming round for years and knew the owner's fine reputation. Only a few became testy over a delay. I remember one crusty old gent who called every few hours to demand an update. [I took phone calls as part of my remit!] We had explained that the replacement gas [petrol] tank for his older car was being shipped from out of state. We had placed the order in a timely way and couldn't influence the delivery time. After the 4th or 5th phone call I stated [very firmly] 'Mr. Leask, I've explained the situation to you several times. Your repeated phone calls aren't going to get the gas tank here any sooner!' He was a cantankerous old fart, his wife quite brow-beaten by his tirades. He seemed genuinely astonished that I spoke up to him and he became rather flustered.
    Not at all diminishing your frustration at being without your car; its ONE MORE THING to deal with--and you don't need that one more!
    Your baking sounds appetizing--a homemade treat with a mug of tea is just the thing in this dreary weather.
