

Jennie's recipes

Tuesday 16 January 2024

Things sorted . . .


Here is the Pippi-kitten helping programme the universal remote . . . in Russian . . .

Thanks to Eldest Daughter:

H Key now functioning - tick.

DVD player - tick.

TV remote - tick (whoever knew that they actually worked better if the batteries were in the right way round?!!!)  What a duffer I am.

TV working now - tick.

And some general ticks too -

Pippi-kitten staying close to home - tick.

Ability to change catheter leg bag (my ability that is) - passed with flying colours.  Tick.

New air mattress for Keith - working well.  Tick.

Sore bit - healed, tick.  Heels headed off at the pass too :)


It's a tail!!!

Alfie enjoying the winter sun.

Right, this is my one and only attempt at woodwork, overseen by Keith and I even cut out the shapes for the supports.  It was going well until I glued the last bit on wonky . . . I must have overtightened the clamp.  Anyway, Keith insisted on it being put up and Danny & Jon did that a couple of weeks back.  The scratch-built boat is from stock and will probably go back there eventually.  The two reproduction helmets (the one on the right is Victorian) are from Keith's collection and you can just see the repro Medieval battle flail that Jon gave Keith for Christmas and which he was delighted with.  A change from Chocolate Gingers!  The bottom shelf is mine and I have bought through my Victorian two-handled cider mugs (two with china frogs in the bottom), as they were a bit perilous in their old position in the Library - could easily become Kitten-cat victims on one of their jet-propelled hurtles!  You may just make out the little Zebra between the middle and the left hand mug, which was a gift made by my dear friend Yarrow (Kim) who now lives in France.  I have always treasured it and her friendship.  The twiggy bits are blown down in winter storms, covered in Oak moss.

Tam's now left, and I have been out and had a well-needed sort-out in the stables, moving boxes of stock and bits of wood and all my Fair Tables up the other end of the stalls.  Phew.  I even put my garlic in (belatedly) and have had to water round out there as the bulbs I planted recently haven't been rained on recently.  That makes quite a change!    I feel so much better for having achieve something myself today.

On the downside, this is an even WORSE time for money going out as the car has just catastrophically failed its MoT - the squeaking noise I've been hearing is a seized up caliper or something, which has to be replaced, along with the brake shoes and a couple of other brake-related issues.  I don't drive on the breaks either, honest injun!  Hoping I can get it back before I have to haul back another bag of cat biscuits but think I'm ok for a week - just hate not having a full one as a spare.


  1. Well that's a goodly lot of ticks achieved! Now all you need to do is learn Russian and et voila! remote will be fully operational again.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I do like the weaponry. My own small collection reflects my fascination with the LOTR films (especially the design element) and while the 5ft sword takes pride of place in the hall I've yet to find the right spot for a pair of throwing knives. I used to keep the sword in our bedroom so that our boys wouldn't be tempted to use it against each other.

  4. So glad you have been able to get out and do some jobs. It is very frustrating when you can't get to them. had a good laugh about the batteries, you are not the only one.

  5. Delighted to read that the air mattress is doing a good job and that you passed the leg bag test! The kittens are all beautiful as well as helpful, though not quite as helpful as your girl. Thank goodness for the young ones, my lot are (on occasion) invaluable. What do you plan to build next?

  6. Look at all those ticks!!!!

    I love your shelf, it is just perfect. Even the wonky bit, that gives it a bit of pizazz.

    God bless.

  7. You've ticked off quite a few do's. Your shelf is wonderful! Home made always so much better and unique. Cars can be such trouble, but so necessary. I hope all gets fixed quickly and without too much expense.

  8. Car repairs are so darn expensive. Tim just spent $1400 on his truck. Eep. But he did not have the equipment to do the job himself, so, as they say, needs must.

    Glad to see that Pippi is sticking close to home. Wonder how long that will last?

  9. It is a relief to have someone who is not technologically challenged around for a bit!
    Lovely to have some favourite objects out to be seen and appreciated.

    Possibly the brake bit seized because it wasn't used enough?!!

  10. You are not the only one putting batteries in the wrong way I've done it a few times. What can I say about your self I suppose an E for effort would be appropriate considering you glued it. Ever heard of a square to mark it all out with then screw the shelf together. At least it is still on the wall so that is a good thing and appart from the upright on the angle it does look OK

  11. Well done at accomplishing so much. I'm so glad you still have my little zebra, I lost a few of my sculptures during my move here. I'm not able to sign in properly (again) maybe it's a French thing, lol! Lots of love to you, Kim.xx

  12. ps, I'm trying to start blogging again but the Gremlins have it in for me, lol!
