

Jennie's recipes

Wednesday 31 January 2024

Plants are a great balm for the soul!

Just to cheer us up, we are due a long cold spell soon, with minus 13 temps, and possible rain-turns-to-ice-the-moment-it-touches-the-ground.  Oh great, we live on a hill so a return of the Cresta Run we had in 2010.  Our neck of the woods looks like it might see some of the action . . .

I had a bad day on Monday.  I had ordered necessary medical stuff which Keith was running out of, and by the time the delivery was made, I was down to just one (not pills).  When I opened the package later, you can imagine my horror to find we'd been sent ones which were incompatible with what we were using.  Frantic phone call to District Nurse office then to see if they had some that could tide us over.  Fortunately they could help, and would leave them out for me next day.  But it was another of those what the hell do I do next moments I could have done without.  I needed cheering up took myself off to the garden centre.  Keith had promised to buy me a wooden obelisk, and I found one at what must have been old-stock price (£45).  That came home with me, and so did a pack of Ranunculus in mixed colours, a small frilly Polyanthus in yellow with a red border, and a big pot of purple Polyanthus.  I thought they deserved a nice pot and bought a half price terracotta one with a lattice pattern.  All planted up already now.  

Then a better day yesterday when Keith and I watched a Drew Pritchard programme where he and Tee went to the French antiques markets and Fairs.  We really wanted to be there too!!! We enjoy any antiques programmes and there were some good buys made (oh and some lovely stuff in shot we'd have liked too).  Then in the evening we really enjoyed watching the latest Indiana Jones film (finishing it tonight - v. good).  It's on Danny's Disney account, which he's loaded up for us now.  

I can see I am a going to have to be very careful with Emma's cat though, as Pippi rushed past me today and into the room he was in and I had to grab her quick as he was going to attack in a bad way.  I will have to shut the door on him before Keith goes up or downstairs as he is so slow going through the bottom door.  Could do without this.

I sent the greenhouse people a what are you doing about my glass message - they could deliver in our area again 15th Feb, or we could get the glass cut locally and they would reimburse me.  Handyman, when questioned, did NOT want to go and get the glass for me locally. (Even though I would be paying for his time).

I have now had words with the Handyman, and told him the time of day.  I reminded him that he had booked a date with me and then not bothered to turn up (or even cancel). Ok, he couldn't finish the greenhouse because of the lack of glass, but there were other jobs I needed done (before winter) and I am still waiting.  Oh, he had a kitchen to do for someone.  I saw RED.  How about it being nearly spring and I was still waiting to have my autumn jobs done? And I'd obviously gone to the bottom of the queue!    I told him if he didn't want the work, I would go elsewhere.  I also explained how important the greenhouse was, because it was my only way of respite as I couldn't go far from the house due to nursing my husband, which was very stressful.

He emailed me 10 mins later and could come the day the glass was being delivered (15th Feb) and do the other jobs that same week.  Sometimes it pays to speak your mind.  Don't upset an Aries is all I can say.  I will try to be polite with strangers (my normal default is to lose my temper at the drop of a hat), but push me too far . . .  


  1. I'll keep everything crossed for you for for the 15th

    1. Thanks Sue. I suggested that the glass might benefit from some extra wrapping to protect it . . .

  2. I have to tell you that we had to tell our plumbing crew the time of day as well. A neighbor's demolition work had crushed the waste water pipe going into the city sewer. There are a series of steps required before digging. The fellow laid out the plan forward. He did call the city and they were out there the following day. He was also supposed to get the utilities mapped. After that, the pipe could be dug up. Then...nothing. After five days, Tim went in person to the plumbing company. They had not contacted the electric, phone or gas companies! There was a sharp conversation. Tim came home and called the utilities himself. The plumber promised to start work on Friday. Today one of them called, and wanted to try one more thing. I told him we needed to stick with the opinion and plan of his coworker. Meanwhile, we have a tenant who cannot shower, use the washer or flush the toilet!

    1. You feel like giving them a good slap I'm sure! Your poor tenant must be really struggling. I know what it's been like here when we've had little or no water and it's a difficult situation to cope with. Well done Tim.

    2. We have offered her hotel lodging for the duration. She has just had surgery, and she has her pets. She says she's fine. She's made of stern stuff, that girl.

  3. Good for you! I am fed up of being ignored and given the run-around by tradesmen.

  4. I hope all goes well with this next shipment and your handyman.

    God bless.

  5. I do better at sorting issues by writing a letter or email--as a follow-up to a phone or in person session. Often I have to edit my 'temper' into something more concisely defined. Its too bad that we must do this to get something accomplished. I try not to 'go off' on a person who is merely taking a message, someone who has no real authority to change things. It does leave one thoroughly out of sorts and wrung out.
    I'm so glad that lovely flowering plants came home with you! My favorite greenhouse reopens for the spring season in two weeks. There won't be much on offer as the flower and veg will be tiny seedlings, but I'll go before planting time just to enjoy the moist scent of growing things and to choose some packets of seeds.
    I wonder if at some point Emma's Shadow-cat will settle in and be able to cohabitate with the felines already in residence.
    Robert-cat has taken to 'marking his territory' in the house; we think this is in response to feral Herman making himself at home on the front porch. Herman doesn't come in and to my way of thinking Robert has no need to asset dominance indoors!

  6. We watch the programmes with Drew Pritchard as well and agree...why does he walk by all that interesting stuff and choose what he does!

  7. Glad to hear you got out to the nursery and bought some lovely items. Sorry about all the problems the Handyman is causing and fingers crossed he turns up on the day in question.

  8. I shall keep everything crossed for you for safe arrival of glass on the 15th. Your plants sound beautiful, I've been out doing some weeding and sweeping up, but I'm a fair weather gardener. Good luck with everything. Xx
