

Jennie's recipes

Thursday 1 February 2024

I need to be cloned

Pippi choosing quilt fabrics for me . . .

 T & J are here tonight - hurray- a pit-stop on their way to a short pre-baby break in Herefordshire, in a quirky place with character.  I am envious.  Oh how I wish I could have a break, but no chance.  I treated myself to a book about Devon Churches last week - I am still trying to work my way through it but there aren't enough hours in the day.  The daily paper seems to get read the day after it's been printed now, books - well, a couple of pages at bedtime if I can stay awake long enough. My family history mag might take me a week to get through. I've been trying to fill out the form for carers for the last fortnight, and keep getting stuck having to go and search for the necessary paperwork and figures they require (it's means-tested). I hear about folk who work in the morning, and then the rest of the day is theirs.  I always seem to have worked all day!!!


I have been fielding phone calls from various NHS departments, who wish to help Keith with his infirmities, which is wonderful, but all the phone calls and appointments take up time, especially the ones going to Llandod - perish the thought about the Hereford ones, which seem to take all day.  

One mealtime here seems to drift into the next one and afternoon is the only time I might have some "free" time.  I made a start on a crawler quilt for the baby yesterday - just a test patch to see if what I had in mind would work.  Just as well I tested it as I realized the central block (it's a log cabin) was taller than it was wide but I hadn't noticed that and of course it was "out" at the end. Many of the other motifs for the central design were wider so I will have to make myself a "window" to centre the pattern up before I cut.  I can see once Danny & co are home, I shall have to set the alarm so I can get up early each morning to work on it before everything gets extra busy.

Looking smug!!

I have a very stressed cat guest upstairs too - he smells our cats and becomes SO anxious, not helped by the fact he is in a strange house and his people have disappeared (they're back from Pembrokeshire tomorrow). Yesterday Pippi managed to get past me and up the stairs and straight into his room, where he was in instant kill mode and I had to fling him on the bed as I made a leap to rescue Pippi.  That reduced my nerves to shreds.  Last night, when I came to bed he came into my bedroom and I made a fuss of him, but then he was sniffing around the bed, and his tail was whipping from side to side and at one point he looked at me and a subterranean growl came from him and I could tell he was about to have me.  Since I was divulged of my clothing at that point, on the way to bed, I swiftly grabbed my dressing gown as I knew I would come off very much the worse if he launched himself at me!  He settled down next to me later, purring and then went off to his room, but today I have ordered a Feliway plug in and some drops which smell like the mother's milk and calm anxiety.  Let's hope they work - and quickly.  I have also ordered a medium size pet playpen, a sort of cat-tent.  So if he needs to be contained, he might feel safer in there?  He's a big lad and the last thing I want is a set-to between cats (Ghengis, Pippi or Lulu wouldn't stand a chance).  I cannot prevent our cats going upstairs once D &  co are back, as "I" will be upstairs and downstairs and doors left open.

I am still working on the form (will get Tam to help tonight, as she's good with that sort of thing), and I managed to somehow bake Chocolate Raspberry Brownies (procedure a bit at a time as I did other things like hanging another load of washing up and did washing up). Keith has some for pudding through the week.  I even got outside and topped up/filled the outside planters (staggered across the yard with the one I had to fill, the only ceramic one too!) and they finally have some spring bulbs very belatedly put in.  Just two lots of big Alliums to put in the main long bed now. I hauled out grass around an overlooked rose on the bank and gave it a good tub of muck heap.  Many more to see to though, and prune.

Right, now to finish making the curry for T&J tonight (I began it after breakfast but didn't add the cooked meat - that soon reduces to shreds so I want to put it in once the sauce is heated up then minimal cooking.  Don't know what I am eating.  I seem to be on 2 meals a day now (breakfast becomes lunch) and have got into the 10st something region again.  Need to lose a couple of stone more, ideally. 

So good to hear from Danette this morning - your call cheered me up no end!



  1. Congrats on the soon arriving babe! Enjoy your company - we don't have cats anymore - one of our adopted dogs is very prey driven. He arrived after our pair of sibling cats passed of old age, and we haven't replaced them. I do miss having one now and then.

    1. Yes, Not long to go now. I need to get up early to work on the crawler quilt though, before the house gets busy. Sorry you are cat-free now but it sounds like it's dogs from now on.

  2. I adopted two black and white kittens from our local branch of the RSPCA. They arrived two days ago. I've got NOTHING done, lol !
    Well someone's got to make them feel at home, watch them play, and also watch them wriggle around and stretch in their sleep.

    1. Oh well done you. I remember when the girls were tiny - like you, nothing got done and lots of laughs. What are their names?

    2. I've got a list, but haven't quite decided yet, I want to see more of their personality. They have names from the RSPCA and they are registered on their microchips, which I shall keep as middle names. They named the girl Star and the boy Tinsel, but I'm still thinking. It's early days yet.

    3. Those sound like Christmas kittens to me!! I am sure you'll soon find names that suit them Jean, according to their personalities. Oh gosh, you're in for some fun!!

    4. I've had cats all my life, but heartbreakingly in 2022 had to say goodbye to Angel, she was 20 years and 2 months old.
      In June 2023 I said goodbye to my 17 and a half year old Rascal. We'd never been without cats before and the house seemed empty. We never forget those we love and still miss them so much.
      These two arrived at the RSPCA at 8 weeks old and went into foster care, so we think born about 24 th of October, so named around Christmas. They came from a farm I was told. She is an affectionate, confident, inquisitive, and purry live wire. He is very nervous for some reason, even when in foster care. He was terrified and hid when he first arrived here, but over the following couple of days he began to venture out into the room. He plays with his toys, sleeps in the open basket now, and wrestles with his sister. I can now stroke his back when he is eating, so progress in four days, but it's going to be a long and slow process . For some reason he's still a touch feral, even after 6 weeks in foster care, strange considering his fuss loving sister. So lots of patience and softly softly if he is ever to trust people.

    5. Oh Jean, my heart goes out to you. When you have had a cat SO long they really are part and parcel of your life. I realize Tam may have to "inherit" the kittens if I go first, but she made sure she moved to a quiet cat-safe place.

      Your kittens sound lovely. The little girl is obviously a merry little thing, and her brother sounds like our Alfie, who was the most nervous of the litter and still is. I am sure your little lad will soon come round. He sounds to have progressed well already.

  3. Will you be able to get away when Danny and co are settled in? How about when the baby arrives? Talking of forms have you seen this

    1. I would love to Susan. We will see how things settle down (mainly with cats!). Off to check your link now.

  4. Oh, you are brave to wade in between scrapping cats! My friend just had to have stitches and antibiotics for such action. Her forearm was in ribbons.
    I hear you on the weight. My medication affects my ability {turning it into an inability} to exercise willpower and if it's in the cottage it's fair game, so the easiest thing is not to bring into the cottage any food on my "naughty" list. I've lost two pounds by doing my "one meal at a time" approach. This involves thinking about what I'm putting on each plate and the consequences of eating it. It also involves not berating myself if I slip from sensible eating. It seems to be working {if you don't count two Creme Eggs, a bar of Chocolonely, and a Montezuma's all eaten last Thurs/Friday}

    1. Well, he was about to launch himself, so I caught him before he got to her. I'd do anything to save the girls. They are so small against him.

      You must be on the same meds as Keith, as his have a sort of foot to the floor side effect which could be to do with food, drink, gambling etc. Glad you have been strong and lost some weight. Don't beat yourself up about choccy bars - I have chocolate most days and look on it as my well-earned reward! You can have my share of the Creme Eggs though - yuk!

  5. Oh my, your days are certainly full. When our lovely Shania was still with us we had to put Kris's cat downstairs or she would attack our lovely baby. Now Eiko can stay upstairs and seems to be getting a bit better around all us strangers. I can understand your concern for your fur babies.

    God bless.

    1. It's a juggling act. Shadow likes Tam (she doesn't smell of cat!!) and she has a photo of him snuggled up to her in bed last night (he can open my bedroom door, and they had my room last night). Glad that Eiko is settling in now.

  6. I am confident that things will settle down for you all. Stay strong.

  7. Oh it was so lovely to catch up on the phone x I’m sure the felines will fall in together into a hierarchy, the Feliway should help. Let’s hope once everyone is settled there is a chance you can escape even for one night ( two would be better lol) because it would lift you so much and with others there now you can feel happy K is cared for. Xx Danette

    1. Coming down to stay with you would be a dream. I will hold onto that thought . . . Keith would be well looked after with D&E here - they know the routine from when they were here when we had Covid. Fingers x'd.

  8. I think you got several things done.
    Hope once the family are back you might get more time out.
    Look after yourself

    1. I have no energy right now. I think I have been holding on to so much tension.

  9. I feel exhausted reading about your day! I am just starting to get over the worst cold I’ve had since my 20s. I have spent the week in bed, unable to eat or do anything much beyond gentle reading and just about managing to totter to the bathroom. Yesterday I changed the bed linen and hung it on the line to dry and just about had the strength to remake the bed and slept well all night. S is ok thank goodness, although I did banish him to another bedroom. Today is day seven so although I still feel weak and wobbly surely I must be on the mend. The acid test will be if I feel up to making my second batch of marmalade of the season today. I also have a pile of library books to collect including next Monday’s book group read - oops! On the bright side I have enjoyed lying in bed watching the birds out of the window, the passage of the moon and the sun and having a proper rest and I finished reading Daniel Deronda (800pp) so I will be reading Felix Holt next and I have ordered Jenny Uglow’s biography of George Eliot from the library. Take it easy Jennie, you rush around so much that I need to say to you more haste less speed. And breathe … Sarah x

    1. Oh Sarah, get well soon. Colds THAT nasty aren't much fun. Glad that S has avoided it thus far. Don't overdo things - marmalade can wait a little. Glad you've enjoyed the birds and the books. I am lucky if I can read a few pages at bedtime or if I wake up in the middle of the night. 800 pages - goodness, that would take me all year right now! There just aren't enough hours in my day here, it seems to be all work. The biography of George Eliot sounds good. Ah yes, I rush around too much - then my brain goes in neutral and I can't think things through properly. I'll try and remember to breathe too!!!

  10. With only one son at home (and he was doing his A levels!) when my husband was slowing fading away, like you I dreamed of going away for a break. I couldn't quite fathom why many friends and acquaintances at the time told me of where they were going and where they had been, what their husbands did around the house but neither offered me a grain of help! They seemed to relish in describing lovely breaks they'd had when all I did was care for my husband/care for my son/go to work/fill in forms/arrange care to come in/take the dogs out and deal with the nightmare of running aa house and a rental house on my own. One thing that kept me going was exercise, two or three times a week, running round with not a thought entering my head apart from how to keep up with the person in front! Sending positive thoughts to you from Wiltshire. Be strong for there is no alternative.

    1. Ah, I miss my Wiltshire days. Fabulous walking - Shaston Drove and the like and the beautiful chalk downland flowers. I still miss Salisbury, having lived just outside for several years. It's hard to see your husband gradually fading and I am sorry you had to suffer the same. Yes, I had some family saying about holidays (or being on them) and I am envious. Can't make it past Llandod or the Nursery these days (half an hour max from home). I can't even summon the energy to go for a walk at the moment. I do about 8,000 steps around the home and have no energy or even interest left to go out along the lane. I am trying to dig deep but it's punishing right now and will only get a lot LOT worse I know.
