

Jennie's recipes

Sunday 25 February 2024

A family day out


Well, it happened - we got Keith to the Botanic Gardens Antiques Fair and went around for 3 hours.  We took both the Mobility Scooter and the wheelchair, as I wasn't sure how sore his neck was. He wanted to use the scooter, but worried me when he said if we got up to the Fair and his neck was too sore, we could bring it back and get the wheelchair instead.  Being the one who has to (laboriously) put the ramps up to load  and unload, I said the wheelchair was the better option - especially as I could see he was struggling to hold his head up after the journey there.  I felt a heel, but it worked out well in the end and we had a lovely family day out.  Tam came along, and of course D/E/I were there too.  The latter ended up buying a smashing painted Indian warrior horse (photo to follow).  I only bought a Vintage heavy brass greyhound (again, photo to follow).   Keith bought a few military related things and saw his friends and had a great time, though I think he probably slept well last night as it was a long tiring day for him.

Sorry - I took the camera, but left it in the car, so you will have to make do with two photos Tam took with her phone for me .  These are the two things I would have liked to have brought home.

Anyway, great excitement here because it's Tamzin's Baby Shower, and she's about to open her presents here (tears when I saw them!! Gabby went shopping for me).  Then we're off to Rhayader for a meal and to meet up with the others.  Back anon.


  1. Replies
    1. It was a good day, but I'm tired after another afternoon out today for Tam's Baby Shower.

  2. Oh what beautiful things! I would have to leave my wallet at home to not be tempted!

    1. Ah, if everyone did that there would BE no more Fairs, as sellers need buyers in order to survive!

  3. How lovely that you all got to enjoy the day.

    God bless.

  4. I imagine Keith and you are worn out but that it is a happy sort of weariness.

  5. It sounds like an outing to be remembered and well worth being tired tomorrow. [And maybe the next day!] I'm glad several things have happened this week to give you some relaxation and lighten the load. Hopefully, as spring comes along there will be more family gatherings.

  6. Sounds like a good day out was had by all. I would have wanted that chest. Very lovely!

  7. Beautiful kingfisher! Currently working on a study of one here, they are peculiarly disproportionate little things indeed. I just love that chest, the tapestry throw, and those nesting tins/troughs. So pleased it was a lovely day out for you all.

  8. Exactly what Debby said. It's a good sort of all enveloping tiredness after a day like that isn't it. Just the change of scenery and the fresh air no doubt did Keith the world of good.
