

Jennie's recipes

Friday 23 February 2024

What a lovely surprise :)

Nearly forgot - we had a brilliant evening yesterday.  Vanya was set on a farm in 20th C Ireland, rather than Russia.  Andrew Scott was a true tour-de-force - how can anyone learn their lines and act half a dozen different characters non-stop for 2 hours?  He was so convincing I kept expecting the characters to step through the door on the set!  If you get the chance to see this by satellite at a cinema near you, do so as you will enjoy it.  One of the reviews (The Standard) called "this one-man Vanya is a revelation and a sensation" and described it as a tragi-comedy.  Emma and I had a glass of wine from the bar, and then waited for Danny in one of the pubs in town and had another.  I slept well last night (indeed, I wasn't in bed till nearly midnight).

I had to go to Crossgates today to pick up a baby changing trolley for Tam.  Of course, she knew I would go on to the Plant Nursery afterwards.  I needed seed compost, general compost, and some more Alpines  (4 Albrieta) to go along the steps and a Rosemary plant.  Emma wants to grow herbs, so this is a starter for her.  We'll put it in a pot in the yard, which is very sunny - no, I'll rephrase that, it's south-facing!  Sun has been at a premium here recently.  I met a lovely lady at the nursery who had moved here 3 months ago from Midhurst in Sussex.  She said forlornly, "It's rained every day since we got here" but the Nursery owner and I both reassured her that it didn't normally rain this much in Powys, and last May and June we'd had a heatwave with not a drop of rain for two months.  

Weather is weather - difficult to predict and not much fun when it's too cold/hot/wet.  Think what it was like in the Little Ice Age and they had Frost Fairs on the Thames - the latest one of those was in 1814.  Then that dreadful storm surge down the East Coast in 1953.  The Somerset Levels regularly have regularly flooded from time immemorial, and HERE is a looooong list of freak weather and flashfloods in Wales down the centuries.

Anyway when I got home, I found that Emma had done all the housework, including washing the kitchen floor and cleaning all the cat bowls, cleaning the very grubby windows on the French windows, vacuuming, dusting - what a delight.  She and Danny make our life much easier.

A not very sharp photo of L.Whale last summer. The kittens always seem to hog the limelight.

We are hoping Keith will be ok to go to the Botanic Gardens Antiques Fair tomorrow.  We have the mobility scooter on charge - but we had to break into Keith's workshop to do so, as the keys to the padlock had gone missing.  I went through all my pockets, but no.  Any tools to cut through the chain or the padlock were - naturally - inside the workshop!  Danny was trying to cut through the padlock handle with a hacksaw (highway to nowhere!) but I had a brainwave and got a big claw hammer from the tools in the house and went for the weakest link - a blacksmith-made staple from over 130 years ago when the stables were built.  The wood gave - just the long spikes of the staple bent a little and we have kept it.  Straighten out the prongs and it's good to go for another 130 years! So, we got in and the mobility scooter is on charge now.  We shall of course, find the keys tomorrow!

Pippi and little "I".  Her mum gave me permission to use the photo.


  1. Look at those curls. What a cutie and she seems to love Pippi as well. Glad you got into the shed to charge the scooter.

    God bless.

    1. She's very gentle with the kittens. Of course, her - at times piercing! - child's voice is a bit much for Alfie, who suffers from his nerves, but we've got some Happy Pills for him and he is calming down. He will suffer her to stroke him if he is against the door, waiting to go out. Relieved we were able to make a forcible entry into the shed too. Keith was cross with me losing the keys.

  2. "I" is a pretty child. What a relief that she interacts well with the cats!
    It sounds like in spite of the adjustments required all around, Emma and Danny are pulling their weight. I'm gland you are no longer carrying the full load of caring responsibilities.

    1. She's good with the cats. In the evening, their cat (Shadow) comes down and pushes open the door from the stairs into the kitchen and last night was sat on the bottom step swearing at Lulu, a few feet away (Pippi on chair with coat over the back of it so invisible). She gave as good as she got (some choice swear-words were heard!) but then they settled down to a glare-off. He has met Ghengis, who bumbled over to him, probably thinking he was L. Whale as very similar. He swore at Ghengis, but since the latter is deaf, G was unimpressed. The acid test will be meeting the Big Boys. The Happy Pills work though - they are based on cat mummy's milk and are calming.

      Yes, it is a huge relief to have D&E here, helping me as I was sinking rather than swimming.

  3. It's so lovely to hear all your bits of good news. Have a lovely day at the fair

  4. Sweet looking "I" and it is good that all the cats have settled down with her but maybe still cautious with each other. One is definitely enough for me!

  5. What a pretty little girl 'I' is, those curls. Do hope you and Keith manage to get out to the Antique fair tomorrow, fingers crossed for a dry day. Sheva has had a run in with Harvey next door, lots of wailing and hissing, hopefully things will calm down. We are going to watch the Rugby, then go for a drink at our local of choice, we have 7 pubs in our village! Hugs Gill Xx

  6. What a good time you've been having, much deserved and needed. Emma cleaning the house---huge help! Wonderful changes for you.

    It was fun to see "I". I picture her being Irene, but of course could be another I name. She's a delightful age too.

    Hope the sun finds you, grey here all week, all winter really. Odd.

  7. So pleased the evening was a success and that everyone is getting on so well together and it really sounds as if Danny and Emma and even little I (I love her curls!) are more than pulling their weight. We’re out tonight at the horticultural society quiz and supper in the village hall so I should go and change. I love our village get togethers. Hope all went well at the fair today and K managed to get around. Is it a weekend event and are you buying or standing? I may sow some seeds tomorrow. Nothing too adventurous - just sweet peas and chillies and they will be staying indoors. The chillies need warmth and the sweet peas need protecting from mice! Sarah x

  8. The fair sounds wonderful and I hope all goes well. My daughter would clean the house for me every now and again, what a treat when I got home from work. I have a key story. I was in the habit of asking my husband if he had the keys before leaving the house because the door locked when pulled shut. He testily told me to quit asking. First time I didn't ask, the house door was locked but when we went to the car No Keys! The only way in was through a 1ft by 2ft opening we use for passing logs into the house. Husband managed to wriggle halfway through then got stuck. Finally he flailed his legs wildly and he moved forward. I was helpless with laughter at his legs sticking out of the wall of the house.

  9. That does sound like an excellent day. And, the promise of the new baby can keep anyone going.
