

Jennie's recipes

Wednesday 7 February 2024

Finally cracked it


It's not as dark a pink as it looks on the right.  I have tried to make the hand-stitching of the central picture as invisible as possible.  A little bit of perfectionist-Jennie coming out.  NOW I can carry on, especially as the 5" pink blocks I bought from Ebay arrived today.  Pretty they are - though some of them I definitely wouldn't use in this quilt as the wrong designs.

Just in case my Chocolate Cosmos has perished, I bought another and to make it better value for money (two for £5), I bought the Dahlia too.

I was hoping to share a photo I took of  steps planted up SO beautifully on a Gardening Magics site on Instagram.  I have JUST the steps, though perhaps they have not sufficient light.  Will have to give it a whirl and see what grows.  Oh, I bought seeds today too, when Emma and I were in the Health Food Shop in Llandod - an outside Cucumber Tanja, and Tomato Green Zebra.  Can't wait to get things started in my greenhouse now.  Praying that when the glass comes in a week's time, it is UNBROKEN. 

Tomorrow I am off to the garden centre to see if they still have big ceramic planters half price (hope so), as Keith gave me some money to treat myself.  Rain seems to be replacing the threatened snow.


  1. I'm pleased you found a way to salvage those cute motifs. Now you can make progress!
    I'm playing with the thought of replacing my hodge-podge of planters with several that are sturdier and would give the front door area a less haphazard look. My favorite greenhouse/nursery opens next week for the season--too soon to buy plants but I may visit just to see things growing.

  2. Such pretty flower colours. I love the Chocolate Cosmos. Cosmos are an annual here on the prairies of Canada. That quilt block is beautiful. I love how the center stitched on picture looks.

    God bless.

  3. Well done on your achievement! Perfectionism is a burden so many of us carry but you obviously have a mantle of patience and perseverance too, both also needed.
    I think we're all holding our collective breath over your glass.
    Middle of the night, well almost dawn now, so time to put out the bins!

  4. I absolutely love dahlias and that chocolate cosmos looks lovely too, a trip out for us to the garden centre is long over due, me thinks!

  5. I have a set of Lutyenseque steps leading from terrace to lawn and initially I placed pots on them but it looked messy. Nowadays between spring and autumn I group all my old terracotta pots together by the kitchen door where I think they look much better and I enjoy playing around with them. My pots contain plants like Miscanthus Morning Light for height and waftiness, two pots of my beloved and precious evergreen agapanthus (from Dyffryn Fernant garden near Fishguard), various mints for ease of picking and hostas, not to mention house plants and succulents. I created new sweeping beds either side of the steps which are now looking great with sarcococca and snowdrops in flower, but in the summer they will be a bee magnet with Rosa Vanessa Bell and white geranium maccrorhizum carpeting the ground. I’m lucky that I can keep dahlias in the ground (well protected during these wet winters with my asparagus prunings) where they are now becoming huge clumps. I think I will dig up some fat tubers at Easter and pot them on for the garden trail plant sales tent. I’m opening my garden this year - but I am not panicking as it is the first weekend in June when the meadow and kitchen garden and roses under the pergola will all be looking wonderful - fingers crossed! Sarah x

  6. That echoes the pink red and brown in the centre square very nicely

  7. I'm praying with you for your glass to be in perfect condition too! Have fun with the planting

  8. The quilt is adorable and beautifully made w lovely contrast, so important in a Log Cabin quilt. Give the recipient a box of Color Catchers [Amazon]for the first few washes? In case that deep red runs/ bleeds.

    Your garden plans sound delightful, so fun to be anticipating, isn't it? I must find choc cosmos. Cosmos bloom late here but so pretty.


  9. What a beautiful quilt that will be! I love Beatrix Potter.
