

Jennie's recipes

Tuesday 6 February 2024

Scrambled eggs and blueberries . . .

 This is what Keith nearly got for breakfast this morning!  He normally has porridge but I had egg yolks to use up today, so did him scrambled eggs, and as they were cooking, put his bowl in to heat, with two spoonfuls of cooked blueberries - for porridge.  Fortunately I noticed before combining the two!

A sort of Log Cabin star spotted in one of my quilting mags recently.  I think I will pass on this one . . .

I am glad to say Keith is slowly recovering from his Covid jab, which always stops his medications working properly and makes mobility a  real struggle.  Without Danny here, I don't know how I would have coped as he had to practically carry him part of the way to bed.  

Dan's just gone off into a filthy wet pitch black night to drive all the way to Carmarthen and back to pick up Emma.  His first real test of night-time driving, so I won't rest until they are safely home.  He got "I" fed and into bed before he went and she was soundo when I popped up just now.

"I" was good today, a little blip about 2 p.m. but she was missing her mum and went up with Danny for a bit and sat on the bed with some of her books and then we did some dinosaur jigsaws together.  I have been up to my ears in washing - still getting through their hoard of stored clothing which was smelling musty from the damp flat they had.  Oh my goodness, I'd forgotten how long it takes to straighten up and hang out eleventy-dozen tiny socks - not one of them seemingly a pair!

The sewing machine has now decided to play up. Tension problems, but I'd just put a freshly-loaded bobbin in, so suspect it's to do with that.  Will have a look in the morning.  Too tired tonight.

I had a brainwave about the centre patches for the quilt and have ordered some 5" blocks in pretty pink prints from Ebay.  I will use those to make standardising the size simple, and then applique the central design in place. 

Meanwhile, off to rest and make the most of a quiet evening.  We will soon establish a routine and I am happy to balance a couple of days of childcare against the support I am having from Danny and Emma.  


  1. You could have hit on a new dish! I love my scrambled eggs with jalapeños!
    Did you put your bobbin in the right way up? Just a thought. Speaking from experience.

  2. Hi. I don't know if I've commented here before, but here I am now! That would have been an interesting breakfast if you combined it. It sounds like you needed some help and got it. That is good news.

  3. Love the quilt design, a little similar to the design for the squares of the crochet throw I made for my son and his wife for Christmas. Made my own pattern from a design I saw on line, worked on right up until December when I discovered I'd made a fundamental counting error and needed to undo most of it. Got it done just in time. Looking forward to seeing how your pink quilt turns out. Also, very glad that Dan was there to help with Keith, it must be a real weight off your mind, and Keith's too I expect, to know that you are not having to cope on your own.

  4. I am so glad that you have gotten some support. You really needGed the help. The little one seems to be settling in pretty well.

    God bless.

  5. I am so glad to see things settling into place.

  6. The trade off sounds like it's a plus for everyone. I'm not sure about that quilt. It's a little too mixing of colors for my taste, but the design looks interesting and I like that. I look forward to seeing the one you're making.

  7. It sounds as though life is beginning to sort itself into a routine, although surely there will be days that feature unexpected blips. I gather that 'I' is mostly well-behaved and not too demanding. I had wondered if E. would at some point establish a new practice closer to your area; she must be putting in very long days.
    Your quilt project has me thinking about Log Cabin variations. I've tried quite a few over the years but some clever stitcher can always think up a new one.
    I've found that either of my usually well-behaved sewing machines can suddenly do something snarly with tension. Sometimes it is a reminder that I need to give the bobbin compartment a good cleaning. Often just rethreading and reinserting the bobbin sorts the issue. Maddening when one is ready to sew and the machine balks.

  8. You seem to be getting organised with your house guests to help which must be reassuring. The quilt in that photo looks so complicated.

  9. I am pleased to hear Keith is recovering from his covid jab. It sounds as though everyone is settling in - I am so glad you have such support and having a little one around the house can cheer people up.

  10. Well yesterday the foot fell off my sewing machine. But having decided to be patient and not panic I found I had touched a switch by mistake. I don't like the quilt you featured very much, too swirly for bedtime.
    Glad your family is gathering round, it will take some of the worry off you.

  11. That quilt is very busy. Hope your sewing machine is now behaving itself and you are steaming away with your log cabin blocks. I felt well enough for SwimFit at lunchtime today - I lasted the hour and swam 88 lengths, over 2km! . Later in the afternoon I cut back hard my clumps of epimedium as it won’t be long before the delicate primrose yellow flowers appear on their wiry stems. I also picked a posy of snowdrops and primroses for a tiny green glass vase and three stems of silky blue anemone. It is such a treat to be picking flowers from the garden on a dank day in February - it really cheered me up! The garden isn’t looking too bad - there are primroses, snowdrops, hellebores, cyclamen coum and crocus tommasianus popping up everywhere and delicious scent wafting from the Daphne and sarcococca. NB I am deliberately only focussing on the good bits, in an acre of garden and wildflower meadow there is a lot to do! Sarah x
