

Jennie's recipes

Tuesday 5 March 2024

Feeling half dead

 It started with a tickly cough.  Caught from Danny, who had had a cold last week.  Then yesterday my nose streamed non-stop and I went deaf in one ear and that same ear was very painful and I felt rough.  I went to bed early and Danny dealt with Keith. I didn't sleep at all before 5 a.m. and then when I did finally drop off, I was awake every half hour with what felt like a UTI - I had cystitis and bladder pain and a temperature.

Today I  can do NOTHING.  I have been asleep on the sofa all morning ("I" playing on her own and watching things on her i-pad.)  I have been first shivering and now boiling hot, I probably have  a chest infection as I coughed up  brown gunk (sorry if tmi).  I can barely walk and have no appetite.  I'm rather hoping it isn't another round of Covid.  If someone offered to take me out and shoot me, I am inclined to think I might agree right now!

Hoping you are all well anyway.


  1. Keep hydrating... doesn't sound like covid, but it should be established enough to get a definite yes or no if you test.
    Sending a virtual (((( hug))))'s no consolation but there does seem to be a lot of this going around atm.

  2. So many nasty things doing the rounds again. Hope you feel better very soon. Rest and recover

  3. I agree with gz. Keep hydrated. I sure hope that Keith does not pick this up. It sounds like bad stuff.

  4. So sorry you feel so poorly. My son has a particularly horrible virus too - a cough and aches and pains and a temperature. He has tested negative for covid but there are some other horrible viruses about too. Hope you feel a bit better soon.

  5. Hope you're soon feeling better. Sending a hug x

  6. Oh no, just what you didn't want, but you are probably run down and germs will fasten on to you quicker than anything. Make sure you keep your fluids up even if you don't feel thirsty. Bet you're glad Danny is there to help with Keith. Hope you soon feel better, if the sun ever appears it should help, a bit of sunny warmth is lovely. Hugs Gill Xx

  7. Hope you feel better soon. BTW A friend works for the health service and they don't use the tests any more as the virus has changed so much since the tests were made. So people may test negative but still have covid. The good news is that generally covid is unpleasant but nothing like it was at the beginning.

  8. Drink lots of water and rest as much as you possibly can. I do hope it isn't another bout of Covid and that you feel better very soon.

    God bless.

  9. Keep an eye on your temperature and any painful sensations. If it is a UTI you need meds from the doctor. Take care of yourself. Thankfully Danny is there to help with K.

  10. Oh no! You are overworked and run down and this just got ahold of you. I suppose one must test for covid, esp w your larger household and Keith to consider. Sounds like you need to get to to a doctor or urgent care? Get well soon and let us know how you are when you feel up to writing.

    PS thanks for lovely comment on my Marsh quilt finish.


  11. So sorry to hear this. I hope that it is but a fleeting affliction, quickly banished. Get well wishes.

  12. Thanks everyone. Two nights of needing the loo every hour despite drinking lots of water all day (when AWAKE!). I practically slept the clock round for 24 hours and am slightly better today but will have to cancel Keith's Optician's appt as I can barely walk round, so pushing a wheelchair is not possible. I think this is a virus, but a nasty one. I've just managed yesterday's washing up, so that's an improvement. I think I'm badly because I'm a bit run down. I lost another pound yesterday through not eating anything apart from a doughnut Danny bought me. Not far off 10 1/2 stone now but I don't look that much smaller. Thank heavens for having Danny & co here, as no way could I have coped with Keith yesterday. Emma has it now too - poor girl, she's been working the last two days (90min massages several of them) and has really struggled. She's gone back to bed and I don't blame her.

  13. so many viruses now, every one seems exacerbated to a more miserable level than pre Covid. you know the drill, plenty of fluids, paracetamol, and rest. Let the young 'uns take the strain.

  14. Oh gosh it all sounds awful. You are obviously really run down after struggling alone with Keith for so long, thank goodness you have help now, even if it does sound as though you are all coming down with various things. I hope you are soon feeling much better. xx

  15. Hope you feel brighter soon J x run down you certainly are and lurgeys hit us hardest when we are least able to fight them off x rest as much as you can , same for E too x Danette
