

Jennie's recipes

Thursday 7 March 2024

Lulu of the Zulus!!

 Both the cold, and work on the quilt are lingering. . .   The quilt has been up here since last Friday . . .  I can just about function now as long as I have Ibuprofen every 4 hours.  Not ideal, but necessary at the moment. I had legs like chewed string this morning but I needed to get some pudding rice from the Health Food Shop in Llandod (only place I can buy it locally) and wool (for the knitted Elderberry Bunnies) and so went to Tescopolis too and topped up.  Now  it's an afternoon of Drew Prichard antiques programmes and rest.  "I" is on the sofa with us in here, watching a cartoon on her ipad.  Not ideal, we try and limit screen time but Emma isn't well and is upstairs struggling to keep on top of  her accounts.

Below is Shadow, Emma and "I"'s cat.  He wants to make friends to the four down here now but he's had a run in with Lulu, who - feeling adventurous - went upstairs and met him and he chased her down.  Now it's War and we should call her Lulu the Zulu Warrior as she is SO brave - he is twice her size but she sits down here and swears at him.  Today they nearly had a set-to when I was upstairs but apparently Pippi rushed to her sister's aid and they saw him off!  He nearly got leapt on by Alfie recently (who was on the table, so Shadow hadn't spotted him).  I had to grab Alfie darn quick as he'd have marmalized him. Alfie needs to go back on the Happy Pills I think.  

He looks quite like Little Whale and Ghengis may have thought that he was as he didn't look twice and walked past him, and once sniffed noses with him before walking away.

Lulu en garde . . .

On our recent walk - in the sleet/snow - on the day Ghengis left us.  The rose bush arrived today so I will get it unwrapped and having a drink.  We will plant it by Ghengis' grave at the weekend.

Perhaps I will now have a look at the Elderberry Bunnies pattern.


  1. I do hope you start feeling better soon. Poor Shadow wants so much to be able to play with the crew. He looks very lonely.

    God bless.

  2. The quilt is beautiful and I looked up Elderberry Bunnies---adorable! Is it a baby gift or an Easter gift for I?

    I hope in time the feline Four accept the newcomer kitty, he must be lonely.

    Get well soon to you all!

    PS Darling pic of DEI in the woods...

  3. Cat politics! Hope they sort themselves soon

  4. Lovely photo of DEI. It does look very wet there! I hope you feel better soon.

  5. I love the insouciance of Shadow as he guards the upstairs and his people from the kittens and the old gentleman cats. Shadow clearly thinks he’s Top cat. Are you feeling better BB and have you had some sunny days to help with recovery? It has been absolutely gorgeous here for the last two or three days and yesterday S even mowed the meadow. It was quite long as it hadn’t had a cut since last September and now it’s nice and short again before the new growing season begins. While S was mowing I continued with the mulching. It’s harder than you might think as I am balancing on a very steep slope (the old railway line escarpment) while digging out layers of old grass cuttings and leaves. It’s all a bit claggy tbh but this is mulch for the pergola which is predominantly summer flowering so I think once we get to rose blooming time it will have all but disappeared. In any event the mulch produces good sport for the blackbirds, this morning at porridge time I counted six tossing the mulch hither and thither. Today has been really lovely and we went down to West Wittering for a 90 minute brisk walk along the shoreline, then into Chichester for lunch in the Bishop’s Palace gardens (our own smoked trout pate and cucumber on wholemeal sourdough bread sandwiches). S needed a new phone battery so while that was being sorted we had a quick look at a new exhibition in the Pallant House gallery and did a bit of shopping and back to the car in under 90 minutes. Between sea and town I nearly bought myself a new rose - a bourbon rose Boule de Neige from Apuldram roses. I will look it up in my rose book before deciding whether to go back for it. Home for tea and homemade scone with foraged damson jam while watching Antiques Road Trip. S has been telling me all week we had seen this week’s offering but I kept saying it was all new to me - until Natasha bought the bargain set of Virginia Woolf novels yesterday. I am pleased to say that all seeds sown last week are through - except for Gaura, which was the only packet of new seed so I checked the seed packet which says germination in 14-28 days so no panic. How’s your seed sowing? I hope you have some good dry weather this weekend so the young folk can carry on with gardening and outdoor jobs. It is such a tonic to be outside in the sunshine, I feel like a new woman and even S says he can feel the benefits! Hopefully he, and therefore me too, will sleep well tonight. Take care BB. Sarah x

  6. Oh, that last picture made me smile! That's the sort of family picture I like to have around the house!

  7. I love the photo of D and E with little "I" between them--a colorful trio. Emma was brave to wear that skirt on a muddy walk.
    I'm wondering if Shadow will eventually be accepted by your resident felines. Cats can be so peculiar about that.
