

Jennie's recipes

Thursday 14 March 2024


 Keith was a little improved today.  Awake enough to say how rough he felt, and tell us about being pummelled by the two physios and spending the night with a tube up his nose draining off the fluid in his lungs.  Not much of the rest and recuperation, but you can't fault the treatment.  Everyone is so caring and doing their best for Keith (and the other patients of course).  

Jon dropped Tam off here and we met Gabby there.  I got Keith some treat and he enjoyed the enriched rice pudding I got.  He's on less oxygen now so that is a positive.  We saw the Dr twice, who said that today's bloods showed that the infection level had risen, so more anti-biotics needed to try and get it on the run.  They are doing all they can.  I just want him safely home again.  I dread the possibility of a hospital-acquired infection taking him when he is so weak and cannot fight it off.

We paid for 3 days' tv for him so he can watch the last day of the Cheltenham meeting tomorrow (today's races spoilt by having physios arrive to pummel him again).  £25 for 3 days!  Someone is benefitting hugely from this.   I will take his Tablet in tomorrow with the charger, so once the tv's run out, he has some entertainment.

I will visit daily although Monday and Tuesday I will have to go in for just an hour and leave "I" with Danny. If only it were nearer, but it's a 90 mile round trip.  "I" is with her father this weekend.  Emma and Danny have gone to the cinema tonight, so I am "home alone".  It feels very strange.  I am watching Lorna Doone and Carver Doone is about to disappear beneath the bog.  It's one of my favourite films (well, a BBC drama) and I've seen it several times and never tire of it.  I first read the book as a child and bought Tam a Ladybird version I think it was.

So, keep those positive thoughts coming and thank you for all your kind comments.  I truly hope he has turned a corner tomorrow.  Off to bed now as I need to heal too.


  1. It sounds exhausting. Good luck to you both.
    When I was stuck in hospital I enjoyed listening to the radio on my (very basic) phone. You can lie down and listen with eyes closed and pretend you are somewhere else. I had Radio 4 on most of the time, but changed to one of those old music stations if I didn't like what was on.

    1. It was even more exhausting caring for him at home, whilst he was still struggling to get about. I think if Keith gets better, he won't be walking any more, sadly. The tv is free in the mornings but pay for it after that. I'll make sure he has the radio headphones to use when he wants to. I'd forgotten about those.

  2. Definitely sending positive thoughts for Keith. Hopefully a higher dose of antibiotics start the infection clearing up.

    God bless.

    1. Just so long as he doesn't acquire a new infection . . . The window is open in the day but shut at night and doors shut so it must get pretty fuggy in there.

  3. So glad they are getting that muck off his chest. The driving sounds challenging and tiring. Could you find somewhere close to the hospital to stay for the weekend? Lorna Doone made an impression on me too, I think I must have been in my early teens when I read it. Continuing to send good vibes your way.

    1. Indeed, without that he would have gone under fast. The driving is tiring but as long as it's in daylight hours, I'm fine with it. I know the route well from trips to Malvern Fleamarket.

      My original copy of Lorna Doone was bought from Beauchops, the ironmongers at the parade of shops in our road when I was growing up. They had one room which was for "womens' stuff" - wool, bath cubes, talcum powder, etc and a shelf of Collins Childrens' Classics, and I used to spend my pocket money there on any book which might have a horse in. Enid Blyton was very disappointing and thrown down in disgust!

  4. Thank you for finding a moment to update us. I was so worried. Take care of yourself . Best wishes for Keith, it's good he is in a safe healing place right now.

    How shocking that the hospital is so far away! Yet another stress to handle. You are so strong and determined, you'll do well. I continue to send healing wishes and prayers for you all.


    1. We just want him to see our first grand-child. She is due in just 9 days now.

      We have a more local cottage type hospital, but it is more for elderly folk who have had falls, that sort of thing. Medical emergencies mean Hereford. This is what comes from living in Wales.

  5. I am so happy to hear that there are positive changes for Keith. May they continue! My best thoughts to you.

    1. I pray they do Debby, but it's early days yet and he is still very ill.

  6. Thank goodness for some good news, no matter how small. I think rest and recuperation must wait until that fluid is cleared, and as you say you don't want him picking up a hospital borne infection to boot. What on earth are they charging for the TV for???

    1. I am grasping at any little improvement. My poor man must be starving though and all the weight I'd got back on him will be melting off as he is just on a couple of small yoghurts a day . . . I am thinking of doing him scrambled eggs today and putting them in a thermos, and also taking him a travel mug of Earl Grey tea.

      They are charging for the tv because its provision is outsourced and the company can charge whatever they want for it - and indeed, do . . .

    2. something you might want to think about. Mum wasn't able to feed herself and the ward was horribly short staffed so I was given permission to go in for meal times to feed her. I always took in treats in too. It would take me two hours just to get her dinner in her!

    3. Hot cereal can be nice if you have a good thermos to keep things warm. Oatmeal, cream of wheat---add plenty of butter and brown sugar for taste and calories. And yes, scrambled eggs [w cheese melted in?] Hot chicken soup or broth too. Things friends brought m during one very long hospital stay. Sometimes the nurses will reheat foods in their breakroom microwave.

  7. I am so pleased to hear better news. You must be exhausted so I hope you got some sleep. You need to take care of yourself as well. Thinking of you.

  8. Hope the antibiotics kick in soon. It’s a worrying time for you all. Take care of yourself.

  9. Sad that you have to travel so far...but thus it is when one lives rurally. Friends on the Hebrides if Stornoway hospital can't cope have to be flown to Glasgow. We are so fortunate to be only 7 miles from our town hospital and and hour or so to Glasgow.

    Hope that there will be steady improvement for Keith

  10. The treatment sounds exhausting for him, but if it's working it's worth it for sure. I am still thinking about you all the time, but somehow all my comments seem to vanish.

    That amount of money for three days television is daylight robbery. It was the same when my Mum was in hospital last year, she decided that she would watch all her favourite morning programmes and save her magazines for the evening as she didn't want us to pay for her. Now she's back in I don't know what she will want to do.

  11. So glad to hear there are improvements...some positive momentum is needed. I understand your worries about secondary hospital's a very real risk. That fee for the telly is extortionate, good grief! I'm keeping up the good thoughts and well-wishes for you both...I hope you can have some time to rest and recuperate yourself.

  12. Oh, b*ll*cks! Sorry, I keep forgetting to identify myself! Blogger won't let me use my Google account for some strange reason. Melanie

  13. Sending lots of love J x Do they have Wi-Fi in hospitals? Could he watch things downloaded onto an iPad ? The television cost is outrageous , how on earth does the company that provides the ‘service’ justify it grrr!
    Danette xx
