

Jennie's recipes

Wednesday 13 March 2024


 Thankyou for all your kind thoughts and I'm sure you'll know I can't reply to them individually.  I have been all day at the Hospital with Keith whilst he was assessed etc. 9 hours in all.   He's had an X-ray which showed Pneumonia.  I have had to be by him all day as he struggled for breath, all the fluid in his lungs bubbling up into his throat, his chest heaving. I was trying not to cry and of course, my nose was streaming instead and I soon ran out of hankies.

Anyway, they put him on a nebuliser, which did seem to help a bit as he was breathing slightly more easily and looked a better colour and more alert when we left.  They were going to try and remove some of the gunk from his chest too so I hope that works.  We're all going in tomorrow to see him.  

The nice Dr took me to one side for one of "those" conversations, so I am under no illusions.  It could go either way.  

BTW, the Diazapam was Keith asking for it (from his arsenal of medications from the past).  It was the only thing which calmed the Parkinsons.  NOT ideal, but he was desperate and clearly scared because the thrashing around was making his breathing even worse.

I will keep you all posted.


  1. Try and rest Jen x Life is very difficult for you at the moment, Keith is in the best place and now he’s there one hopes more support is triggered for you all .
    I’m so sorry Danette xxx

  2. Thank you for the update. I know how exhausting it is to be in the hospital for all those hours waiting, answering questions, and talking to doctors, so from a place of love I'm telling you to look after yourself and let others do for you. Keith is in good hands.
    Keeping you in my prayers

  3. You need some tlc too xx hope the nebuliser helps clear Keith's lungs

  4. I hope the nebulizer works and that they can relieve his lungs of some of the fluid build up. You rest as much as you can. I am glad you have family there.

    God bless.

  5. It would seem there are great challenges with either outcome of Keith's illness. The urge toward living is strong, but he has to be very weary at this point. So difficult to watch someone's physical health and unique personality succumbing by inches. I hope you can rest, even if its in small snatches.

  6. Oh, my dear! What a time for you. I am glad your family is with you. Of course, as always, my best thoughts to you all.

  7. I'm so sorry. I missed your post yesterday. I hope Keith is doing better. I also hope you get some rest with your illness and exhaustion.

  8. Love and prayers for you both.

  9. I have lived through the same and remember how stressful and exhausting it is. I can only send you positive thoughts and my good wishes from Wiltshire. Take care.

  10. Thinking of you Jennie. Sarah x

  11. It's good that you got Keith into hospital - Fingers crossed everything they do will help.
    Lots more positive vibes coming your way

  12. I am so very sorry, I am a career for my husband too and know just how hard it is. Thinking of you both. All my love Oddny.

  13. I hope and pray that today is a better one for all of you, especially Keith.

  14. A hug from me and whichever way it goes. I know you will have the strength to cope.

  15. I have been where you are. I had never felt so terrified and exhausted in my life. I'm sending you love and supportive thoughts at this really difficult time, also from Wiltshire.

  16. Thinking of you all at this time. Hugs. Xx

  17. Sending continued love and well wishes to you both.

  18. Thank you for the update, thinking of you all x
    Alison in Wales x

  19. I hope that things improve for Keith. It's a difficult situation for him and you/family. Take care of yourself knowing he's being cared for by doctors/nurses.

  20. I hope today is better and that you both get some rest.

  21. Thinking of you, Keith, and all in your family.

  22. positive thoughts and healing prayers sent your way.
    I had pneumonia 6 months ago, walking around with it but the metal band around my chest suddenly went worse and so did the stabbing to my left lung. I have asthma too. I was stupid and didn't rest (too many animals) and ended up in hospital three times (i had pleurisy too and fractured ribs).

    Anyway, the antibiotics and steroids were really good and cleared the pneumonia. I am sure Keith will get better now he's been on a nebuliser.

  23. I can only hope he gets better, I've been in Hospital and know my wife was worried silly so I hope for the best

  24. Thinking of you both and sending you a virtual hug.
