

Jennie's recipes

Friday 22 March 2024

"I'm feeling stronger"

 This is what Keith told me today.  I am so pleased about that.  That is despite NOT having his breakfast of porridge two days running because the nurse on night duty didn't check his notes to see that he needs help to eat.  I was NOT amused and when the Dietician came in, made sure it wouldn't happen again.  A lovely nurse came in later and I told her the same, and she will make sure that the night nurse doesn't do it again.  She gave Keith the rice pudding with apple I took in yesterday.  I bought another instant porridge pot for him today and she will make that up if it ever happens again.

Isn't this spectacular?  A pure white cherry tree has now gone to the top of my wanted list.  Photographed today at Sugwas, after I took a lane off the main road so I could park up and take some Ibuprofen.  Boy did I need them - when I left the hospital and walked back to Morrisons, where I was parked, my legs felt like chewed string again and my breathing not as good as I'd like it to be.

My Magnolia stellata.

Anyway, Keith still has the wet oxygen mask on, so conversation was hard - mainly as I couldn't hear a damn thing over the noise of it.  Then a lovely young man came in to check Keith's vitals and I could barely understand a word he was saying as he had an accent, a mask, the tv was on and the oxygen hissing! AND my good ear is still suffering from sinus blocking.  The only bit I understood was Keith was to have a chest X-ray this afternoon to make sure he hadn't inhaled any food or drink.

Since getting back, we have all been out in the garden.  I took a mattock to the bank and dug a space for my new Paeony to go in, removing some wild Willow saplings at the same time.  D & E finished the first coat of green on the summerhouse and it's looking splendid.  Inside is going to be painted a deep claret colour, as deep colours are apparently soothing when you are having massage treatments.  I am going to prettify the plain white rolled up curtains in there with some patchwork material.  In fact, I may just go into Doughty's tomorrow and get a metre of something that will tie in well, for a border or to make simple blocks with a creamy-white print.

Just some of the many Primroses in my garden - these are top o'bank.

It was lovely to be out in the fresh air, and I think the little one will sleep well tonight as she's been running round like a Whippet!  I am going to wash my hair and settle down to watch something on tv whilst I quilt round the last few blocks on the Crawler Quilt.  No news from Tam and Jon yet about a new arrival. . .


  1. Isn't that cherry tree spectacular. We have just had a few days away in Somerset, beautiful grounds with wild anemones, primroses, garlic growing through the grass. Pleased to read Keith is getting better, although I bet you feel like a piece of chewed string. Fingers crossed for news soon on Tam's baby. Hugs Xx

  2. Pleased to hear that Keith is feeling stronger. How upsetting that the nurse didn't read the notes. What if a patient doesn't have family or anyone to advocate for them? Thankfully he has!
    The cherry tree is gorgeous!

  3. I am very happy that Keith is feeling stronger. Love that cherry tree.

    God bless.

  4. That cherry tree is gorgeous! as are your country lanes.... Glad your husband is feeling stronger. Keeping walking, it's the best thing you can do for yourself. It improves if you keep it up. Two of my dear older friends who lived into their 90's... when asked the secret to long contented life, their answers were... Keep Moving! And so I do.

  5. Maybe call the nurses'' station each morning at breakfast time? Tho my experience of nurses is they don't bother with ''small chores'' like feeding or bathing, etc. or other quality of life issues. Obviously your crew does not read charts.

    The primroses are so lovely. They do not grow outdoors here, I have never seen them naturalised like yours.

    RosiePosie! Any day now, girl.


  6. Good news J x hoping today has been another positive one too. And little babe due anytime as well! You will fall apart I think when you hold that wee one for the first time, let your emotions just go for it, that exact moment won’t be repeated , savour it Danette xx
