

Jennie's recipes

Thursday 21 March 2024

Quick update

 Tonight I'm the one not feeling too clever.  All the driving has got to me and it's quite a strain being there for Keith whilst I'm sat with him.  I'm normally there 2 1/2hrs or so, and give him little sips of drink, feed him, chat etc etc.  He couldn't chat today because he had the full oxygen mask on to give him moistened oxygen to try and get rid of the last phlegm in his chest, which had become thick and sticky and stuck in his throat.  I couldn't understand what he was saying because of the noise of the tv and the oxygen, and he had to spell out a few words for me.  Anyway, he ate quite well an enjoyed his cheesy jacket potato at lunchtime, though it was a really big one and he couldn't eat all of it.  He is down to less thick water now (just one scoop thickener) which has cheered him up, but been told his next swallow test is Monday - not so cheering.

Before setting off today I had a 45 minute walk along the valley, seeing what flowers were starting to put out leaves and flowers and just listening to the bird song.  No Chiff Chaffs yet but they should be here any day (or perhaps they were just miming this morning!)  Talking of birds, there are some White Egrets in the water meadows beside the Wye on the lane between Llyswen and Glasbury.   I was hoping to take a photo today as there were half a dozen of them, but on the way back they had shifted further up the valley and I saw them out of the side window and had driven on as it registered - no-where to park there.

Anyway, here is a photo of the first Stitchwort in flower this morning.


  1. That is an exhausting schedule, no wonder you are flagging. Sending very best wishes your way - and I hope the cats have managed to agree a peace deal, little tykes.

    1. I am feeling shattered by the time I get home now. I will do it for as long as I need to though, hospital days are so long and he is quite depressed at still being in hospital, being injected and bothered by nurses, though of course it is all essential.

      As for the cats, Shadow clearly not scarred for life, as he keeps wanting to come downstairs into the kitchen!

  2. Good to have a walk as well. You need it

    1. It did help me. Will try and get a walk today too, but I want to get into Hereford early - and leave before it gets busy late afternoon.

  3. Good to hear of Keith's progress. Hope you have a deep, restful, and sound sleep tonight. Remember to be kind to yourself.

    1. I did actually sleep very well. I have a little "me-time" first thing in the morning as going to bed early means I wake early too and am downstairs before 6 a.m. most mornings.

  4. It’s awful being on the sidelines and not being able to help you J. You need looking after too. I can’t think that Keith would mind if you had a quiet day at home, you can actually relax because he’s being taken care of, I’m sure when you get him home you will be running around like a mad thing so your battery must recharge a little dear friend. Tell D and E you need to be left alone in the nicest way and go back to bed with a cup of tea and doze and when you get up go and have a long bath. Simple things but they boost and anything that does that must be a priority for you. You’ve driven hundreds of miles this past week and need to rest. Bossy lecture over x x big hugs
    Danette xx

    1. I know if you lived closer, you would be visiting to give moral support. It helps just reading your comments (well, everyone's come to that) over the ether. I am still trying to shake off the chest infection but chest is still "productive" and I could do with not coughing! Fed up with it - 3 weeks in . . . E has done the housework for me, bless her, and D went out for chips for everyone when I was asleep, so that was a quick meal last night. I just had chips but got Linda McCartney veggie burgers for a couple of meals this week.

  5. The stress and effort. the long drive, the worry--all must take their toll. Sending warm thoughts of rest and hope to you, healing prayers for Keith.


    1. Spot on Lizzy. I will survive, but gosh, feel like I need a week on a desert island with memory wipeout so I wouldn't worry and fret about Keith!

  6. Daily travelling takes it out of you. I don't drive and did 8 weeks of daily visiting for Dad. Mum only managed a couple days a week as it was too much for her. Then I did six weeks every day with Mum before she went into care when all I could manage was 3 days a week as it was a 7:30 a.m. start returning home around 4:00 p.m. with an hour and a half with Mum. And I was five years younger then too! It's stressful, but then if you cut back visiting that brings on guilt. It's a no win situation. At the end of the day you have to find the balance which will help you keep your strength for when Keith comes home. It isn't easy, as the primary care giver you will always be on a guilt trip! Sending healing light to guide your own healing and support mechanisms.

  7. Lots of good advice, rest for a bit and take it easy. Walking is good, oxygen is a good healer and all those wild spring flowers will be making an appearance.

  8. Hospital visiting is very tiring even without the long drive. I used to start yawning after about an hour!
    Take care of yourself too - good to get the fresh air of a walk.
    Wishing Keith much more improvement before Monday so he passes the test and come come home

  9. I'm sure that walk was wonderfully restorative...though it sounds like you're needing a lot more than that. I empathize deeply -- all of the travel, compounded with the caregiving is an enormous strain on one's resources. I do hope Keith can come home soon and you can get some well-deserved rest of your own. Melanie
