

Jennie's recipes

Monday 11 March 2024

Mother's Day

 I had a nice one.  T&J came over with the riser chair, which works really well for Keith and is a great help.  I had a sit on it last night and have to say, sitting there with your legs up is very relaxing.  I am checking there are no kittens in the works before it moves though!  Danny bought me a pretty Moth Orchid, and cooked a roast and Gabby phoned.  A relaxing day.

Emma is working in Carmarthen for two days now, so I have "I", though she has a Dance Class later on.  We will bake a cake this morning.

On Wednesday I'm going to see Tam now she has given up work to await the arrival of Rosie-posie.  Her feet and ankles have been swelling, and her Carpel Tunnel problems haven't eased much.  She will be glad when the baby has arrived although of course that brings a whole NEW set of challenges!  

I have risen to the Elderberry Bunny challenge and am now half way up her body.  One slight error as I did one too many rows of plain so now she has a garter!  Hopefully it will be hidden by her dress :)  I am hopeless at ripping back on knitting and didn't want to totally mess it up.  Head next.  I have also found much of a teddy that I was given by my friend Annie's daughter after her mum had died.  Annie had knitted the head, and I've done the jacket and then remember making a big boo-boo on the body, so it got abandoned.  Now I have a reason to return to it.

The sticky-out bits with holes are the feet.  You sew up the holes later, the instructions say.

Shadow was downstairs this morning and after a little hissing from Lulu the warrior, he mooched around exploring.  Alfie will be the real challenge but they met at a distance yesterday and I made a fuss of Alfie, handed out Dreamies, and so far so good.

Sarah - you have led me astray - just been over to Ebay to order Mexican Fleabane seeds!!!


  1. I hope Keith gets on with his riser recliner. I love mine and would hate to be without now. They don't come cheap, but I did get mine 50% off in a sale at Vincent Davies. Don't forget to apply for your VAT relief, will you?

  2. He seemed to last night - just so long as I can insist on his foam pad which he seemed to think he didn't need last night! WRONG. Ours was £100 from Jon's mum (it was her mum's and hardly used). Being careful with the pennies here - we are so used to buying from auction and never paying full price if we can help it! You got a very good deal on yours anyway.

  3. Sounds like a lovely day. You are blessed w wonderful children, good job!

    I ve knitted all my life, since about age ten--I can t imagine knitting a bunny or a teddy, so hard. They will be delightful.

    1. My mum knitted, but wasn't very good at it. Just taught me the basics and I have learned improved ways (casting on for example). The bunny was a bit full on with all the stitch increases into the first row but I managed.

  4. My friends Dad had one of those chairs and loved it. Meant he could get up for the most part on his own. I can hardly wait to see the finished Bunny.

    God bless.

    1. I just hope Keith can soon be downstairs again and able to enjoy it. Bunny - so far - is better than messed-up quilt . . .
