

Jennie's recipes

Monday 11 March 2024

Can't stop coughing, and a challenging day ahead

 Danny is out all day today - has to work in the office and then wait for Emma to finish her massages before heading back.  Won't be here till 9 ish.  I have little " I" to care for and put to bed.  I also have the rubbish to put out (it didn't get done last week because I was prostrate on the sofa all day) and I have to go into town to pick up Keith's prescriptions, so will have "I" in tow.

Keith couldn't walk at all yesterday (Danny had to practically carry him up the stairs on Sunday night).  This virus has stopped his meds working.  He was in bed, and will be in bed all day today too.  I need to get in touch with the District nurses to ask about turning him (on my own).  Of course he wants to be sitting up straight so he can watch tv.   He's eating and drinking ok but I worry about bedsores and have been slathering him in cream.  I am also worried that there may be no comeback from this, he may not be able to walk again.

One positive, we have confirmation of the acceptance for carers twice a day.  Need to phone up today to see when this commences.

Meanwhile, I can't sleep for coughing - it's 3.30 and I've been awake two hours now.  I'm running on about 65% in the daytime - tomorrow with 3 hours less sleep, it will be worse.  What fun . . .


  1. Oh I'm so sorry Keith is doing poorly. I hope he can walk again. It's good to read that carers have been approved, and if they start soon without delay all the better. It's too much for just you when your son's away. Your cough sounds nasty. When I can't sleep I remind myself of my mother's words: snuggle in bed, close your eyes, lay and rest. I hope it would help you even just a little, though sleep is what you need. Rest.

    1. It's not ideal timing, I have to say. My cough is starting to suggest it is a chest infection brewing, which I could do without. The cough is from having mucus deep in my lungs which keeps "tickling" and I can't seem to shift it, although occasional puffs of my Ventolin inhaler help.

  2. Poor you. There is a lot on your plate without coughing your lungs up. Will 'I' eventually go to a nursery school? There is one good thing, you are not miles up a hill in Wales. Take care.

    1. "I" will be starting infants' school in September. It's just over a mile away. Our kids used to get picked up/dropped off at the gate by the school taxi as they were just outside the 3 mile zone from the school.

  3. Coughs seem to go on for ages, they're tiring and trying especially when you have others to care for. I found Covonia cough medicine helped.

  4. So sorry you have a testing day ahead. I hadn't realised you still had to get Keith upstairs for bed - very hard work.

  5. I've not had a cough like this for a long time. Will check out the Covonia today as I have to go to Boots for K's prescriptions.

    1. It's usually available in supermarkets too. Fingers crossed you get better soon.

  6. Parkinson's is a B***H and I can only hope you are wrong about no way back. Honestly, after caring for Mum with Alz and now having PD myself, I don't know which is the worst. Each is most heinous in their own way. I had to suffer the indignity of a friend's public repulsion toward me yesterday. She is now my ex friend.

  7. Oh dear, I am sorry to hear you are both struggling again. The lack of sleep for you must be so hard when you have such a poorly husband and a pre-schooler to look after. Benylin used to be the gold standard as an expectorant cough medicine. I was reminded of this while collecting S’s prescription and the pharmacist recommended Benylin to the person in front of me. Our pharmacy would deliver S’s prescription, I wonder if yours offers this service? I am constantly looking for ways to make my life easier and my latest innovation is installing (all by myself!) a Fox Radar device on our oil tank which links to an App on my phone and to our oil delivery company so no more dipping a bamboo cane and keeping a written note of the level and thinking about the optimum time to order oil as the oil company will automatically top up the oil when necessary. It is forecast to be heavy rain today but I have celeriac, carrot and apple soup to make, my sourdough levain to tend and scones to make with the sourdough discard. Yesterday morning after my truly excellent yoga class I came home with a kilo of braising steak from the butcher and together we turned it into a delicious beef casserole. The beef came from the herd of beef cattle that graze nearby. S browned the freshly diced steak while I prepped shallots, onions, carrots and baby turnips and I used a bottle of local beer as my liquid, bay leaf and thyme from the garden, flour, rapeseed oil and a splash of red wine to deglaze the frying pan used to brown the beef, brought up to the bubble and into a 150 degree oven for two hours. We had it with mashed potato and chard from the garden and it was mouth-wateringly delicious. In the afternoon we had a walk together at the RSPB reserve and sat in one of the hides watching a coil of wigeon grazing on the grass, we also saw snipe and several pairs of lapwing on the water and stonechat in the scrub but we missed seeing the pair of Sea Eagles by about 40 mins. We also collected three books I’d reserved from the library - the latest Mick Herron espionage thriller “The Secret Hours” for S, Katherine Rundell’s biography of John Donne for me and a book by Emily Kenway about Carers and Caring which goes into some detail about the Challenges. I am nowhere near the level of care that you are providing but I know it will come. Keep strong BB. You are doing your utmost and K is very lucky to have you but you must take care of yourself. Sarah x

  8. That’s good news about the carers BB x sorry to read you are unwell again, it’s hard battling through days when you are firing in all cylinders let alone when fighting illness. I’m sure you will make it though the day, we somehow pull it out of the bag against what feels like all odds sometimes. A little idea for I on challenging days is to keep a box of little bits that she only has on those times. Just little things- tiny models, small dolls, tiny creatures etc . Anything in miniature really! If it’s kept as a novelty the task of unpacking it all and rediscovering it again will more than keep her occupied for a bit.then it gets packed away for the next tricky day! Danette xx

  9. Oh no, just when things seemed better. I hope the home help shows up very soon and is reliable. Is there no a paid nursery program or playgroup [church, town hall?] for I to attend? Daycare? My kids went from 6 months on, even tho I had full time nannies too.///Cough may need antibiotics? Feel better!

  10. I am so sorry that things have gone backwards for Keith. Hopefully this is just a bit of a set back. I also hope that your cough disappears soon so you can get the rest you need.

    God bless.

  11. Hugs and love. Hope you feel better soon. Glad you are getting carers.
