

Jennie's recipes

Sunday 17 March 2024

Nearer the door out

My family are home - Danny is modelling a cushion . . .  The new Mushroom look!

    Keith went in a private room today, near the exit.  Not a moment too soon as the flasher opposite has now been put in quarantine - e.g. they pulled the curtains round him! - after 24 hours without  . . .  Gabby bought K some more tv credits or else he would be sat there looking at a brick wall as that is the view from his new room. . .  I am glad that I decided to go first thing this morning, as he said a couple of times how pleased he was I had turned up.  I spoke to Dr and she said until SALT had seen him tomorrow to check his swallow reflex, he had to have the thickened water etc.  A nurse came in and took the let down gloop away (he'd had some though, before she came) and made it up with two spoonfuls of thickener so it was like wallpaper paste again.  Poor Keith, I really feel for him.  Gabby and I both got yoghurts down him and I will take him manderin jellies tomorrow as those are nicely set and have water in.  He's on minimal oxygen now, and had the cannula in one arm taken out, so progress.

    Keith did really well for the physio (lovely girl who grew up in Singapore) and moved his legs over the bed, and helped himself sit at the edge and then even stood up, a tiny bit wobbly, for a while.  His chest is much better, so let's hope there's no relapse.

Hay Bluff below (photographed today).

On the way home, I went to the Farm Shop (V. expensive) - e.g. £3.99 for a cauliflower! I bought a gigantic sausage roll, but I couldn't eat it all, it was SO full of meat, and allowed myself a wander round their garden centre.  Fatal.  I resisted a Pulmonaria Sissinghurst (white Lungwort) at £8.99 - thought I would get seeds instead - but bought 4 more young perennials for £10 the 4.  Photos tomorrow, promise.

I have had an hour pottering in the greenhouse for the first time, starting off Purple French Beans, Cucumber Tanya, Tomato Green Zebra, and some sweet peppers (California Wonder).  They're in the propogators on the south facing windowsill.  The French Beans required heat this time of year, but I will start more off just in the greenhouse. Just wanted an early picking.

I also got two Bellis perrenis this week, so put them in on the steps today, along with a Campanula and another white Saxifrage.  Looks good already and has cheered me up.

I've got a good-looking loaf of bread in the bottom steam oven and am looking forward to some when it has cooled sufficiently.  Tea will be something from the freezer.  Hope the car doesn't play me up tomorrow - two days running it has declined to start in the hospital car park . . . Will get the garage to check the battery terminal connections in the morning.


  1. Hugs and Love. Glad you had a good visit with Keith.

  2. I am so glad that Keith's breathing is better. That is a frightening sensation, not being able to breathe properly. I like Danny's hat. If he falls on his head, he will be protected!

  3. Fresh bread is the perfect comfort food. I'm glad things are moving along. I have a lot of respect for physiotherapists. I thought they would address his mobility and I'm happy this is the case. Unfortunately they are all so overworked you can never be sure these days. Also very happy you got into the greenhouse.

  4. Good news Keith has a private room, hopefully the diet issues can be sorted out next. That’s a fabulous photo of Danny lol , it looks like a nice cushion too x Danette

  5. What happened to a nice fresh cauli for 35p? Looks like they put the decimal point in the wrong place.
    Dad hated the thickeners in fluid too. Hopefully SALT will approve to do away with it tomorrow.
    So Danny looks like a fungi {fun guy, sorry}

    1. Ah, but these were locally grown . . . They looked lovely but I couldn't afford that for one. I'm praying that SALT let him go back on normal drinks etc now.

      Love the pun!

  6. Very good news that Keith is doing better. Hopefully they'll move him right out the exit to home soon! Great photo of DEI. The "hat" needs some tassels all around to complete the magician look!

    1. We will have a different set of problems when he gets home, but we'll cope with them, I'm sure.

      I couldn't resist that photo!

  7. Hope you get Keith home very, very soon. The thickened drink sounds just so bad.
    Not sure the cushion look will catch on!

  8. So pleased Keith is feeling a bit better and now has a private room. I love farm shops but heck they are so expensive. Glad to hear you've done some gardening and tried out your new greenhouse.

  9. Glad to hear Keith is feeling better. The thickened foods don’t seem very palatable. I’m sure they will send Keith home soon - they will need the bed. Glad you had some time in the greenhouse, I must do the same and get the veg started.

  10. Danny looks very fetching in his 'cushion sombrero'. :-)

    It's nice to hear that Keith is a little bit better and things are improving slightly. xx

  11. So glad Keith is away from the flasher (for multiple reasons!) and that he's feeling better and more mobile. Sending good thoughts that he can be allowed proper water....that gloopy stuff sounds horrid...and hopefully be discharged soon. We're relapsing into winter again here - picking snow today - so your seed-starting and plant-buying is so lovely to hear. ~ Melanie
