

Jennie's recipes

Sunday 17 March 2024

Night-time thoughts

 Of course, I always wake in the night for the loo, and find it hard to get back to sleep.  I decided I would go in today and be the early shift, and leave when Gabby gets there.  I also want to speak to the Dr about their "query inhalation" and putting him on gloop.  Especially since when he had waited 8 hrs in A&E back in November for his X-ray they found him ok.  He HADN'T inhaled food- the noise the ambulance crew found on his lungs was the remains of his Covid chest infection.  I am going to insist on him having plain unadulterated water to drink as he was getting dehydrated yesterday.  Yes - they measure everything going in and out of him - but no-one came near to top up his water whilst we were there.  

I feel slightly better today but am annoyed to find I have put on a pound in weight so 10 1/2 stone is not as close. I am 10st 10 now.  That's what comes of eating crisps of an evening when I'd run out of bread yesterday.  I was going to bake first thing but will do it when I come back.

I was home alone last night as Emma is on a climbing course up in North Wales and Danny went up to stay with her/go out for a meal.  Originally they were all going, but obviously Keith being in hospital made Danny decide to stay here.  "I" is with her father.  

Stalemate with cats, although Pippi and Shadow had a barney last night and as I came in they were tussling on the floor - I shouted - and he fled up the stairs with Pippi in hot pursuit.  These wee kittens are brave as lions - he's twice their size!

Thank you for all your support.  Back later.


  1. I'm inclined to agree with you over this being infection related not aspirated food related but I suppose they have to blame it on something. One would hope for better. As for them allowing Keith to dehydrate, that is inexcusable and we both know does not aid recovery.
    Have you thought about making a milk jelly? Full cream milk for building him up with a sugar free jelly? You have to be so careful with soup in a thermos as it can apparently cause food poisoning if it contains milk. Would the nursing staff put soup from home in the popty ping for you?
    Why is it after my personal experiences with Mum and Dad, listening to what others have said, and now your experiences that I feel a book could be written to guide family members through the proceedures and protocols, and how to help when having a loved one in hospital.

    1. I was told that the blood results showed he had both a viral infection and a pneumococcal one. He couldn't have normal food or drink until SALT had seen him tomorrow, but we tried. He has to have his swallowing reflex assessed first. I managed to get a quality rhubarb and custard yoghurt down him, and he had half of his pudding but wouldn't even try the foul looking brown and white "cottage pie". Don't blame him.

      I will get him ordinary jelly in pots for tomorrow (all sugar I know, but fluid too). Milk jelly when he's home.

  2. Good for you making a plan for Keith - it's better to have rehearsed what you want to say.
    Take care of yourself x
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Read my reply above - didn't get us anywhere. He is SO fed up. Gabby got another fruit yoghurt down him, and he has these chocolate protein drinks but they dry his mouth out. Can't wait to get him home.

  3. Good idea about the jelly for fluids. The rhubarb and custard yogurt sounds tasty, not something I would find in my little backwater. I am trying to stop the brain racing in nightime hours and have hit on listening to audio books. There is a woman reading the Alan Bradley Flavia de Luce books whose voice is very soothing and I drop off quite quickly. Fortunately I've discovered how to set the timer on the recording so I don't miss too much of the story. I hope everything worked out well for you today.

  4. When my dad was in extended care they put that stuff in his drinks and it was like trying to drink jello. He loved sparkling water and we had taken several bottles in for him but they wouldn't let him have it. They said he coughs and splutters when he drinks anything. I said he's coughed and spluttered for years! I had the medical power of attorney so I had to sign a paper saying he could have his drinks WITHOUT that glue stuff in it but they still said a family member had to be there to give it to him. Myself or one of my three brothers were always there for every meal so he could have a proper cup of coffee and some of his sparkling water!!
