

Jennie's recipes

Saturday 16 March 2024

Quick update

 The Physio came round when Danny and I were there today.  He listened to Keith's chest, pummelled his back and then heard him cough, listened to his lungs again and said they were sounding pretty clear - just a little faint crackle towards the bottom.  They also changed from an oxygen mask to a nasal canula. That's the positives.  The negative is the food and trying to get him to drink water the thickness of glue.  He is so thirsty but struggles with the wallpaper paste they call water.  I spoke to the nurse and told her again that his pneumonia was down to a chest  infection because we'd all had a nasty cold.  They still had "query food inhalation" on his notes because he had choked on food back in November and had to go in for an X-Ray (which showed it hadn't happened).  Anyway, I let down the "glue" with some fresh water and Keith was able to slake his thirst.  Dinner today was equally hideous - carrot-shaped carrot puree, mash and three strange triangular objects which Keith told me were turkey!  He couldn't eat it because it had arrived at the same time as the physio, and congealed as he was worked on.  He enjoyed the Muller cherry Bliss I took in and Gabby is going tomorrow with more and some protein drinks and some chicken soup.  She is ready to take up the baton . . .

The flasher opposite had a blanket tied round his waist today so clearly the nurses had got fed up with his shenanigans!

Today I was the one who was poorly.  Dan and I were up early and away around 8 a.m. and went to have a look round the shops - I needed new walking trainers.  It was lovely - and quiet - in the Cathedral, but when we came out I felt really chilled and unwell.  I walked over to the rack of warm quilted jackets in the sale and promptly got one, coat length, reduced from £81 to £32!!  I wore it straight away and it was like having a centrally-heated hug.  I got Keith 3 new t-shirts which are about to go in the wash, and then chose a pair of walking trainers, trotted round in them, and that was job done.  I've been on the sofa asleep under a heated blanket since we got back with Alfie on my feet for added heat.  Now it's an instant Tesco prawn curry, which is calling loudly!

Hope your weekend is going well.  I am still praying we can get Keith home soon and he doesn't get another infection.


  1. I still am sending healing love and wishes for you both--you all! So nice that you got some warm new clothes on sale, so needed and comforting.

    Can they not give Keith IV fluids and calories while in hospital? I was in once for two months, never was given food or water, just IV fluids. I used to sneak water from the bathroom sink tho. Poor guy,he'll have to choke down the very odd foods. Gabby's chicken soup will be such a treat too.

    Take good care of yourself. Best wishes to Tam on exciting arrival soon, baby Rosie!

    1. I hardly ever buy clothes - just purchase what I actually need, rather than any going out clothes - as I never go out! Keith has been on IV fluids since being in the ambulance. They took him off a couple of days ago and gave him water instead BUT it's pointless thickening it. I wouldn't drink it either - or eat the rubbish they serve up.

      I have been told off for calling the baby Rosie in advance - and Tam has also said they have 42 days to decide before they HAVE to register the birth. Oooh, bossy daughters. But she's still Rosie to me and probably will be even if they call her Thea or their other choice which I've forgotten.

  2. I’m not surprised you feel rotten. Hopefully a good sleep will help a little bit but I expect you could do with a peaceful few months not hours after all life’s been throwing at you x Don’t get me started on the appalling state of hospital food. I’ve heard cases of some folk just being offered toast for days and their relatives having to bring in meals from home,
    Certainly more nutritious but it adds extra worry and bother when they have enough already with having a loved one in hospital! Tell T to take an enormous bag of easy to open/eat things as she will need it too. Glad Gabby is taking the baton now, try and rest J xxx

    1. Driving 90 miles every day is a bit of an ask for my poor legs - my calf muscles have been aching from it. Yesterday was a chilled-to-the-bone feeling - my fault for not wearing my warmer jacket, but it needed a wash. New coat SO snug and now I know what my horse felt like when I tucked him up in his winter rug to be turned out.

      Hospital food is - in Keith's words - "gopping". An Army expression I believe. Even when others in the ward had fish and chips they all left the fish! Gabby has bought some fortified drinks too and I shall take smoothies in for him and the mascarpone type fruit yoghurts he likes.

      I hadn't thought to tell T to go self-catering too. Will message her!!

  3. Our hospitals really do need to pull their fingers out where food and nutrition are concerned. When I studied nutrition one of the issues addressed was the importance of an attractive appetising and balanced diet in aiding recovery. Interrupting meal times really should not be permitted when a meal is lost as a result. At least Keith has you to intervene and take some supplementary food to him, many are not so lucky. As you might guess, this is a sore point with me having had to intervene on behalf of both parents.
    I hope you are feeling better now. You may be experiencing delayed shock. Be gentle on yourself.

    1. I thought at one point they had Prue Leith or one of the tv chefs on board (Jamie Oliver?) Obviously never reached Wales.

      You had this twice over. I am sure my family will be helping me if I end up in Hospital too.

      I hadn't thought of delayed shock. I think it was more dehydration as not able to drink driving 1 1/2 hours each way, and the bottle I took with me was drunk whilst I was with Keith. Better today and kidneys no longer hurting.

  4. Make the most of any time you have for rest. Regarding Keith, in Canada the occupational therapists are responsible for "swallowing assessments", is this a thing in the UK? Might be worth asking. I was actually told before admission pre-op that the hospital food was not adequate for healing and either I or my family could access meal replacement drinks from the ward 'fridge. Regardless of added vitamins basically they were still sugar! Fortunately my husband found a healthy cafe which made sugar free veggie smoothies and no added sugar fruit ones. It was an added expense but oh so worth it. I call in to your blog when I get up in the morning, your late afternoon, to see if there is an update. I am hoping soon to see a discharge plan, preferably to your local hospital until you can get all the needed supports in place. Hugs.

    1. I decided I would start watching Silent Witness from the start last night, so I have a huge run of episodes (27 series to catch up on!) I had planned to sew today, but probably hospital instead unless Gabs talks me out of it.

      Bless you for keeping in touch and I promise to update regularly.

  5. You have been under a great deal of stress. That alone will weaken you immune system.

    1. Absolutely spot on. I'll take Magnesium, Vit. B complex and Vit. D now. I'm the only one who can care for me, though Dan and Emma have been brilliant support.

  6. I'm also waiting for baby news!

    1. Me too - I hardly dare phone in case she's in labour! They said with my nerves, I wouldn't hear until baby had arrived, so that way I couldn't worry!

  7. I am still sending healing vibes for Keith, and you. I don't doubt you are not feeling well as you are stressed and spending lots of time with Keith in a hospital environment. Probably not resting very well as I know I wouldn't be in the same situation as you.

    God bless.

    1. Bless you Jackie. Stress doesn't help and I have had no time to just sit down and try and heal myself. Didn't help that on the day Keith went into hospital (only Wednesday but seems a lifetime ago), I had to drop everything and go in the ambulance and forgot to take an anti-biotic that day, so I will need to have some of the other packet as a longer course. I was awake, worrying, in the night too so could have done without that.

  8. You so badly needed that warmth and rest after a rough week. Hopefully things will soon sort into a manageable pattern--probably not ideal at this point in Keith's illness, but once he can come home, have decent food and the joy of the new baby, at least this particular crisis will diminish.

    1. Oh gosh yes, I have NEVER felt that sort of warm hug from a coat before - like it was centrally heated. Not the most flattering - it has made me look a stone heavier, which is annoying when that is how much weight I've lost since having Covid - but I don't care.

      I have decided to go back in and support Keith until Gabs gets there. Can't wait to get him home and healing properly.

  9. I hope you get Keith home again very soon - Hospitals are not nice places anymore
