

Jennie's recipes

Wednesday 20 March 2024

Slow progress . . .

 . . . but Keith wishes it were all in turbo-drive as he just wants home - he'd settle for being allowed to drink water instead of thick disgusting gloop.  I gave him a few teaspoonfuls of plain water as his mouth was so dry, and he was ok with that.  He sees the SALT lady tomorrow so I hope he can at least get down to one teaspoonful of thickener, as he is eating well and managing to swallow no problems there.

    He sat out for a little while today but the chair back was too upright and he was put back in after 15 mins or so and a chair with a supportive neck area will be supplied instead.  Sitting upright certainly helped him to cough more - in bed he is nothing like as upright of course.  I took him in scrambled egg in a Contigo mug and he enjoyed that.  He had two tubs of ice cream at lunch but before that just the tiniest taster of the meal on offer and he said no more!  Tiny bits of ham in a white sauce with GREEN BITS in.  Can't have GREEN BITS!  Gabby visited today too and gave him some of the cherry-topped yoghurt, and apple rice pudding she'd bought, and he enjoyed those. Obviously he needs more meals rather than just desserts but anything to keep him going right now will have to do.

    I always hate to leave him but after 2 or 3 hours he gets very tired.  The physio girls were very pleased with him today, so again, a step in the right direction.

    Spring has certainly arrived and every day shows the trees and hedgerows starting to green up - mostly Hawthorn yet - but there are signs of other early-flowering trees setting out their wares, masses of daffodils and many beautiful Magnolias and Forsythia bushes along the way.  That brings a smile to my face.

    I had a lovely chat with Little Lin today (we're friends from 2ndary school).  Putting the world to rights, and just two words (wiper-blade) - Danny needs to replace one - brought back a memory from our 20s, instantly, for both of us!

    One negative today - I came home to find that there had been a cat fight - Shadow had come down and ventured as far as the front hall, whereupon he was attacked by Lulu, Pippi AND Alfie.  What rotters they are.  A pile of black and white hair by the front door and a very disgruntled Shadow who has retired back upstairs, where it's safer.  

    Praying that tomorrow brings more improvements for Keith. Thank you all for your kind comments.


  1. It sounds like Keith is going in the right direction...and could be home as Spring opens up.
    Oh politics!!

    1. There would be some problems coming straight home, but nothing we can't deal with.

      Cat politics -well, Shadow not too bothered by yesterday's spat, and has come back for more this morning! Let's hope we can get them amicable SOON.

      Hope Pirate is soon responding to the a-b's.

  2. Pleased to see the word "progress" but it sounds a long and hard road.

    1. A road with a few Hereford potholes thrown in, but we will do our best to avoid them.

  3. Cat politics! That made me laugh! Yes, Keith is definitely headed in a good direction, and I am glad to hear it.

    1. Oh the swearing involved in cat politics! I suspect the air was navy blue yesterday!! It would happen when I wasn't here to notice who was where and when.

      Will have to remember to ask them to provide a foam cushion for his bottom to avoid pressure sores when he's sitting out.

  4. It's such a worry, keeping our loved ones well fed with good, nutritious food when for reasons out of our control we can't. I've faced this with both Mum and Dad. As you say, it's all about keeping things going. At least you are allowed to take food in. Everything crossed for an early return home.

    1. It is indeed a worry. I shall take scrambled eggs in again today and a good rice pudding (boughten). I should think the nutritional value of the hospital meals - even if he ate them - would not be very high.

  5. I’m sorry about my suggestion for Lower Brockhampton - I had hoped it was en route for Hereford for you but obviously you must not add to your driving burden, especially with the state of the roads. I feel sorry for Highways - they are facing an almost impossible task after this winter’s weather. Thank you for the quilting needle notes. My right hand, my dominant sewing hand, is fine because I always wear a silver thimble on my middle finger, it’s my left hand that holds the underneath of the quilt and has to feel for the point of the needle as it comes through and is guided back up that gets pricked to some extent with each stitch. I was taught to feel for the point of the needle when learning to hand quilt to ensure the tiniest stitches are made. I have found Kate at the Last Homely House (did Thelma link to her? ) and I am enjoying her garden pond videos more than the quilting ones. Yesterday was the first warm sunny day and I was busy outside all day apart from my hour long swim at lunchtime. Today we are going to give the meadow an all-over mow and that will be it until end of August - apart from mowing the perimeter, the winding path through the middle and the grass around the oil tank and wood store. We will share the mowing today as I am keen to keep S mowing as long as possible. My garden grass cutter said he could tractor cut it and that’s an option for the future but for now while we can we will - and our eGo battery mower does a brilliant job. Nowadays our meadow is more perennial wildflower than grass - currently dotted with daisies and celandine and down by the gate into the old drove road there’s a big area of primroses growing under the shade of an old oak tree - and yes the hedges are suddenly turning the softest shade of green. Hope K continues to improve slowly but surely. Now it is about ensuring you have all the aids and help you need in place at home before he is discharged. Look after yourself BB and I hope you too are having time in the garden to calm your mind and soothe your soul. Sarah x

    1. Oh no, I would LOVE to go there. Given a sunny day I may well, but this wretched chest infection won't shift and I've not got time to go to the GP. It's wearing me down, along with all the driving/concentration needed for driving in a busy town, although the route in and out is becoming automatic now. Out of town, more concentration needed to avoid the blardy potholes!

      I too have my hand underneath to feel for the needle but manage to avoid being too poked. I have been watching Kate at The Last Homely House most mornings, and stitch a bit more of Tam's crawler quilt whilst I watch. Very restful. I have popped over to her garden videos too - and loved her cabin and the patchwork stencils on the wall.

      Progress in your garden - it sounds so lovely. We have masses of wild Primroses in the garden here - very cheering. I have seeds coming through on the windowsill and am longing to get out there but until Keith's home, I am very short on time and energy.

  6. It is slow progress but at least it's progress. I hope that he can come home soon, as long as it's safe for him to do so. My Mum is exactly the same, every visit she pleads that she just wants to go home, and go home NOW. But she has to get a bit better first and we have to have systems and care in place to ensure she doesn't end up back in hospital in a matter of weeks, and sadly she just can't see that.

    1. Sorry your mum is in and hope she is able to be back at home soon. It's such a worry and horrid for you to tell her she can't come home yet.
